• @jeffwOP
    1563 months ago

    Weird… why is nobody commenting about how both parties are the same?

    • Gormadt
      973 months ago

      Oh that’s easy, because this doesn’t play into their narrative

      Their goal is to stop people from voting this year so that the fascist can win

    • @disguy_ovahea
      3 months ago

      It’s 1AM in Russia right now. Wait until morning.

    • @AuroraZzz
      343 months ago

      Lol. Right? It looks like the bots haven’t gotten to this one yet

    • @[email protected]
      83 months ago

      The other party loudly proclaimed they don’t want this afaik so… or atleast associate themselves with that idea based on who they elect.

    • KillingTimeItself
      -103 months ago

      if i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone say “both parties are the same” i’d have a few dollars, which isn’t much, but it’s weird that i’d have a few dollars.

      If i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone reference “both parties are the same” I’d have a lot more than a few dollars, and i’m not sure why. And honestly, it kind of scares me.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      -133 months ago

      Out the gate early with the “all criticism of the party means that the critic is saying both parties are the same” canard.

      My only criticism of Biden on this is that he’s had the power to do this all along and is only getting around to it now. Democratic legislators had the power to do more back when they had a majority, but they refuse to wield power when we hand it to them.

        • WhatTrees
          43 months ago

          Almost like the Dept of Ed has been working on these rules for years and the process takes some time and has to be open to public comments and things. The wheels of the government are designed to move slowly. We can discuss if that’s good or not, but this isn’t something Biden decided last week, it’s been in the works for a long time.

          And it’s almost politics, especially on the left, is more complicated than one party having the slimmest of possible margins. Did you forget about Sinema and Manchen? Have you already forgotten the fights the Dems in Congress had within the party to get enough support to pass things? If you want more progressive polices to pass than you need to elect even more Dems into Congress so that the few fuckwits in the “center-right” can be relegated to the corner and ignored. That doesn’t work when nothing can pass if even one senator decides to vote no.

          Jesus fucking Christ I swear we need to mandate more than one part of one class for how the government works. So many of you out here acting like the moment a Dem becomes president they can just will whatever laws they want into existence.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            -13 months ago

            Did you forget about Sinema and Manchen?

            How could anyone forget about the only two democrats whose opinion actually matters?

          • @[email protected]
            -53 months ago

            so youre saying the ‘good thing’ biden did wasn’t him? cool.

            yeah I know how government functions, but you apparently don’t.

            • WhatTrees
              33 months ago

              Do you know who the Dept of Ed works for? Do you know who put the guy in charge of that Department?

              Biden didn’t directly make this change because he doesn’t have the authority to do that, but he did direct his appointee to do it.

              What part of the way the government works did I get wrong? Does the President get to will laws into existence? Did Manchen and Sinema not matter?

    • @[email protected]
      -343 months ago

      maybe if this wasnt a fucking election stunt, wecd care more. I don’t expect this to be enforced.

      • WhatTrees
        393 months ago

        Biden does a bad thing: See? He’s just like Trump!

        Biden does a moderate thing: See? He’s not as left as he should be!

        Biden does a good thing early in his term: See? He’s not doing enough yet!

        Biden does a good thing halfway into his term: See? It’s just to help the Dems in the midterm!

        Biden does a good thing late in his term: See? He’s just trying to appease the people who might vote for him!

        • @[email protected]
          -333 months ago

          but he’s not stopping he genocide.

          if he protected trans rights and stopped the genocide, sure. I might consider it. too little too late, dude.

          • WhatTrees
            3 months ago

            See? He’s just like Trump! And he’s not doing enough! And the things he has done are only to help secure votes!

            Edit to add: Also, my dude, did you forget which post this is on? He’s literally protecting trans people with this move but it’s still not enough. Fact is you wouldn’t support him even if he led the revolution himself. He’s not perfect, but he’s done more to clean up Trump’s mess and help marginalized people than any president in history.

            • @[email protected]
              -93 months ago

              the problem with that is I expect it to revert the day after the election, or at least not be maintained.

