• @SirSamuel
    11 months ago

    For reference for those using freedom units that’s roughly 60 mph in a 20 mph zone

    Bonus. In eagle burger land that will either land you:

    • $200 fine and 2 points on your license (varies on state)

    • shot in the face (dwb and reaching for a gun wallet)

    • nothing (hello fellow patrolman, have a great day killing pet dogs)

    Source: I’m a red-blooded freedom loving eagle burger citizen

    • @AA5B
      2011 months ago

      While true, it’s always the insurance and fees that get you. This is why I don’t understand states that post their speeding fines: they’re low enough to not stop anyone, but also don’t give the true cost

      Here in Massachusetts

      Your first speeding ticket … lose your Excellent Driver Plus Discount and see your premiums rise and stay higher for six years!

      Plus that kind of excessive speed will almost certainly also get you reckless driving

      For surcharge purposes, reckless driving is treated the same as DUI [or a major at-fault accident]. This could result in a huge insurance premium increase.

      • @SirSamuel
        511 months ago

        Okay so i know you’re replying to the first point, and everything you’ve said is valid.

        However, I mentioned the inherent racism and corruption that exists in US law enforcement in a very tongue-in-cheek way, and your reply of “while true” was just… oh man, yeah, chef’s kiss

        But yes, it’s the collateral affects that really get you. Plus doing 60 in a school zone can absolutely get your ass handed to you in a very real and legally binding way lol

        (For those in countries with functioning governments, in the US 30kph is usually reserved for school zones during restricted hours)

        • @s38b35M5
          311 months ago

          Plus doing 60 in a school zone can absolutely get your ass handed to you in a very real and legally binding way lol

          Was in traffic court with a relative years back, and a woman was arguing that going 37Mph in a school zone when buses are unloading wasn’t an issue because she was A) on the other side of the road from the school, and B) paying close attention.

          Because she contested it, and likely because of her poor defense, she got higher fines, court costs added, and IIRC, a penalty like safe driving school or suspension.

          BTW, her being on the other side of the road was because she swerved into oncoming traffic to put her there. Great times hanging out in traffic court in big cities…

          • @SirSamuel
            211 months ago

            I think even Frank Caprio would throw the book at her

      • @SirSamuel
        1411 months ago

        If the Brits were still our masters we’d have a single player healthcare system. Still have an odd fixation on the monarchy tho.

        America, when chavs get money and declare independence

      • @Godric
        111 months ago

        Laughs in Marshall Plan

    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      People regularly do that speed in my neighborhood that has a 25mph limit. The only time I see cops around is when they’re looking for the tweaker down the street so they can arrest him for whatever shit he stole this week, have him rat out other tweakers, and immediately release him to do the same thing again later.

      • @SirSamuel
        511 months ago

        Catch and release is vital for a healthy ecosystem. It allows for sport catching without impacting breeding programs. Done correctly, a sportsman can take progressive trophy photos throughout the quarry’s life

    • Boomer Humor Doomergod
      11 months ago

      In the eagle burger state of SheetzWawa you lose your license if you’re doing more than double the speed limit.

      • @SirSamuel
        011 months ago

        That’s probably true for your neighbor to the West as well. I stopped speeding when gas hit $3/gallon lol

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      I was in traffic court in the 1990s and saw a guy get sent to jail for driving 75 miles per hour on a 25 miles per hour road.

      This was in Virginia. The person refused a lawyer. He looked like he was maybe 22. The look of surprise on his face when he was led off to jail was priceless.

    • @skyspydude1
      411 months ago

      In what state is 40MPH over not a minimum 4 point ticket? Even in incredibly lax Michigan, 10 over puts you at 2 points and 15+ is 4 points, and that’s only on limited access highways. It’s jurisdiction dependent, but you can usually add 2 points to each of those if it’s off the interstate. They’re also almost definitely going to hit you with a reckless driving charge, especially in a 25MPH zone.

      Burgerland can be pretty lax when it comes to speeding and reckless driving, and you might be able to work the fine/points down to that with a good lawyer and having zero prior infractions, but acting like a $200 fine and 2 points for doing 60 in a 20 is normal is just a flat out falsehood.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        A couple of years ago, the police here stopped a pickup truck driver going about 105MPH in a 55MPH zone, although people routinely drive 70. The driver just claimed that they weren’t used to the powerful engine, and the cops gave them a warning and sent them on their way.

