• @snekerpimp
    136 months ago

    Correlation does not equal causation. Bad take.

  • @Mathazzar
    76 months ago

    An economy is only as healthy as the money that moves through it.

    Stimulus bills when passed are exactly for that - put money into the hands of workers so that the economy can become healthy.

    A corporation is always going to be moving money whether through investments, orders, etc.

    A worker may not be able to. If the choice is between food, shelter, healthcare, etc… then the worker is going to have to prioritize. Stories of workers having to choose to be late on some bills so they can afford shelter and food are not uncommon because wages have stagnated but corporations chase the green line going up on their graphs.

    Without workers bring able to move money through the economy via wages to them, corporations just collect those assets and sit on them or invest them elsewhere. I don’t think grocery stores are the places banks invest into.

    Grocery stores will increase prices to keep that green graph line going up.

    Basically, inflation is going to happen. Purchasing power moves over time. If wages don’t keep up, things start breaking down economically.

  • @Zombiepirate
    46 months ago

    The US is the only economy in the world from which to draw conclusions about buying power.

    I’m so glad that conservative memes are here to tell me what to think about incredibly complex topics in a way that dumbs them down so that even a wastoid brainwormed moron like me can understand.

    For example, I learned that there’s only one way to tax people from this meme and that all taxes apply to everyone equally. That’s the kind of intelligent discourse I’ve come to expect around here. So fuckin’ funny, too!

  • Lemminary
    5 months ago

    Did you forget that several wealth-hoarding millionaires and now several billionaires exist? 😂