• hope
      614 months ago

      I assumed the meme referred to all the interviews being done at CPAC right now.

      • stinerman [Ohio]
        114 months ago

        Taylor Lorenz did a very big disservice to herself by interviewing the LibsOfTikTok lady.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        I’m in favor. Expose the rot. Too much of the US citizenry doesn’t understand the threat these people pose. It takes them actually showing their stripes to understand what’s at stake.

        • @[email protected]
          64 months ago

          To underscore this, NBC did an article about the presence of self-identified Nazis and similar worst of the worst undesirables at CPAC. CPAC disputed that they were there by invitation, but it’s hard to not see it as a plus that NBC is holding their feet to the fire.

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      Ideologically speaking, in the broad senses of “socialism, liberalism, and fascism,” yes, Tucker pretends to be a liberal. That is what American conservativism should be conserving, as that’s what the American Experiment is, liberalism.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      I was just imagining him holding Putin over a fire, while Reddit looks on and shouts, “cast him into the flames!”

      • @samus12345
        14 months ago

        Why reddit in particular?

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          …while Lemmy.ml chant in the background, “hero! Hero!”, and Truth Social make paper aeroplanes of money and toss them into the general vicinity, and Facebook is scrambling up the mountainside shouting, “I’m going to save him!” “No! I’ll push him in;” and

          Nah, I’ve no idea. Just what came to mind in the moment

  • go $fsck yourself
    734 months ago

    I don’t understand the memes connection between liberals and fascism.

    • @mumblerfish
      224 months ago

      Maybe like in Sweden, where the liberals went from calling themselves proud of being called the enemies of fascism, saying they will hide refugees if made illegal, to just straight up calling it “liberal politics actually”, and are now collaborating with them to form a government. Crazy how that happens every time.

      • @agitatedpotato
        124 months ago

        The difference between liberals and the left is the stance on capitalism. Liberals believe they can make capitalism work, leftists insist we must move beyond it. The people obfuscating liberal and leftist are the people who want the discussion of moving past capitalism to stop. Don’t help them.

        • J Lou
          4 months ago

          I disagree. There are plenty of examples of liberal anti-capitalists such as David Ellerman

        • @Drivebyhaiku
          4 months ago

          The difference between liberal and left is not fully capitalism dependant. It has more to do with lateral vs horizontal power structures. Liberal rhetoric tends to focus very much on personal property rights which means it basically is a machine to enable unchecked capitalism because it resists anything that would enable seizure or social checks on acquisition or regulation. It reinforces heirachy by legitimizing and protecting wealth and ensuring it snowballs creating greater inequity over time. Any check on what is considered personal property is anti-liberal to some extent.

          There are actually liberal and social attitudes towards capitalism. Anti-trust measures, stock restrictions, union organization, reabsorbing privately held services and property into public trusts and services. These things exist as social counter measures to unchecked capitalism but not an attempt to explicitly remove the basic idea of investment capital existing in some form or another. The focus on decentralization of wealth agrigation and empowering labor still makes it nominally left of center.

        • @[email protected]
          -44 months ago

          So that’s it, is it? I can support all the social progressiveness I like, but as soon as I balk at the prospect of an autocrat hosting a violent revolution and instating communism, I’m the enemy?

          Here is the definition I run on: Anyone left of centre is left. Anyone reaching for the guillotines (or more likely just meming about them from a basement) is far left. So far left that they will never see power and see everyone right of them as an enemy.

          • @agitatedpotato
            4 months ago

            You’ve chosen a definition thats dependent on where you percieve ‘center’ to be. Its a variable point therefore to you that word doesn’t have a fixed meaning. A European centerist is an American left leaner, a decade ago the american ‘left’ was talking about UBI and medicade for all, now they’re talking about fixing bridges that are about to fall down. You’re either blind to the overton window shifting or happy that things like infrastructure upkeep is now considered ‘leftism’ but despite your best efforts, words still have meaning. You’re one of the people trying to obfuscate those meanings.

              • @agitatedpotato
                64 months ago

                Nice buzzword, but it’s not me gatekeeping anything. Thats what leftism has meant since the phrase neoliberalism has existed. Im not the one who made the definition, you’re just ignoring it.