        (Wisconsin, for the record.)

      • @SirSamuel
        111 months ago

        TBH i was just making up numbers, it was more of a shitpost than anything. Yeah sixty in a twenty will get your more than a slap on the wrist for sure

        Unless you’re a cop lol

        • @skyspydude1
          411 months ago

          Fair enough lol. It can be hard to tell sometimes given our laws, but also the amount of people who’ll make shit up/wildly exaggerate about the US and people believe it on here because US Bad™.

          Sadly the cop thing is basically 100% true and usually only gets worse the smaller the town/jurisdiction.

    • Something Burger 🍔
      811 months ago

      So I can steal a car from someone I don’t like, speed in front of a camera, and their car will be destroyed?

      • @[email protected]
        811 months ago

        Not a problem. In that case you’d also have theft charges and would be liable for the car’s value in civil court (or whatever the Danish equivalent is).

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      It was a huge thing a few years ago when it was implemented because we caught a few lambos joy riding from Germany up through Jutland

      Nice one

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    im all for it except for literally scrapping a perfectly good vehicle

    they must know crushing and manufacturing a whole entire new car to replace it is costly as fuck to the environment and our pockets? putting it in the hands of someone who might need it is literally free.

    • @i_failed_turing_test
      611 months ago

      In Latvia we have solved this for now, we’re just sending the confiscated cars to Ukraine.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        i dont care about messages in this context, if we crush cars without an alternative we will just force people to indebt themselves with new cars, and that just makes the problem worse. early obsolescence is not the answer.

        • @Nouveau_Burnswick
          311 months ago

          The context is going 70kph over the speed limit, or 233% over the limit.

          Not sure about Germany and Switzerland, but here 30kph zones are used for school corridors and pedestrian areas.

          Some fuckwit driving 100 kph in one of these is tantamount to attempted manslaughter.

          Someone doing this shouldn’t need to worry about a new car, because they shouldn’t even be able to buy a new car before rehabilitation.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            sure, throw that bastard in jail. still, a car that can do that speed can be given (or at least auctioned) to someone who will use it fairly until its useful life is spent, and we can replace it with something better. we do that here when we catch criminals doing stuff like this on vehicles.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          force people to indebt themselves with new cars

          Not if you make alternative means of transport available like they do in both Germany and Switzerland

      • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
        211 months ago

        Also, could lead to perverse incentives if they re-sold the vehicles or gifted them to people (who may or may not happen to know people who help run the program).

    • @[email protected]
      -611 months ago

      Crush it with the driver inside it. One less car needed and eliminates the chance on recidivism!

  • @[email protected]
    3511 months ago

    And not even enough. As a society we’re condoning too much when it’s about cars.

    Going 100 in a 30 should be charged as “attempted massacre” if stopped. Because it’s not an “accident” anymore when you go that fast.

    And driving that fast in a residential area without being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, should be an aggravating circumstance and not the opposite.

    • @datelmd5sum
      11 months ago

      I wonder what the finnish Mayday psychosis guy got for driving and crashing his Mercedes at like 180 km/h through a narrow and extremely busy street (30 or 40 km/h zone) got. He didn’t hurt anyone IIRC but he also could have killed like 20 people. I’ll edit this comment when find the video and the verdict.

      edit1: the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qgpNI2BQYrE&pp=ygUSdmFwcHUgbWVyc3Uga29sYXJp

      edit2: ok he “only” drove at 100km/h and injured 2 people. He was accused of 11 cases of attempted manslaughter among other things. All charges dropped.

      Apparently he had just proposed to his bride, she said yes, it was the happiest day of his life and he completely snapped. No drugs or alcohol involved.

    • @Reddfugee42
      211 months ago

      So dwi should not be an aggravating circumstance?

  • @pHr34kY
    11 months ago

    Where I live (Australia) it’s $962 (€586) and a 12 month licence suspension. $2,212 if you do it in a truck.

