Anytime “Killing in the Name” comes up, I have to tell the story of the time I was bringing my oldest to his second week of kindergarten and he requested this song, which was his favorite at the time.
I realized I may have created a problem for his teachers when he started shouting along with Zack “FUCK YOU, I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!” We had have a little talk about not using adult words at school and how his kindergarten teacher really wasn’t the problem with the system.
His second grade teacher, though… My son’s anti-authoritarian
steakstreak served him well, there.Mmm anti-authoritarian steak.
Sounds delicious. Or not. It doesn’t care what you want.
While I believe eathing the rich is likely necessary to fixing the mess humanity has created of the planet, some one else can eat the rich dude steaks.
Lol, thanks.
I guess it’s not red meat.
When I was in grade 2 my bullies would always make noise in class and our teacher forced the whole class to write lines because of it. I felt this was a deep injustice on two fronts and decided to resist, refusing to write anything.
This kicked off a series of events that lead to me being brought in front of school board officials who made me sign a document stating I wouldn’t cause any more problems for the school. I merrily signed it and then once again refused to accept punishment for something I didn’t do, and they tried to kick me out.
For some reason the school board was surprised to learn that 8 year olds cannot form a legal contract.
My kids too, except it was Lonely Island’s “Threw it on the ground”.
It was one of the rare occasions I broke my “Don’t laugh when they do bad things” and it encouraged my child to do it as much as possible.
My parents didn’t like it AT ALL when I played that album’s CD as a teenager. 😁
Didn’t CBS and The Late Show have the same issue?
… Eat the paste that’s for horses.
Some of those who eat sauces!
do be drinking from faucets!
Some of those who clean closets…
Are the same who pack boxes.
… are insane for their parsnips
Some of those who hold office.
Are the same that would off us
“Our town’s grand wizaaaar… I mean sheriff, our sheriff, has unveiled plans to mAkE oUr StReeTs SaFe AgAiN, in which he requests doubling the annual budget for his department, to be voted on by the City Council later this month…”
I used to like Rage Against the Machine until they got all political.
What qualifications does Tom Morello have to talk about politics?
This prompted me to look at his Wikipedia page a bit. Thought it was interesting that he has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Harvard.
Harvard is a well-known liberal school.
You mean it’s a school of higher education. That’s craaaazy.
It’s liberals teaching people to be liberals too.
Society… progressing? Wild idea!
Nothing should change after September 17, 1787.
You mean the day the constitution was signed? That document that was designed to be amended because the founding fathers had the foresight to see that the world changes and our documents need to change and evolve with them?
Fucking moron.
Thank you for your facts, SatansMaggotyCumFart
It’s a real shame he named himself that. If it weren’t for such an obvious troll name, we might have fallen for the bait.
Seems more than a few people did lol.
That might be part of why
heThey go so hard, the name at least gives you a clue
Well I’ve never heard of it
ITT, people who can’t distinguish between idiocy, trolling, sarcasm, and very dry humor lol
I see you, Norm McDonald
Norm McDonald is dead and I’m very much alive.
Prove it
Today’s date is April 18, 2023.
You could have a very advanced predictive comment system.
If you really want to convince us that you’re NOT Norm, saying something nice about the Courtney Thorne-Smith (of Melrose Place fame) movie Chairman of the Board should do the trick!
I can’t say anything good about that movie but I have a pretty good joke about a moth of that would help?
It might hurt your case that you’re NOT Norm significantly, but go ahead 😄
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Of course! My apologies! 😄
Man I really hope this is satire because this is too on the nose
I hope it’s a callback to this gem:
I’m rather fond of this reply:
Printers. Always printers
Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta
I mean, look at that name. Satire/troll, it’s all the same.
I won’t sit by and let you besmirch the good name of SatansMaggottyCumFart!
I can’t tell if this is sarcasm
It definitely is 😂
What is sarcasm?
Baby don’t hurty, don’t hurty, no moe
This is a joke, right?
Just an obvious troll. Guy should have picked a better name if he wanted anyone to think he was serious.
I think they were referencing Tom Morello calling out a critic about it. –
davez67 – “Another succesful [sic] musician instantly becomes a political expert.”
tommorello – “@davez67 One does not have to be an honors grad in political science from Harvard University to recognize the unethical and inhumane nature of this administration but well, I happen to be an honors grad in political science from harvard University so I can confirm that for you.”
Either that, or they’re an idiot.
I lol’d
deleted by creator
Besides the fact that he has a degree in Political Science? Or the fact that Rage has always been a political band? Or someone asked a question and he answered? Which one do you prefer?
they… always were?
When did you realize that RATM’s music was “political,” right-winger?
Did the overtly political content of their very first album give you a clue?
Don’t fret, chum… maybe just try something “non-political” - like Chumbawamba, perhaps.
I hadn’t heard that before. I heard the line “The world is riddled with maggots, the maggots are getting fat,” as The world is full of MAGAts, the MAGAts are getting fat.
The world is full of MAGAts, the MAGAts are getting fat.
It’s difficult not hearing that these days.
Rage Against the Machine’s first album was not political, it was full of bangers.
Are you sure your brain is fully functional, right-winger?
Sometimes I wonder if anyone’s is.
Perhaps be certain of your own first.
If reality doesn’t turn out to be what you were led to believe it to be it is never reality’s fault.
Politics is porn for people with low testosterone.
“Who am I supposed to vote for? Am I supposed to vote for the Democrat who’s gonna blast me in the ass or the Republican who’s blasting my ass? Politics is just one big ass blast.”
“It is a coast-to-coast, nationwide ass blast”
Most of us live in the guts of the beast. Surrounded and controlled by its goo and membranes. Maybe move to the skin or eyelash. It ain’t bad.