Which video games have been trapped on a hardware platform (console/handheld/headset/etc.) that you wish would be ported well?

I was reading about Oculus accounts that haven’t been assimilated into Meta accounts being erased, & it got me thinking about games trapped on hardware platforms again. What are some of the games you wish would have good ports across different hardware?


  • Snot Flickerman
    361 year ago

    Every single Nintendo first-party title.

    In the meantime, thanks Ryujinx and Yuzu.

  • @BleatingZombie
    211 year ago

    Red Dead Redemption

    They never made a PC port

      • Concetta
        31 year ago

        I’m sorry, they made a fucking Switch port but not PC? That’s very Rocktendo of them tbh.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I’m pretty sure the PS3 version runs well on RPCS3 with a very small amount of fiddling.

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    I’ve never played it, but I am curious about it : I wonder why SEGA never ported Jet Set Radio Future on any other platform. It never left the original xBox.

    It’s a bit weird because SEGA is usually not against getting a few quick bucks from the old catalogue. The first Jet Set Radio, along with a couple other Dreamcast games, has a PC version, and it’s at least playable, if not absolutely perfect.

    • @RightHandOfIkaros
      151 year ago

      Jet Set Radio Future not appearing on another platform or being rereleased does not have an officially known reason, but I 100% personally guarantee you its about music copyright. Either a license for a sound sample used in a song expired, or the license for a song expired. There is no other reason.

        • @RightHandOfIkaros
          1 year ago

          I would agree, except that Future also does not appear as a port for any other Xbox console except for the original. The only way to play it is either an original Xbox, or backwards compatibility with an original Xbox disk [EDIT: JSRF is not backwards compatible on any Xbox platform, meaning the only way to play is on an OG Xbox or via emulation]. There are no ports or remasters of Future, despite wider availability of Jet Grind Radio.

          It is of note that Sony is the most aggressive with purchasing exclusive rights to third party games, a practice they still continue to engage in to this day that is incredibly infuriating.

  • Granixo
    1 year ago

    Megaman & Bass on Super Nintendo

    Sega Rally Championship 1995 on Sega Saturn

    Drakengard on PlayStation 2

    inFamous on PlayStation 3

    • @RightHandOfIkaros
      1 year ago

      As someone who played Drakengard, the story is cool but the gameplay is absolutely awful. The gameplay is repetitive and the game feels like trying to play a Dynasty Warriors game with the controls of Ace Combat 2, but only for the ground parts because the flying parts control nothing like Ace Combat. Even Yoko Taro agrees that the gameplay is trash.

      Its a game with a cool story but youll have a 10/10 better experience just watching the cutscenes. If ever a game needed a remake where major gameplay systems are completely overhauled or changed, its definitely Drakengard.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      You reminded me of “Drakken” for the snes. Don’t think that was a very good game though.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Megaman and Bass made it to GBA I think if you want to play the worst port ever. So many blind jumps.

  • Ving Thor
    161 year ago

    I would like to play Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls. But I really don’t want to buy a PlayStation just for two games…

    • @yamanii
      11 year ago

      This but Last Guardian.

  • @I_Has_A_Hat
    161 year ago

    A lot of DS games that rely on the touchscreen just can’t be ported very well like Elite Beat Agents or Trauma Center.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Especially since DS, 3DS and Wii U gamepad had resistive screens. They could use a thin bit of plastic as a stylus and you could get very precise instantly with it.

      Capacitive is nowhere near as convenient for (most) game interfaces. Fingers are inaccurate as fuck and get in the way of the screen, big round styluses are only marginally better, and even those clear-disc capacitive stylus things don’t work as well and are still usually quite a bit thicker than the DS bit of plastic.

      With the Switch screen being capacitive too, I’ve tried using a capacitive stylus to design Super Mario Maker courses. It’s just not the same, it was a lot easier on the Wii U screen. On the Switch I have to go back and correct stuff constantly, and pointing in particular doesn’t always register immediately.

    • Go-On-A-Steam-Train
      21 year ago

      Ugh that reminded me of getting “stuck” in Phoenix Wright 15 years ago because I didn’t have a microphone for my PC! What a disaster! That said, they did a steam remake, so that made me happy :)

    • Gmr LeonOP
      11 year ago

      Did you ever check out the Wii ports of Trauma Center? It’s not much, but imo it works pretty decently with the motion controls!

      I’d still love to see that series on more platforms though.

  • @luci_tired
    151 year ago

    I’ve been wanting to play ghost of tsushima, hopefully they port it to pc.

    • @7112
      11 year ago

      Agreed. Hopefully they release it in the second part of the Metal Gear collection

  • @FreeLikeGNU
    121 year ago

    As far along as emulation has come, I’d like to see a proper Little Big Planet port with multi-player and local server support.

  • Björn Tantau
    71 year ago

    The old Uncharted games. Every other year I forget that the “Legacy of Thieves Collection” is not a collection of legacy games.

    You can’t even emulate them without a proper PlayStation controller because they need the movement feature. And the Steam Deck’s movement feature isn’t supported by the emulators.

    I’d also like to play Until Dawn but I guess that’s finally coming.

  • @merthyr1831
    71 year ago

    Gran Turismo. I really dont wanna deal with console obsolescence just to play a decent racing sim. Not like they need it to farm PSN subscriptions because people already pay more for iRacing

    • icedterminal
      21 year ago

      Fingers crossed. Kaz has been displaying interest in a PC version. His first early demo of Ray Tracing at a conference years ago used a PC fork of Gran Turismo because it didn’t exist on consoles at the time. With all of the relevant competing franchises existing on PC, they’re missing out.

      • @merthyr1831
        21 year ago

        Sony has been pretty good with porting games to PC but usually only the ones that aren’t “live service” titles like Gran Turismo has become nowadays.

        For now, I guess Modded GT4 is the best im gonna get (which isn’t a low bar by any means, it’s great on steamdeck!)

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    71 year ago

    Illusion City - MSX Turbo

    A cyberpunk JRPG/CRPG that takes place in a futuristic Hong Kong.

    This game actually was ported to the NEC PC-9800 computers, as well as the FM Towns which is IMO the best version. However, I bring this game up because it is language locked, being only in Japanese, and the partial, incomplete and honestly kind of poor English fan translation is only available for the MSX Turbo version which is the original version.

    Bubblegum Crash - NEC PC Engine

    An adventure game tie-in with the cyberpunk/scifi anime Bubblegum Crisis sequel, Bubblegum Crash!.

    This game was only on the PC Engine, or in the US it was called the TurboGrafx16. It also was only released in Japan. The initial gameplay is that of a point and click adventure, which would be more fitting for a PC game. It also features other gameplay including a racing section, a puzzle game section, and a CRPG first person dungeon crawler section.

    White Knight Chronicles - PS3/PSP

    A Monster Hunter like fantasy RPG with giant mecha-like suits of knight armor.

    I actually really like these games. It was available in English, and some were released in the US. But I can’t help but think how being locked to PlayStation really limited the reach of the game. A PC port of each would be much more popular than the original releases IMO.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I’m pretty sure the white knight chronicles games are available to stream if you have a ps plus premium subscription. Not quite the same as a remake for modern platforms, but it’s something

    • @yamanii
      11 year ago

      Oh man it’s so frustrating when they don’t translate the best version of a game, I hope it’s because it’s way harder to hack or something and not personal preference.

  • @FireTower
    61 year ago

    Infamous Second Son looked like a fun game probably will never play it.