    What’s interesting is that if you turn your head to look at a phone in your passenger’s hand while stationary at a red light, it’s a $545 fine and 4 points off your 12-point licence.

    • @bi_tux
      311 months ago

      based shitting on trucks

      • @dumpsterlid
        11 months ago

        Honestly can’t get enough of that, I am so tired of people driving around vehicles optimized for murdering children for no reason.

        • @pHr34kY
          11 months ago

          Oh, their definition of “truck” is 4500kg+ and operated on a heavy vehicle licence.

          We call those comically large security blankets on wheels “utes” these days. They’re getting out of hand in Australia. For every car I see under 1000kg, I would see 100 cars that weigh over 2000kg.

          Update: I checked last month’s sales stats in Australia. 105,023 vehicles sold, 306 of which weigh under 1000kg. That’s 0.3%.

          • @dumpsterlid
            11 months ago

            It is disgusting because people want trucks with super high hoods because they look like cowboy belt buckles and it’s masculine… but the reason cars haven’t been built to look like that in the past is because it is a pathologically murderous way to design a vehicle that will inevitably get in accidents with other cars and pedestrians at some point. I can’t walk around wielding a giant machete in broad daylight and have people treat me like that is acceptable behavior, why do we treat driving around a vehicle optimized to hurt other people in accidents as acceptable behavior? Especially when the reason is “idk, it looks cool, especially once I lift it”.

            I think the design of pickups really pretty precisely tracks the retreat of conservatism from pretending to honor basic social contracts in favor of outright embracing violence against The Other whoever that might be defined as. Giant pickups are just a physical manifestation of marketing department’s best guess at what the interior psyche of conservative masculinity desires, and that desire has clearly gravitated more and more towards embracing violence and lack of caring for the consequences of ones actions on others and that is a scary thought.

    • @MisterFrog
      111 months ago

      Drives me up the wall when people talking “oh it’s all just revenue rasing!” No, it’s no where near harsh enough.

      • @pHr34kY
        11 months ago

        I’m not a fan of cameras popping up in 40 zones that were once 60 zones… but at least the speeding fines can scale by severity.

        Things like phones and running red lights, are absolute. You can inadvertently crawl forward at 1km/h, trip the red light camera, and stop again without actually obstucting oncoming traffic. The offence (and punishment) is no different to blasting through at full-speed 10 seconds after it has turned red.

        While using a phone while stopped at a red light is bad, it is nowhere near as bad as sending a text at highway speed. The fine will also apply if the phone is turned off, or you’re just taking it out of your pocket and passing it to a passenger. Absolutely no chill with it.

        • @MisterFrog
          211 months ago

          Oh apologies, I’m with you on small offences like you mentioned.

          It’s mostly when people seem to get mad at the existence of speed cameras at all.

          We’re not as car-brained as the US, but heck, I think people forget we’re piloting something quite heavy at speed, and it should be respected accordingly.

          If what you mentioned is true, then that’s nuts. Surely there should be jail time and permanent bans for wreckless driving, even if it’s a first offence, right?

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          In Germany red light cameras take two pictures shortly apart to determine whether you just stopped too late or ran the light.

          • @pHr34kY
            11 months ago

            They do that here too. One to show the light red before crossing, and another to show the car has moved over the line. People have been fined for moving forward a car length.

  • @[email protected]
    2811 months ago

    Only 2 years suspension is a slap on the wrist for what is essentially an attempt at stochastic murder. We need to stop treating driving licenses as a universal right and stop clearly unfit people from sitting behind the wheel.

    • @dumpsterlid
      11 months ago

      If we stop treating driving as functionally a right we have to stop treating owning a car as functionally mandatory to having a job and being able to feed and house yourself.

      What do you do in the US if you need a job but don’t have a license? You drive anyways and just deal with the risk. The problem is that people HAVE to drive so we can’t really in good faith take the ability to drive away from most people as most when pushed to their limit couldn’t stop driving if they wanted to.

    • @[email protected]
      911 months ago

      i’m of the opinion that we should have a 2 strike system, first strike means you have to re-do your license from the ground up including any costs and undergo psychological evaluation to see if it’s safe to give you a second chance, and second strike means you simply do not get to drive again, tough shit.

