WisDOT challenges Wisconsin to put safety first by taking the two most important actions to prevent or survive a crash. Accept the Buckle Up Phone Down challenge.

  1. Use your seat belt every trip and put down the phone when driving.

  2. Take the Buckle Up Phone Down pledge.

  3. Share your commitment by taking a “thumbs up/thumbs down” photo. Post it to social media using the hashtag #BuckleUpPhoneDown.

  • @JamesTBagg
    661 year ago

    Maybe riding a motorcycle has made me hypersensitive to it, but it seems, yes. I see all of you and so many of you are on your cell phones while driving. It’s bad enough I’ve learned to spot you from a hundred yards behind; the subtle drift of your car, checking your speed with the brake pedal, you aren’t smooth in stop & go traffic.
    It apparently is a challenge for a lot of you to stay off your phones, a-fucking-lot of you. So it looks like WisDOT is speaking to many of you like children, because many of your fellow drivers are acting like children, unable to prioritize operating their 3,000lbs+ machine safely over Instagram/tik tok/Twitter or whatever the fuck.

    • Evkob (they/them)
      1 year ago

      I’m also a motorcyclist (hold the motor) and my experience is very similar to yours.

      I almost got hit a few weeks back by a car driver trying to turn right on red whilst on a fucking Facetime call, with the phone held up right in front of their face. If I hadn’t been in a rush I would have let them have an earful.

      Like, please don’t ever use your phone while driving, but if you absolutely have to be a despicable human being, can you at least look away from the screen when navigating through intersections??

      • @Delphia
        131 year ago

        Even in a cradle the “phone brain” is real.

        I got a text and opened it, was a link to a YT video from a friend and without thinking I just opened it and let the video play and was like “Hang the fuck on a second, IM DRIVING WHY THE FUCK WOULD I OPEN THAT!?!”

        Once I caught myself doing it I was really annoyed at myself.

  • rhythmisaprancer
    321 year ago

    In my mind, it is a challenge when I have to navigate a touch screen to change the heat setting on this new work vehicle 🤨

    • @jacksilver
      101 year ago

      My one complaint about my new vehicle. I can basically control everything from the steering wheel, except the A/C. For some reason that needs to be weird touch controls.

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    It’d be real cool if Wisconsin would issue a challenge for people to not drive drunk. That’d be neat, but I guess they want attainable goals?

  • Admiral Patrick
    201 year ago

    I’d say it’s less mildly infuriating and more “how do you do, fellow kids?”.

    The campaign looks like it was put together by a middle-aged state government worker trying to seem relevant to their target demographic.

    • FuglyDuck
      1 year ago

      it does, because it is.

      but, hey, they’re trying, right?

      though, given that it’s fucking WI, have they already tried the “Drive Sober” challenge? They’re not as bad as the Dakotas or Iowa, but boy does it sure spike after the Packers or Brewers let out.

      • Apathy Tree
        1 year ago

        Too bhe faaaair. Wischonshin hash sheveral ofthe the top drunkesht cities innn thse nashon. (just checked and We now claim spots 1-4 +6, 9, 10, 12, 15, and 20. I do not help this statistic but I don’t drive drunk.)

        We apparently don’t care, as a whole. There are so many more bars than anything else in most rural/semi-rural areas because non-bar third spaces aren’t a thing. It’s just the only option for people to go to be social.

        But we also have had a very regressive government for a long time so…

        • FuglyDuck
          1 year ago

          oh yeah. but, uh, don’t feel too bad. WI is 26th worst in the nation, over all.

          That said, for comparison, MN is the 45th worst state. (MT SD, TX, ND, WY are the top five, apparently.)

          I remember a time when the Brewers were in town, I was working security for an event lot near Target Field, a coach bus showed up. the underneath cargo area was about half-filled with beer- maybe a fifth of that space was in coolers clearly marked “BEER”. the rest of that half was cases of beer all the way across. Then a quarter was coolers marked as various forms of meat. then there were enough grills to get that done in a reasonable time frame; and the rest was chips and condiments and stuff. Somebody else drove a trailer with chairs and shit.

          Mostly, I was impressed by how efficient they were at tailgating. Not that its allowed (Minneapolis requires you to pay a bribe permitting fee to tailgate)

          • Apathy Tree
            1 year ago

            My next Va appointment is on a game day right around pitch… it’s going to be a nightmare getting there since it’s like right next to the stadium… 🙄 ima have to go 3 hours early just to avoid that shitshow.

            But yeah, I don’t do sports things so idk anything about our tailgaters with a few exceptions (below), however I have heard Wisconsin fans travel well for all our teams, college and pro. It’s a fucking shame we don’t have a hockey team, I’d be all over that and know a lot of others who would too.

            My exceptions are having been to packer opening day a few years ago, and going to the cotton bowl in Dallas Texas back in like 2014 or whatever it was. I’m not a sportsball sort of person, but the former I got free tickets because my partner briefly worked for the packers, and the latter we got $15 tickets and used it as a road trip excuse to see the badgers.

            My people know how to food and beer and social around it. Sadly that’s all many of us know.

            • FuglyDuck
              11 year ago

              Brewers fans are know for drinking all the beer.

              But, aside from some gentle ribbing, I would say they’re far from the worst fans I’ve had to deal with. They may have gotten shitfaced, but they didn’t become a problem.

              (Those would be Philly fans. The superbowl here was the worst night of my career, and I’m just security. My security officers downtown logged more arrests for violence/drunkeness/disorderly in that one night than we’ve had in any other year combined.)

    • Possibly linux
      -11 year ago

      The kids aren’t the problem. Its the people who are in there 30’s and 40’s

  • Carighan Maconar
    161 year ago

    In my country not doing both of those in a moving vehicle gets you fined and/or your license suspended.

    Welcome to the 20th century I suppose, America. You’ll make it to actual modern times eventually!

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      161 year ago

      The US absolutely has seatbelt laws, and only two states don’t have cellphone use laws.

      Problem is that that they’re rarely enforced.

      • shastaxc
        11 year ago

        I think the problem is the lack of a way to prove someone was on their phone. It’s such a hassle that cops stopped pulling people over for it because it led nowhere.

  • @voracitude
    1 year ago

    Putting on your seatbelt and not using your phone while driving is now considered a “challenge”?

    Judging by the drivers in my area at least: fuckin apparently.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      You must be me! Every stop light I look left and right and almost always see someone with their head in their phone.

  • Apathy Tree
    1 year ago

    Having lived here most of my life and dealing with some of the traffic, yeah it probably is a challenge. Our drives are boring.

    I try to avoid heavy traffic times so I can avoid reckless assholes. I’ve got a spotless record, and don’t use my phone when driving other than navigation, but have nearly been driven off the road or side swiped several times. Scary shit man.

    But then I went to Indiana, by way of Chicago, and fuck was that terrifying. People weaving in and out of traffic with a cruise speed hovering around 80… So while our traffic is bad for rural, it’s not actually that bad. :)

  • Possibly linux
    71 year ago

    Me taking the photo while driving

    hacker man

    Seriously though people don’t have the attention span to sit though a red light

  • @boatsnhos931
    61 year ago

    Oooo a new tic tac challenge!! Martha take my pictures!!!1

  • @Etterra
    51 year ago

    There’s a lot of challenged drivers out there.

    • @EmeraldOP
      31 year ago

      It’s kinda funny. But not an issue really. It doesn’t tell you to take the picture while driving lol