There’s this whole Jack Chick knockoff world that has been around for decades despite having the worst arguments.

  • @[email protected]
    3811 months ago

    It’s a little amusing that they correcty identify that calling evolution a religion is an insult.

  • the dopamine fiend
    2611 months ago

    My favorite is the one about the evils of D&D. It ends with the protagonist literally entering a Warlock pact with Jesus as their Celestial patron, sealed with a ritual book burning.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Nice. My favorite is the college professor getting schooled by a Christian student. “Oho, you think quarks are real? You cannot even see them. The only force holding atoms together is the power of Jesus Christ.”

      • @RatBin
        411 months ago

        I’d say I could feel damn well these subatomic forces when I stomped my little toe on the sharp angle of my furniture. They are way too tangible to be invisible forces

      • @RGB3x3
        1011 months ago

        Somebody Goofed

        So what the fuck was the point of that? You can try to accept Jesus, but if Satan comes in and god-blocks you, then kills you in an intentional train accident, you go to hell for eternity anyway?

        How is that an endorsement of religion and of God’s love? That’s just bullshit.

        • Flying Squid
          711 months ago

          Jack Chick had a very unusual understanding of Christianity. But I guess that’s what happens when your holy text is incredibly vague.

    • @thesporkeffect
      211 months ago

      This seems like an amazing concept, I did a quick search but couldn’t find any already written description of using real-world religious figures as warlock patrons.

      I also want to play with Buddha or Kim Il-Sung as a patron

  • @cetvrti_magi
    1811 months ago

    Anyone who knows literally anything about evolution knows what a strawman this is.

    • Transporter Room 3
      1011 months ago

      “we didn’t come from monkeys”

      “correct, and you also didn’t come from your 5th cousins John and Ester.” (as far as we know)

      • Lvxferre [he/him]
        311 months ago

        Their names are Johann and Esther, okay? And yes, I do. Sincerely, Mr. Habsburg.

      • tygerprints
        111 months ago

        Well Darwin never said we came from monkeys, but that homo sapiens are related to a relative that branched off from monkeys. And I don’t get why people are “insulted” to believe we may be related to monkeys and primates or other animals.

        Humans are animals. We’re on the same spectrum, we’re as much a part of the animal kingdom as monkeys, giraffes, and lions and zebras. And that, to me, is pretty damn beautiful. We’re not some special Saintly concoction of unicorn farts and sunshine - we’re animals and we’re related to other animals. What’s so difficult to accept about that???

        • Transporter Room 3
          111 months ago

          Correct, he did not say we came from monkeys. But rather than explain how it works, it’s quicker for me to use the cousin analogy. Most people aren’t even going to listen long enough to hear the end of that even.

          As for the “animal” bit, I’m guessing it’s because of the negative association people have with being compared to an animal. “acted like an animal” and all that. If not, then who knows. I’m sure even they can’t explain it.

          • tygerprints
            111 months ago

            I don’t think people think much about the actuality of what Darwin said or the truth of their own animalness and being part of the animal kingdom.

            It always irks me to see an anti-evolutionist pointing to or making fun of a picture of an ape because, to them, being compared to great animals is some sort of smutty filth. I hate to think what kind of brutality they enact on cats and dogs around them, or even kids.

            The idea that we’re part of the Animal kingdom, to me, is such a fascinating and great concept. I just do not get people who are insulted or “turned off” by that idea at all.

    • tygerprints
      911 months ago

      What’s amazing is that evolution is such a beautiful process. If anyone is of a religious bent, it should really only strengthen their beliefs, not threaten them in any way.

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        511 months ago

        The problem is their special books all say the universe isn’t old enough for evolution to be a thing

        • @LEDZeppelin
          211 months ago

          Don’t kid yourself. These people have never read any religious book in their life. They parrot whatever stupid shit Fox and right wing media spews around.

        • @RatBin
          111 months ago

          We barely estimated the age of the world, if there is a thing that we know better it’s the natural evolution. On the topic of the universe, we have a much better understanding of it tho, and we know it is at least about 13.7257 billion years (yes i searched it), certainly not … a couple of thousands years old. The universe however has an inner beauty that I can’t replicate. A beauty that a creationist cannot understand. Maybe it’s fair to say that nautural unintentional processes are in fact higher above what they came up with. I had a pocket booklet with all the constellations and the nebulae and galaxy…I want it so badly now.