      A suspended license should however come with a free public transport ticket such that you can get around reasonably, add the cost needed to finance that to the price of getting a license in the first place if that’s what it takes.

  • @KISSmyOSFeddit
    2411 months ago

    Going 100 in a 30 zone means you don’t care about killing a child if one happens to step out on the street.
    Boggles my mind how you’re able to ever legally drive again after that.

      • @[email protected]
        811 months ago

        Not familiar with how EU countries decide what speeds to put where, but if they are anything like the US, they might be referring to the fact that 30 KPH is basically what a school zone would have posted, but yeah speed limits exist for your safety and the safety of others, if it’s 30KPH, there’s probably a reason.

        • @[email protected]
          011 months ago

          In the UK it was originally based on something like the 85th percentile: the speed most drivers would normally pick for the road given no imposed limit.

          These days it’s more based around what politicians live where, so we have dual carriageways with central reservations, which would normally be 70mph, but because some fancy nob has a house there and doesn’t like noise, it’s got to be 40mph. They don’t say that though, they say it’s down to too many accidents in the area, or speed reduction for air quality or some other nonsense (if it was for air quality then the limit’d be 60mph due to the designed-in peak efficiency at 55mph).

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        True, but it’s more emotive to talk about killing kids.

        5mph is enough to flatten an unwary rat but nobody’s putting speed limits out that are that low.

  • @Treczoks
    2111 months ago

    Even as a car owner, I have no problems accepting Swiss-level regulations for this kind of criminal behavior.

    • genuineparts
      311 months ago

      The problem is most cars are given back after being impounded for a bit, because you have to really speed for confiscation to stick. 80km/h over in the city (50km/h limit… so 130km/h in the city…) and 90km/h on the Autobahn (130km/h limit) or Country roads (100km/h limit) so it’s fairly toothless.

      • @ben_dover
        311 months ago

        In the eyes of the law, ownership is one of the most fundamental and strongest rights, i’m surprised they managed to pull this off in general without it being unconstitutional

    • Kallioapina
      411 months ago

      As a finn that had to deal with a week long Erasmus university intense course with mostly german masters students… Yeah, americans of the Europe was the exact impression I got. Everyone else from all the other participant nationalities were respectful and professional, but the german students just couldnt.

      Gods, I fucking hated to see the eyes of shame in the german professors faces watching their students go through their shenannigans and fits. My previous stereotype of germans as a nationality or as a culture being rational and collected died very quickly during that week.

      Sorry for any germans reading this, but I consider you as the Americans of the EU after that experience.

        • @1371113
          211 months ago

          Australians are the Americans of Oceania and south east Asia. Most of the Americans that come here are the thoughtful ones so it’s a bit diff. Imagine it’s similar in Europe.

      • @LwL
        211 months ago

        There’s a reason i tend to dislike interacting with germans online. When they mainly speak english they’re usually fine but with german communities I haven’t had great experiences. I mostly just pretend to not be german.

        We even have our own Texas (Bavaria), there must be a connection.

    • @hark
      11 months ago

      I thought the UK had that honour.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        I dunno. Germany seems to have a more American-like car culture than most of Europe, and they have an out of control banking system in the form of Deutsche Bank (Trump’s personal favorite). I’m looking at this from afar, but Germany seems to love repeating our mistakes.

        • @blubton
          511 months ago

          In my experience (Dutchie living near the German border) the car culture of Germany isn’t that big; it is mostly the industry. Yes, there are many cars and a few more people driving in big BMW than the Dutch average, but there are quite a few people on bikes too. Also, transit in Germany is quite decent, despite the governments efforts; and, contrary to the Netherlands, it is affordable. Meanwhile the UK cancelled part of their HSR system and the prime minister claims it is a “country of motorists”.

          Deutsche Bank I don’t know about, so you may still be right.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            I’d also point out the military-industrial complex over there. They may only have a defensive military, but Germans (and Austrians) are happy to sell weapons to the rest of the world.

  • @Heavybell
    1811 months ago

    All fines should be income dependent. Especially for all flavours of corporation, in which case there should be no upper limit. If the corp goes bankrupt because they broke the law hard enough it should either go out of business or become a public entity if it’s vital.