              • WhatTrees
                73 months ago

                Sorry, you expect Biden to undo it if he is elected? Or do you just mean that it will be removed if Trump wins. Of course if Trump wins he’ll undo whatever of Biden’s work he can. I don’t have any reason at all to think Biden would remove it after the election if he won. Why wouldn’t he maintain it?

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                Yeah, it’s good, for now. Vote to keep it that way.

                And cross your fingers that Thomas has a heart attack soon.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  but no option on the ballot does that. joe is barely more honest than don. guess I’m not voting.

          • @jeffwOP
            103 months ago

            Which party is speaking out against it? And which party has 99% supporting it?

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              neither party is speaking out against it. neither party has stopped funding them.

              empty words are empty.

              • @jeffwOP
                23 months ago

                points to all the democrats speaking out against it

                I can’t tell if you’re a troll or you just don’t read political news. If it’s an innocent mistake, that’s one thing…

  • @andros_rex
    643 months ago

    I wonder if that’ll make it legal for me to piss in the men’s bathroom again/have a job in the career I love and went thousands in debt to train for… only mentions students and they tend to forget that trans adults exist…

    Oklahoma state law says it’s a misdemeanor and schools can lose up to 10% of their funding for letting anyone (teacher or student) use a bathroom that doesn’t match their birth certificate. (There’s been a standing executive order since 2015 that birth certificates cannot be changed). I have the face and body of a reddit neckbeard, but I was violating the law by not pissing in the same room as my female colleagues and students.

    Just kinda messes with your head when you have to commit 1-3 crimes a day at work.

    • @jeffwOP
      133 months ago

      I thought Title IX was about students though?

      • @andros_rex
        113 months ago

        Yeah - that’s what I wondering. The law in Oklahoma says anyone in a public school. Our state department of education is controlled by Ryan Walters and LibsOfTikTok, so it’ll be interesting to see how they try to fight this.

        • @bbuez
          33 months ago

          Shit I missed that one!

          Over the weekend, software developer Travis Brown revealed that the Twitter account used for Libs of Tik Tok had used the screen name @/chayaraichik until late February 2021, and that the same name is the one on the Libs of Tik Tok’s domain registration.


          At the very least these morons don’t seem to have a care for opsec, not that I think it will come to matter :/. Just imagine the shitstorm con-types would have given some Democrat having a secret targetted harassment campaign.

          • KillingTimeItself
            23 months ago

            hee hee, whoops, don’t tell that group of furry hackers that’s been making rounds recently about this one.

    • @HonoraryMancunian
      113 months ago

      Just kinda messes with your head when you have to commit 1-3 crimes a day at work.

      Those are rookie numbers!

      …drink more water dude

      • @andros_rex
        63 months ago

        Part of teaching is peeing strategically - you have to plan your water drinking so that you only need to go during lunch or plan. (The worst is when they make you “cover” during your planning period - usually I could get away with sitting behind the desk and doing a subtle pee dance all hour)

  • @bouldering_barista
    253 months ago

    This is good news! Trans students will just be using the bathroom, cisgender students are the ones that may be abusing this with negative intentions.

    Stay kind, everyone!

    • @Rob
      633 months ago

      Then you and many you knew should’ve been brought up with better manners.

      • metaStatic
        -603 months ago

        well let me just get into my time machine and … wait what was your fucking point?

        maybe a school should work with what they’ve got instead of complaining about things that literally can’t be changed and putting children in danger. or don’t, I don’t really care.

        • @MegaUltraChicken
          433 months ago

          I think their point is that you’re the outlier here. I was a teenage boy in school. I’ve literally never seen or heard of someone doing what you described. Normal people are not sexualizing the bathroom, that’s something you’ve come to on your own and that conservatives have this weird interest in for some reason. Maybe you should stop worrying about people taking a dump and just let people do what they want? The only reason this shit is even necessary is because conservatives want to try and legislate away the existence of LGBTQ+ people.

          • metaStatic
            -473 months ago

            sexualizing the bathroom

            Jesus Christ it really is all just projection isn’t it.

            Kids are going to be drawn to forbidden things and boys are going to do stupid shit, of course you never heard of this brand new thing when you where a kid. IT’S A NEW THING. this is just a new rule to mess with and all it requires is for you to make a claim and no matter how much you think it’s a matter of better education kids will will mess with it because kids are fucking awful.