                • @Zess
                  04 months ago

                  Words mean what people think they mean. “Decimate” means to remove 10% of something but everyone uses it as a synonym for annihilate. You need to understand that the vast majority of people see “liberals” and “leftists” as the same thing. Your conspiracy about obfuscation is cute but you’re giving people too much credit.

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                I’m not trying to be rude but you’re embarrassing yourself. Please educate yourself of political theory, philosophy and terminology before you start speaking on words and concepts that you clearly don’t understand. Here’s a good place to start. He makes great political theory videos. Here’s a playlist geared specifically towards liberalism. Here’s something on anti-fascism. All of those resources aren’t the end-all-be-all of politics but they’re at least a good place to start and you’ll be better off for it. Have a good one

          • J Lou
            4 months ago

            Being anti-capitalist doesn’t immediately imply being a communist. There are other alternatives to capitalism such as Economic Democracy.

            This is also a straw man fallacy

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Thank you for demonstrating my point without the slightest hint of irony.

            Do you really not understand that there’s a conceptual distinction there at all? You started out by saying it’s a proud leftist tradition to call out other lefties for not being left enough. Which, honestly, fair enough.

            But you think even the very idea of a conceptual distinction between liberals and leftists is an example of that? That’s fucking nuts, and it’s not the nuanced point you think it is.

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            Did you step out of a time machine from the 18th century? Liberals now represent conservative forces.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                Libertarians arent liberals unless you compare them to really ancient ones, they have hangups about the role of the state in preserving capitalism which leaves them laughing stock.

                • @[email protected]
                  24 months ago

                  OK, I agree that libertarians are not liberals. They are mostly conservatives who don’t want to pay tax.

                  I’m still not following on why you don’t think Liberals are Left wing.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Nobody but tankies understand that.

      In Tolkien stories, all the good guys are liberals. Saruman and his uruk-hai are perhaps the most leftist things there are in those stories. Elves are moderate conservatives with some questionable histories.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        374 months ago

        In Tolkien stories, all the good guys are liberals. Saruman and his uruk-hai are perhaps the most leftist things there are in those stories.

        Welp, that’s simultaneously the most “Enlightened Centrist” thing and the most batshit crazy dumb as a rock thing I’ve read in 2024 so far!

        Donald Trump himself has less stupid takes than that!

        • @[email protected]
          -214 months ago

          and the most batshit crazy dumb as a rock thing I’ve read in 2024 so far!

          Aww, don’t sell yourself short.

          • @Viking_Hippie
            184 months ago

            I’m not. If anything, I’m going too easy on your absolutely brain dead take.

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅
        354 months ago

        Saruman and his uruk-hai are perhaps the most leftist things there are in those stories.

        What? How so?

        • @[email protected]
          -444 months ago

          Because I don’t like leftists, probably :)

          No but seriously, I was thinking of the tankie type there, not all leftists. And wrote lazily. Sorry.

      • @cmbabul
        124 months ago

        Does Hobbiton have any sort of government that I’m forgetting about or otherwise unaware of? I’ve always thought of it as an anarchists paradise

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          “The Shire at this time had hardly any ‘government.’ Families for the most part managed their own affairs. … The Thain was the master of the Shire-moot, and captain of the Shire-muster and the Hobbitry-in-arms, but as a muster and moot were only held in times of emergency, which no longer occurred, the Thainship had ceased to be more than a nominal dignity.”

          Sounds like night-watch libertarianism that had declined to something even more minimal. Which ironically was easily run over by a smooth-talking old man with a broken staff and a pretty small bunch of ruffians. You had one job.

      • @thedirtyknapkin
        104 months ago

        Lol, saruman was more or less a theocratic monarchist with highly authoritarian practices like killing any who opposed his will. He literally used magic to dominate the wills of others. If anyone was leftist in that series it was the Hobbits. They were outright Communist with no government. Though there was certainly still a class structure of sorts there. It’s just tough to get a better look at Hobbit social politics. The books tend to just say “then they talked about their family history for 3 more hours” whenever it comes up.

