• unalivejoy
    1896 months ago

    Just wait until they hear that school buses are a mode of transport.

      • @RatBin
        196 months ago

        Just you wait, we have trans and cis molecules and chemical compunds.

      • @ChicoSuave
        66 months ago

        Talk to their mechanic about a tranny and it may just grind your gears.

      • @GraniteM
        36 months ago

        Or that virtually every time they go to the bank they engage in transactions!

    • Sonotsugipaa
      476 months ago

      Or that Europe-America Internet traffic goes through a transoceanic link

  • @[email protected]
    1486 months ago

    I don’t give a fuck about sending my children on a trans field trip. Everyone should be comfortable and happy with their bodies. Spreading knowledge and education on the subject is key to achieving this!

    Fuck dentists though! They just like to SCRAPE at your teeth. They make your gums BLEED. They charge you money for these OBSCENE services?!? They think they are so smart because they are a dOcToR.

    If you are trans, that is cool and I love you for who you are. However, you won’t get a pass from me for spreading your dentalism ideologies to my kids!!! 😤😤😤😤 🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Just in case, because the Internet is weird: this comment was satire. My dentist is actually a cool dude and my dental hygienist is amazing.

      Take care of your teeth y’all! 🦷🪥

      You only get one set, and it’s a long life!

      I hate the aftertaste of coffee. Simply using GUM Soft Picks and brushing my teeth after my morning coffee in addition to my before-bed brushing has really improved my dental health.

        • fmstrat
          96 months ago

          I will board this train because it is here.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          I see that now on my third re-read. 😂😭😂😭😂

          I am practicing my proper grammar skills. I read somewhere that you are supposed to italicize products when you use them in a sentence and I wanted to try it for some dumb reason.

          If it helps, I am not a bot nor do I strictly endorse this product. Traditional floss and floss picks are way better.

          I only like this product because I have a permanent retainer, flossing to get under this thing is a pain.

          In the spirit of good health, something is better than nothing!

          – I am actually a dentalologist

      • @problematicPanther
        86 months ago

        don’t tell me how to live my life commences chewing on gravel

      • @evidences
        26 months ago

        This dude’s dentist definitely killed him and jacked his account after that first comment.

    • @ChicoSuave
      266 months ago

      Dentists hate calculus. They just want people to follow their orders and not ask any questions. Brush in a circle! No bloody gums! You need to floss more. BECAUSE I SAID SO.

      Dentists are the petty tyrants of our boney hole.

  • @Blue_Morpho
    896 months ago

    What do you call a nun with a sex change?

    A transistor.

  • @yemmly
    856 months ago

    Same crowd that hates democracy because it sounds like “Democrat”.

    • @[email protected]
      526 months ago

      …Is this an element behind the “we’re a republic, not a democracy” bullshit?

      I mean, I know it’s nonsense, and I know it’s fascists testing the waters for being openly anti-democracy, but is it also just playing into the names of the two major parties? It’s so silly I genuinely never considered it before, but it’s depressingly plausible.

      • @atomicorange
        266 months ago

        Yes, that’s a huge part of it. “Democratic” has been poisoned as word for many Republicans to the point where they can’t even discuss topics like democracy without experiencing reflexive disgust. So much of their decision making is centered around fighting things that make them feel scared or icky, it makes a twisted kind of sense.

  • @[email protected]
    686 months ago

    My mother once found me watching Futurama and started getting irate because she thought she heard someone say “gender bender”.

    Ofc, Bender Bending Rodriguez is capable and willing to bend anything, including gender, but this wasn’t that episode and she was just hearing his name wrong. It’s like Christians live in a waking nightmare dream state.

    • @Andonyx
      46 months ago

      “Ofc, Bender Bending Rodriguez is capable and willing to bend anything, including gender, but this wasn’t that episode”

      Good save, you almost got one helluva nerd thrashing.

  • @[email protected]
    516 months ago

    I wanna go on a trans field trip. Learn about trans history, do some workshops learning about practical trans stuff and legal things, and that sorta stuff. I also think being given the chance to at least try out crossdressing would be pretty good for young students, not to “make them trans” but maybe build some more understanding. Don’t force them, but give them the chance to do it

    • @[email protected]
      216 months ago

      In my country there is this place which helps you crossdress

      Imagine! We could all be treated by professionals to explore different presentations and they could teach us all about trans history

      Don’t bore us too much with the details though

    • 56!
      46 months ago

      My school (when I was very young) had a fancy-dress day. I remember multiple people cross-dressing there.

  • Match!!
    6 months ago

    living by a lake growing beans and writing and not paying taxes is hot girl shit

  • @AgentGrimstone
    236 months ago

    You need to be more transparent with people like that.

  • @[email protected]
    206 months ago

    Honestly, some people are too stupid to be considered people, imo. Sure that might make me a bad person, but at least i can say I’m a person.

    • @Starkstruck
      46 months ago

      I feel this so heavily. Those that are just that braindead, and don’t want to fix their braindeadedness, just drag down the rest of society. Like do we really gotta spare resources for hateful mouthbreathers that mob mentality on anything they don’t understand? Like, if they’re going to hate entire swaths of people for no good reason, they deserve to be hated.

  • @[email protected]
    166 months ago

    Wait until the mechanic tells them that their transmission is having issues:

    Stop turning my car gay!

  • @jettrscga
    146 months ago

    Transmitters make you trans.

    Don’t even get me started on what transceivers do.

    It’s depressing how ignorant people can be programmed to hate anyone and anything different. And they’re somehow always the squeakiest wheel that society caters to.

    • @Late2TheParty
      46 months ago

      It’s time I stood up and transist this woke ideology!

      I’m so sorry I subjected you to that shit joke. It was the dumbest thing I could think of saying at the time.

  • @Got_Bent
    96 months ago

    What happens when they learn their cars have automatic transmission?