            • VaultBoyNewVegas
              223 months ago

              You definitely sound like someone who used to sniff their sisters or moms underwear. Or at least peeked on them in the shower. I hope they never got stuck in a washing machine with you around.

            • KillingTimeItself
              13 months ago

              the only place a teen could ever possibly “experiment” in according to you is a school bathroom, by that definition at least.

              There is no other possible place where this could be done, everything except for the school bathroom is a void and doesn’t exist.

    • geekwithsoul
      583 months ago

      “…would 100% identify as female just to walk into the girls bathroom”

      That’s not “boys being boys” thinking, that’s the thinking of a future sexual assailant.

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        293 months ago

        Yeah this is absolutely not normal, nor something anyone I hung out with would ever do.

      • @T00l_shed
        33 months ago

        Do they think girls bathrooms have everyone walking around naked and not like… using the facilities, having taco shits and everything?

      • metaStatic
        -483 months ago

        in isolation sure.

        I’m assuming you never had a group of male friends because there would inevitably be an older boy with secret info on how to get into the girls locker room without getting in trouble and then dares and double dares and calls of chicken and anyone dumb enough to put on a skirt and try it would be harassed for the rest of their days.

        That’s boys being boys

        • geekwithsoul
          353 months ago

          Wow, you’re just a sociopath it seems. My condolences to anyone who has to deal with you on the regular

        • @BassTurd
          213 months ago

          As a boy that grew up a boy and hung out with other boys, your entire view is disgustingly fucked up. This ain’t Porky’s, pervert. If someone calling you a chicken for not being a predator is enough to make you a predator, I’m amazed you’ve survived this long with little to no spine. Quit trying to normalize fucked up behavior.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          153 months ago

          Dude thinks sex comedies from the 80s are real life.

        • @jeffwOP
          133 months ago

          Are you a real human? You sound like a character in a poorly written movie

        • @frickineh
          103 months ago

          “All my friends are sex offenders or spineless followers, boys will be boys! 🤷‍♂️”

          Ok bud. Just because you hung out with the cast of a bad 80s movie doesn’t mean everyone acts like that. And sure, maybe some kids will try it but literally no one with half a brain would fall for the excuse that they’re trans with zero other evidence. Actual trans kids aren’t making the bathroom their sole or first place to transition.

          • metaStatic
            -113 months ago

            maybe some kids will try it

            clearly no one here wants to even entertain that point.

            The actual point that all these idiots clutching their pearls missed was that communal bathrooms are the real problem.

            • @keyez
              13 months ago

              Good thing nothing in the article or thread mentioned communal bathrooms

    • @PoastRotato
      3 months ago

      The solution to this isn’t ostracizing trans people, it’s teaching children not be disgusting perpetrators of sexual harassment like you and many you knew.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      So you admit you’re a sexual predator?

      Because I never would do that and I do not know one person who ever would have done that.

      The solution is obvious, you need to be locked up in gaol to protect everyone else.

    • @jordanlundM
      183 months ago

      Removed. That is not what it means to be trans. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • @Cold_Brew_Enema
      143 months ago

      Just because you’re a gross pervert doesn’t mean everyone else is, too

  • @aquielias
    -913 months ago

    taking one side of the population rights to give it to another part of the population how is this progress?

    • Drusas
      413 months ago

      This doesn’t take anyone’s rights away.

    • @stoly
      413 months ago

      lol you’re so accustomed to be able to oppress that you literally think you’re being oppressed if you can’t oppress

    • @jordanlundM
      403 months ago

      Granting rights to one group doesn’t automatically remove rights from another.

      See gay marriage. Allowing one group of people to have the full rights of marriage doesn’t block those same rights from anyone else.

      All it means is everyone deserves to be treated like human beings.

      • @HonoraryMancunian
        113 months ago

        Granting rights to one group doesn’t automatically remove rights from another.

        It does when you’re a rigid hierarchy lover who believes everything is zero sum

    • @Zehzin
      213 months ago

      Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

    • KillingTimeItself
      23 months ago

      ah damn, my rights to not go into the bathroom i please. oh no. I’m losing them.