        Regardless, the stated intent of the story was to relay his experiences with war. Not with any political system. The forces of sauron and saruman just represented war itself. The feeling of its inevitable March towards you no matter how much you don’t want it and dread it. It’s very much how I’ve been feeling lately.

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          Hobbits had a government and a class system. In Tolkien it’s divine monarchies all the way down, some are just God willed and others are… Technically also God willed, because the good guys need bad guys to stab, I guess.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        In Tolkien stories, all the good guys are liberals. Saruman and his uruk-hai are perhaps the most leftist things there are in those stories. Elves are moderate conservatives with some questionable histories.

        I hope everyone here appreciates what a special moment this is. This has potential to be the most downvoted comment on Lemmy.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          That comment somehow manages to be more divisive than the Palestinian conflict. A truly remarkable sequence of specious assertions that is guaranteed to piss off vast swathes of the population. Almost brings a tear to my eye

          • @cmbabul
            34 months ago

            As a far left anarchist that loves Lord of the Rings I was very specifically offended

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Did people forget what divisive means? I would say it’s exactly the opposite of divisive, it’s a comment that is produced as much singular unified reaction as you could possibly get.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              I meant what I said. Most people disagree with the comment, but probably for a wide variety of reasons. It’s not a singular reaction, it’s multiple reactions to multiple insinuations that all happen to be questionable.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          It’s a bit sad for Lemmy if 76 downvotes gets you to such a status. But mixing an interpretation of Tolkien with an anti-left message might indeed be one of the best ways to get there.

          You might enjoy my other greatest hit: https://suppo.fi/comment/3202858

  • @[email protected]
    324 months ago

    As a left handed person I don’t know why people hate us so much, what is wrong for using left hand as main?

    • @Buffaloaf
      134 months ago

      Take your goofy scissors and get the fuck out!

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      You mean the Sinister hand? Highly suspicious. Why not use the Dexterous hand? Surely that would work better for manual tasks.

    • @Godnroc
      34 months ago

      Difference in thought is dangerous to the established power structures. It starts with thinking that you can use a different hand to wipe your ass and evolves into thinking maybe the rulers shouldn’t be ruling.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      No but if you tug your meat with your left more than your right by the time you die, believe it or not, straight to hell

  • @Candelestine
    284 months ago

    …not wrong. Except remember that an idea cannot be genuinely destroyed, since it’s not an actual physical thing. Even if you did somehow manage to destroy it in the present day, nothing prevents people from creatively coming up with it again.

    Netanyahu wants to learn this the hard way.

    Find another way that doesn’t involve death, destruction and ill-fated attempts at control.

    • @[email protected]
      124 months ago

      A platitude. The fascists are already trying to kill us, we need to fight back. Both sides are not the same.

      • @Candelestine
        124 months ago

        Not a platitude, a harsh and brutal reality. Though I do agree that it is time to fight fascism. Just don’t think you can actually destroy it by fighting like this is all some fictional story with a happily-ever-after. Real life doesn’t work that way, only fiction.

        Real life needs more difficult and complicated fixes.

    • @[email protected]
      84 months ago

      Netanyahu wants to learn this the hard way.

      Netanyahu knows. It’s how that corrupt bastard stays in power and out of prison.

  • @banneryear1868
    34 months ago

    “10 degrees to the left in good times, 10 degrees to the right when it affects them personally.”

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      It’s like what Aristotle said about the differences between the Rash, the Courageous, and the Cowardly.

      The Rash person thinks the courageous man is too cowardly, and the cowardly person thinks the courageous one is too rash. So everyone will declare that they the others are extreme, and in so doing they build their biases in.

      This is the problem with unqualified statements about who’s to the left of who, and especially the problem with both-sidesism. The act of making that kind of statement doesn’t happen in some platonic realm of innocent and honest self-reflection, and is every bit as poisoned by politicization as every other political activity.

      It doesn’t mean there’s no truth or you can’t say stuff like this, but it does mean that we’re all within our rights to dismiss you as a bullshit artist if you don’t show your work.