• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    “Chronic cannabis use makes you stupid, to put it bluntly, and can also cause psychosis,” Thomas Fischbach, president of a German federation of doctors for children and adolescents (BVKJ), told the Die Welt newspaper.

    Meanwhile, at Oktoberfest…

    The drunken debauchery often leads to fights, aggressive behavior, and bierleichen — so-called “beer corpses,” which is what locals call the many passed out drunks lying on the hill behind the tents.


      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        No, but here he is trotting out the line about Schizophrenia, which is a real risk, but is dwarfed in its societal impact by the downsides of alcohol. I don’t expect he’s said anything at all publicly about the impacts of that though, which would suggest that he’s the talking head that the German press always contact for a negative comment about cannabis every time it hits the news. Especially as this is reported by Die Welt which is an Axel Springer publication.

        • @[email protected]
          276 months ago

          The link between cannabis and schizophrenia is also supper dubious at best.

          Its for the most part based on statistics that a large number of people who go to the ER and are there diagnosed with psychosis have used cannabis.

          Schizophrenia is a genetic condition characterized by frequent psychosis. And a significant number of this group experiments with cannabis before onset of schizophrenic symptoms, which often only arise in late puberty/ young-adult age.

          There are theories that cannabis may trigger schizophrenia in people that have the genetic sensibility to it. Assuming it would otherwise have stayed dorment (for longer)

          But 3 pieces of information are ignored.

          First people diagnosed with schizophrenia that did not use cannabis before onset of symptoms share the exact same statistically tendency to start using cannabis later in life as the group that did before, leading to theories of self medication and there is proof of anti-psychotic properties of some cannabinoids.

          20% of the general population smokes (nicotine), 80% of the schizophrenic population smokes, its such a well known fact that its a common movie trope. Yet not a single theory about how nicotine effects psychosis exist. Because remember only rare people with a genetic sensibility can develop psychosis and psychotic paranoia is a fear tactic

          Psychosis and schizophrenia are not well understood in general, there part of the neurodivergent spectrum which is a modern idea in its scientific infancy, More and more we do understand that the main driver of psychosis (and every person can be pushed into experiencing a psychosis) is extreme levels stress.

          I know some other things extreme is related with:

          • addiction to substance abuse of any kind, every time you crave = stress

          • the troubles a (young) person may have that leads to them frequently using drugs to begin with.

          The statistics do make sense but relation simply isn’t causation and its shameful that politicians can just misinterpret science like this.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            Yes, I suppose what I ought to have said is that for people with an already elevated risk of developing schizophrenia cannabis could be the trigger. Thank you for this well written summary though.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          Funnily (well, not really, but what can we do but laugh), the other cited source, businesses insider, is also an Axel Springer publication. As is Politico, Morning Brew, and some other stuff.

          So they aren’t just a German problem anymore, they’re now everyone’s problem.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            Like we do any better without Springer in the Anglosphere. If it’s not Murdoch metastasising everywhere it’s one of the Bannon/Koch Foundation appendages.

            • @[email protected]
              36 months ago

              Yeah. I’ve gotten so tired of checking all the sources in algorithmic news feeds that I went back to an rss feed of news agencies, and trusted papers. Media landscape kinda sucks.

      • @3volver
        126 months ago

        That’s not even the argument which was being made if that’s what you’re implying.

        Their argument is simply: why is alcohol legal if it’s much more harmful?

        • @[email protected]
          86 months ago

          But… alcohol should be legal, no? Despite the harm it causes, prohibition simply does not work.

          Cannabis can also cause harm (albeit less harm than alcohol) but should also still be legal. And other drugs like fentanyl (arguably) cause more harm than alcohol…but should also be legal.

          Prohibition is literally never a realistic solution to any drug or drug problems. Not a single country has ever had success.

          • @whoreticulture
            36 months ago

            yeah, alcohol is legal so why not weed. you’re missing the point.

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              I literally just said both should be legal.

              But weed shouldn’t be legal because alcohol is legal. It should be legal because it should be legal, just like alcohol and fentanyl should be legal.

              • @whoreticulture
                46 months ago

                yeah, you were making an argument but agreeing with everyone. I think you’re just missing the point. Alcohol being legal is a hypocrisy people are point out, not a logical argument lmao

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        106 months ago

        okay but the statement he made fits into a societal context such that the overall message being sent by a group of people that have Oktoberfest but make cannabis illegal is absolutely “cannabis bad, alcohol good”.

