• @EmpathicVagrant
      613 months ago

      I sure remember Moscow Mitch the Bitch getting upset about being called Moscow Mitch after that but being proud of being called ‘Reaper’ for denying any bills brought forward to get anything done around that timeframe, yeah.

      • Optional
        463 months ago

        He got called Moscow Mitch before that - it was when he threatened to throw the government into lockdown if Obama revealed the extent of russian hacking and interference in the 2016 election.

        He traded his duty to the Constitution in for a drunk rapist and an evangelical nut to sit on the Supreme Court.

        Moscow Mitch.

        • @Cruxifux
          103 months ago

          Wait, actually? What the hell is the reasoning behind that? How did Americans vote him back in after that?

          • @grue
            123 months ago

            How did Americans Kentuckians vote him back in after that?

            Voter suppression and some interesting statistical anomalies between the official results and exit polling, favoring the Republicans (that Democrats didn’t have much interest in calling attention to, for fear of lending credence to Trump’s claims of the election being stolen).

          • Optional
            53 months ago


            Speaking on Tuesday at the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden said the Obama administration sought a united front to dispel concerns that going public with such accusations would be seen as an effort to undermine the legitimacy of the election.

            However, McConnell "wanted no part of having a bipartisan commitment saying, essentially, ‘Russia’s doing this. Stop,’ " he said.

            At that point, Biden added, he felt that “the die had been cast” and that “this was all about the political play.”

            • Optional
              43 months ago

              “Had we known what we knew three weeks later, we may have done something more,” Biden added.

              One would hope.

    • @[email protected]
      133 months ago

      If someone wrote a story with Republicans doing that prior to 2016 no editor would ever publish it because it’s so ham-fisted. Like a political plot laid out in a comic for actual elementary school children.

    • @TokenBoomer
      13 months ago

      I remember at the time wondering why that wasn’t a bigger deal.

  • @cabron_offsets
    1123 months ago

    Can we fucking stop pretending that republicans do not explicitly and blatantly work in Russia’s interests? They’re fucking traitors.

    • @Sanctus
      403 months ago

      Media: Best I can do is some vague headlines that tip-toe the idea while also donating to republicans.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Just FYI, it’s part of Russian propaganda to create political division in the US. Labelling everyone in the party a traitor is playing right into their hands. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they help push this in left wing circles and you are inadvertently pushing Russian propaganda.

      • @[email protected]
        123 months ago

        If they weren’t all in collusion to overthrow democracy they wouldn’t get labeled as traitors together. Like I would say Liz Cheney isn’t a traitor, she’s just a regular piece of shit.

  • @[email protected]OP
    723 months ago

    “I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base,” House Foreign Affairs Committee chair and Texas Republican, Michael McCaul, told Puck News.

    • @rdyoung
      733 months ago

      This goes in the (no shit sherlock) pile. Those of us who have been paying attention and saw the instant flip from red scare to licking putins asshole have known this for a good couple of decades now.

      • @kmartburrito
        393 months ago

        That’s the frustrating thing, it’s so blatantly obvious and out in the open. You’d never know it watching literally any conservative news source.

        I’m all for free speech, but wish we had ways to label things as BS because a lot of ignorant people don’t know any better or care to know any better. So disappointing.

      • @someguy3
        173 months ago

        1984 levels of turnaround.

    • @Eldritch
      53 months ago

      Fascist whines that another fascist has stolen their toy. News at 11.

  • @stanleytweedle
    693 months ago

    idk if infected is the right word. More like eagerly impregnated.

    • Hegar
      3 months ago

      If it’s not a legitimate brainwashing, the body has a way of shutting that down.

    • Endorkend
      83 months ago

      Even in porn I haven’t seen anyone take so many loads with that much gusto as the Republican, NRA and everything related to the right wing has for the past several decades.

  • ivanafterall
    403 months ago

    Ol’ Mike doesn’t want to be held responsible for what he helped enable.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    It is a misnomer calling a rotting corpse “infected”, it’s just rotting. If foreign powers like Russia join in on scavenging on the rotting flesh of the Republican Party they aren’t “infecting it”.

    These foreign agents are only distinguishable from the internal forces of rot by virtue of having originated from outside the body, but in behavior and function they behave identically to the organisms waiting within that had been begun feeding the moment the surrounding entity died.

  • @[email protected]
    213 months ago

    Well yeah, we know. It would’ve been nice if those dipshits had listened to us, like, 8 or 9 fucking years ago.

  • @Treczoks
    193 months ago

    Not only the base. Or does he just differentiate between “swayed by propaganda” for the plebs and “blackmailed or bribed” for the party officials?

  • @CharlesDarwin
    173 months ago

    Wow, no kidding.

    Now if we only get many more of them to start conveying what is obvious, and in addition, get certain leftists to stop talking about “Russiagate” as if it is some kind of “hoax” that duped the “liberal media”.

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    What’s important about this is not that the public knows about it, but that someone from the party actually said the quiet part allowed.

    We should be cheering for this person speaking out against not only a government party, but a party they themselves were in.

    Here’s to a more brave and intelligent America.

    • Blackbeard
      153 months ago

      I mean, yeah you’re absolutely right, but until he comes right out in the open and says “Vote for Democrats instead”, it’s all just a fucking shell game. The difference in moral fortitude required to say, “hey guys this is some messed up shit” versus “I’m leaving the room until you clean your mess up” is HUGE. He doesn’t have to switch parties, but as long as he sits at their table and votes in lockstep with every stupid partisan game they play, he doesn’t get my gratitude.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    73 months ago

    Who the fuck is Puck News?

    You can’t actually figure out jack shit about them from their website.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    3 months ago

    “I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base,” House Foreign Affairs Committee chair and Texas Republican, Michael McCaul, told Puck News.

    Just noticed that? We figured that out almost a decade ago. Doesn’t help that the republican leadership parrots it too.