      • @cm0002
        411 months ago

        evolution is such a beautiful process

        Looks at the human bodies anatomy

        (X) Doubt

        • tygerprints
          011 months ago

          Well it may not always produce what we call perfection, certainly there are things about our bodies that could be better. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t an elegant and beautiful process.

      • @cetvrti_magi
        211 months ago

        The ones who deny evolution don’t understand that you can have evolution and god at the same time. Problem is that these people (not all religious people ofc) want their book of fairy tales to be true not understanding (or not wanting to understand) that those events aren’t real.

        • tygerprints
          011 months ago

          If I remember right, Darwin wasn’t anti-religion and was in fact a constant church goer. So when I recently saw a bumper sticker showing Darwin’s gravestone and stating “Guess Darwin found out he was WRONG,” it left me utterly scratching my head.

          Darwin didn’t say anything about god not existing or that evolution meant that god didn’t exist. For him, I’m sure, evolution was the process god himself designed to propogate life forms and diversity on earth. I don’t think religion and evolution have to be in competition with each other.

          • @cetvrti_magi
            111 months ago

            From what I heard he became agnostic near the end of his life, not sure is it true but even if it is that happened long after he wrote Origin of spicies.

  • tygerprints
    711 months ago

    Disregard for evolution - the greatest evil ever perpetrated under the pretense of doing good for the world. I hate Jack Chick and his filthy pornographic little booklets.

    Once I was helping an elderly couple to get fitted with needed medical equipment - the husband was off chatting up the pretty girls in the sales area.

    Meanwhile the wife quietly slipped an anti-gay Jack Chick leaflet onto my desk. I’m not sure why, I am gay but it wasn’t anything I was discussing with her or even had brought up. SO I took the leaflet and handed it back and said, “Please don’t give me this. I deserve much better after all the help I’ve been giving you.”

    She seemed offended but I found her husband’s lechery to be even more offensive, but I assume she didn’t hand him a booklet about it.

  • @givesomefucks
    611 months ago


    It’s someone who named their Twitter account “creationism”

    • @taanegl
      311 months ago

      Well I published a paper the other day, properly annoted, with citations… it’s basically “God is good, Jews are bad” written 777 times, where each iteration refers to the previous statement, which I published through the renowned public journal known as Facebook.

      Check mate, acedem-I mean atheists.

  • Flying Squid
    511 months ago

    Still being published, but they aren’t making new ones now that Chick is dead as far as I know.

    Plus, they’re highly entertaining and I seriously doubt they converted anyone because Chick’s whole theory was that many people have never actually heard of Jesus and once they hear about them, they’ll be Christians.

    • @TexasDrunk
      511 months ago

      I don’t know if they converted anyone, but I’m sure they’re partially responsible for more than one person questioning their faith when their parents made them hand out those tracts in front of stores instead of having Christmas or Halloween.

      • @btaf45
        210 months ago

        If god depends on the help of little children he must not be very powerful.

        • @TexasDrunk
          110 months ago

          “Suffer, little children! Come unto me!”

  • @[email protected]
    511 months ago

    Funny how that works, when you stop believing in bullshit once you get educated. No wonder they hate education so much.

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    11 months ago

    Not daddy. Cousin. Very distant cousin.

    But then all animals, plants and microbes are also distant cousins.

    Our Sun is a second- or third-generation star. All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff – Carl Sagan

    PS: Did Lemmy kill line-break support? Not seeing it in the markup guide.

  • @Sorgan71
    411 months ago

    Thats the funniest picture ever drawn

  • @carl_dungeon
    311 months ago

    I mean, people didn’t stop being stupid so….

  • Sabre363
    211 months ago

    Why must religion insist on being mutually exclusive with the theory of evolution?

    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      Because it’s a control scheme. One of the ways this method of control works is to differentiate themselves from the wider world by claiming to have some special knowledge that a commonly held facet of reality is wrong and only they understand what the truth of the matter is.

    • Lvxferre [he/him]
      311 months ago

      Dunno. But I guess that’s because a lot of the religious discourse relies on the idea that humanity - or at least, some human group - is the special snowflake ultimate creation of the gods. While biological evolution shows that we’re yet another species of animals.

      • @btaf45
        110 months ago

        The Yahweh character in the OT is a science illiterate. He freaked out when the Babylonians build a 50 meter tall ziggarut and thought they could reach outer space (100,000 meters for sub-orbital).

  • @VerbFlow
    110 months ago

    I want these guys to explain what separates a belief from a religion.