    • @tourist
      146 months ago

      Well I’m already stupid and psychotic so no harm done

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      66 months ago

      Overuse of cannabis can cause something called cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. You have severe nausea, uncontrolled vomiting, and stomach cramping. It’s caused by your nervous system, so people who have it tend to sit in a hot shower for a long time when they don’t get relief from anti-nausea meds. Luckily, it clears up pretty quick with a shot of haloperidol, and as long as you cut back you can continue to partake.

      It doesn’t affect everybody and usually you have to smoke a lot over a long period of time, but I didn’t know about it before and I think people should be aware.

      Happy smoking, frients

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Of course the counter argument to legalisation was published in “Die Welt”, the right leaning newspaper from the Springer media group. The group which also publishes the Bild Zeitung which plays a big role in the rise of the far right in Germany and has a history of reckless opinion journalism which even lead to the shooting of a member of the student uprising in the past (Rudy Dutschke if you want to look it up). Fuck everything Springer.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        I read the translation of Stefan Aust’s book on the Baader-Meinhof and he covers the Rudy Dutschke shooting and also the bit where a Springer editorial praised Savak for beating up students protesting the Shah’s visit to Germany. Called them something like ‘Jubilant Iranians’ if I recall correctly.

  • Fleppensteyn
    276 months ago

    At least it takes away one reason for undercover German police to annoy foreigners with their “random” drug tests

    • @Sakychu
      6 months ago

      Oh you can and they 100% will it is still heavily regulated: only a certain % thc and not more than 25g. So they can also do a thc quick test and weigh it. Also there is still the argument which they can use that if you take marijuana that means you do other things so please also take a urine test… What I’m saying is that very eager cops can and will continue to annoy people

      • Fleppensteyn
        56 months ago

        It would at least help if they stop assuming the only reason a foreigner from the free west would come through Germany is to sell weed.

        • @Sakychu
          46 months ago

          But weed is the devil’s evil hand designed drug to get them to take harder drugs and listen to metal /s

          On a more serious note: a lot of cops here sadly still see it like this and i am afraid that it won’t stop just because a law is there. To be honest I except the law to just last, similarly to Thailand, till the next election. Germany just like the most rest of Europa will vote pretty heavily leaning right and they basically swore to “destroy” that law. Thanks for listening to my ted talk Here’s a friendly PSA: The permitted level of THC in blood/urine while driving has not been increased.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            It is going to be increased from 1ng to 3 which is not a lot but something. The whole decriminalization is not a lot but something.

            • @Sakychu
              16 months ago

              I really would like to see a source to that since AFAIK “§ 24 a Straßenverkehrsgesetz” doesn’t get changed…

                • @Sakychu
                  16 months ago

                  True, there is currently a interdisciplinary working group that will determine if and how much it will be increased by but it could very well lead to no increase.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Did this actually happen to you? I’ve been to, and even smoked weed in (discreetly), Germany many times as a tourist without issue. It was just annoying that it was technically illegal…but no one ever attempted to drug test me or ask me about drug use at all.

          • Fleppensteyn
            26 months ago

            Yes, I didn’t spend a lot of time in Germany but it happened several times. I traveled by train and they claim the train stations are where people do their business

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Hahaha happens to many people who have brown skin or look like a punk or hippie in the eyes of some cop.

        My dad used to wear a black leather vest and long hair. He was searched uncountable times.

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    Is this real legalization like in Canada, or fake legalization like most other places?

    If a tourist can’t buy it from a store, fly to a different city/state domestically with it, and then smoke it at a designated airport smoking area outside the terminal… I struggle to see that as full ‘legalization’.

    If you are prohibited from doing all those things, it just seems like a different version of prohibition. Step in the right direction though, sure.

    • aDogCalledSpot
      166 months ago

      The issues here are largely with the EU which stops it from being sold in stores. For now, possession is legalised and you can have all previous arrests made because you were carrying up to 25g permanently removed from your record. It also legal to grow at home.

      In this sense, it is legal for personal use but not for commercial use. To get access to weed, they will be rolling out “cannabis social clubs” in summer in which you need to be a member to be allowed to buy weed. These clubs are not allowed to make a profit. There is a plan to later do some tests with commercial usage but its not clear where that is on the roadmap.

      It will be interesting to see if this will have any effects on the EU. I can imagine if more countries want to support the legalization that some hurdles can be removed there.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      I think it’s a real shame that 4/20 is when it is. I’m not sure millions of Germans toking up for a celebration on Hitler’s birthday will go over well. 😂

    • suoko
      -126 months ago

      Can we expect one less weapons factory for any open weed store? 😄

  • @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    Lol this article describes the law very poorly. From a club you can get up to 25 grams a day, for up to a maximum of 50 a month.

    • @[email protected]
      176 months ago

      Thats nonsense. 25g is the general limit of what you are allowed to have on your person outside of your home starting april. 50g is what you can have while at home. So basically 25g to carry around + 25g stored somewhere at home.

      The whole thing with the cannabis growing clubs is something coming later this year. These will mostly be about getting seeds, saplings and advice.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Its more than you will ever need yes. You arent allowed to sell or gift it to anyone but 25g is insane for self use so they basically acknowledge that people will ilegally distribute it, but just wont care if u dont let urself be caught in the act.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          It’s a lot, but less than most single pot plants will yield (typically 100-200g, but sometimes a lot more), I imagine that might be annoying for people who grow their own, but then again I don’t see how it can really be enforced.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Yes, what you’re saying doesn’t negate what I’m saying, and viceversa 😅

        I’m just saying the article makes it look like you’ll be able to get 25 grams a day with no further restriction, and that’s not true. That among other issues with the article.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Are edibles a thing in Germany or just flower? I can’t smoke but Im really good at eating gummy bears. Haribo needs to corner this market.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Ok. I think I’m still ok with that. I think I read the legal limit for growing your own was kinda high. Here in Canada it’s only 4 plants.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            It’s only 3 plants in Germany, but you are not allowed to have more than 50g in your home. Which is a bit difficult to control and achieve, but we take what we get.

            • @[email protected]
              26 months ago

              I’m so sorry the EU is so far behind Canada but I find it hilarious this is the only metric where we’re ahead. If they legalize it the way it is here, and if I can get by B1 at least, I’ll be applying to move there instantly

  • @[email protected]
    -256 months ago

    I honestly don’t think legalising is the best path looking at SF, California reporting after harm reduction campaign. Maybe empathetic rehabilitation.

    • @3volver
      146 months ago

      Legalization is the first step in harm reduction. While it is still illegal it is much harder for people get help.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      If you have underlying issues with anxiety and paranoia, adding marijuana to the mix exacerbates these issues greatly and becomes a poor crutch for dealing with them. I’ve seen friends and family who smoked 2-3x weekly for a few years develop eyebrow-raising mental problems. So I tend to agree.

      Personal anecdote, N=4.

      (Yeah of course, alcohol is just as bad, or worse in extreme cases, but people can usually sense the damage being done to them by it afterwards. Pot’s effects are internal. It’s hard to reflect until it’s too late.)

    • @General_Effort
      26 months ago

      looking at SF, California

      There are a number of US states that have legalized it sooner and more thoroughly than California (not to mention Germany). What did SF specifically do?

  • @[email protected]
    -706 months ago

    Yay, Germany gets to smell like skunk and be full of mentally fried idiots. Whoop-dee-frickin-doo.

    • Chozo
      266 months ago

      Except that hasn’t really happened anywhere else weed has been legalized, so not sure why you’d think that when there’s demonstrable evidence to the contrary.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Have you been watching “Reefer Madness” and thinking it’s a documentary? Spoiler: it isn’t.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      I don’t smoke pot, I don’t like the smell, I had edibles like twice in my life, and don’t plan on repeating the experience.

      I still think that there is little logical reason to forbid people from consuming, and that it is especially hypocritical to do so while alcohol and tobacco are legal, and freely available.

      • @[email protected]
        -26 months ago

        For the record, I hate alcohol and tobacco just as much and think we should have stuck with Prohibition. No mind-altering substances should be legal.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          As has been stated already, past prohibitions didn’t really work out that well.

          I’d also add that ‘mind-altering substances’ is casting a really wide net, and could be argued to include stuff like caffeine.

          I personally like Portugals approach of decriminalisation, because I think criminalising these substances usually hurts people addicted to them most, while helping those wanting to profit of addiction.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          And during the prohibition, black market flourished. The business will always be there. The question is do you support organized crime or do you support taxing to cover harm reduction and safety for people (buying from non-criminal sources, tested product etc)

          Currently your stance is to provide money for organized crime

    • @[email protected]
      -66 months ago

      Potheads getting triggered because people don’t support their disgusting habit never gets old.