Sigh… fucking religious zealots.
Religion is just a way to try to legitimize hate these days. When you have an indefensible opinion you don’t want to change, say it’s your religion and find an obscure passage to support it. It’s the refuge of the deplorable more than its proclaimed peace and love.
Yep, countries like China have plenty of hate and they’re not religious. Take away religion and the hate is still there.
I didn’t say hate didn’t exist outside religion. That would be your cognitive leap. I said religion is used to attempt to legitimize hate as belief so it can be protected from scrutiny on some levels.
Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. But for good people to do bad things takes religion. Or something along those lines
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Organized religion at work
Jesus did say love your neighbor though. Mohammed wasn’t as chill.
I’m no fan of organized religion at all but:
“None of you has faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
Sounds pretty similarly chill to me.
The problem is that these texts have so many contradictory statements that they can be used to justify anything anyway.
The Gospel of Judas was rejected for the Biblical Cannon, but it would make Christianity make so much more sense. Basically says (along with other stuff) that the old testament god is a lower god that kind of gets off on making us suffer. Hence the impossible challenges used to damn us and the floods and stuff. All done to amuse them. Jesus is the son of the true god. The big boi who actually embodies love, but it so massive that they can’t directly interact with us as they have a lot more big picture shit to do. Jesus was just one of MANY entities sent around to all corners of the universe to spread the message of seeing past the tricks of the lesser gods and the hate and guilt that come from them and find the light of the real, all loving entity. Explains why old testament and new testament god is so different and Jesus seems to give a ton of contradictory messaging to earlier lessons.
Not religious btw. Just find the topic very fascinating.
This is why you don’t skip on the extended lore editions.
It’s a rabbit hole. The book of Enoch is pretty wild too. It was so popular that the New Testament was written assuming you had read it, but again, it was rejected from the biblical cannon. There’s a bunch of references in the Bible that make much more sense if you know the Enoch. Some cool lore in there too. All of the apocrypha is cooler than anything in the official Bible cannon tbh. All ruled out because they wanted to make mass as boring as possible I assume.
But yeah, check out Gnosticism. It’s an early sect of Christianity that believes all of the apocrypha. Much more based than our Christians I think. It kind of goes in an eastern religion direction while maintaining western mythology. Interesting stuff. It’s considered the ultimate heresy which is reason enough to learn about it haha
This is a pretty quick intro to the topic. Sub 10 min to get the gist.
I like the part about kicking over tables and whipping businessmen, but I think if you did the whipping now, a surprising number of them would enjoy it (no kinkshame), so not as effective.
Someone should let the Christians know Jesus was such a woke libturd.
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I mean, he also messed up some temple peddlers pretty bad that one time. I haven’t read enough of the Quran to really know, but I bet it’s also a mixed bag.
They’re super big on charity, at least.
Some real Texas shit right here.
No wonder Bush wanted them so bad. /s
At least they’re slowing it down. That never would’ve happened under Trump.
Trump would have had them speed it up.
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Where did you get that idea? (this one is in chronologically reverse order)
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Good job not reading any of the links and just seeing the word ‘trans’ in one of them and assuming it was all about trans rights.
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Three links is not ‘link bombing.’
And I see no reason to answer your question if you can’t look at the links that show you’re wrong about Trump. Entirely.
That depends on what his boss would say. Unfortunately, Putin is also a homophobe.
Inb4 the Russian trolls come here to try and argue this is all Bidens fault and if you vote for him you’re literally as bad as the people actively killing gays.
If Biden didn’t want gays being killed he should’ve never invented homophobia.
Maybe my english is not good enough or your sentence is weird. Are YOU saying its all Bidens fault or are the russian Trolls gonna say it’s all Biden fault?
The russians
These kinds of “morality” laws always have a built-in slippery slope that entrenches police and judicial corruption, see here:
the bill would also impose a minimum seven-year prison sentence for “promoting homosexuality,” which is undefined in the bill (…) While consensual gay sex is not explicitly outlawed under current law in Iraq, vague “morality” clauses in the country’s penal code are routinely used to target LGBTQ+ people (…) who said it was necessary to “preserve the entity of the Iraqi society from deviation and calls for ‘paraphilia’ [abnormal sexual impulses] that have invaded the world.”
First they speak of homosexuality, half an hour later they’re speaking about deviant behavior and paraphilias. What does count as any of those though? Practicing anal or oral sex? Having pornographic material? Wearing jeans as a woman, or letting your hair slightly long as a man? The vagueness is the purpose: by declaring a not very well defined enemy, people in positions of relative power (a policeman, a judge, a local governor) are capable of promoting witch-hunts about anyone who makes a faux pas.
Ruining the lives of 5-10% of your society’s population is bad enough, but the main purpose of these moves is promoting conformity and entrenching corruption as a means of exerting political power.
Okay why. What’s the reason to “kill the gays”. This is so unreasonably stupid that it exceeds the bounds of comprehensibility. Even the weirdest takes like “don’t let them marry” or “don’t let them have kids” I can at least see where they’re coming from, I firmly disagree, but I can understand what their take is. But why the actuall fuck do you need to kill them?
Been living under a rock? This is hardly a new idea
Manbabies with insecurities about their own sexuality is my best guess. Oh, and religion of course, but that goes without saying.
Pretty obvious, gay = bad so they need to get killed. /s
Projection and self-hate, I can only assume. The Iraqi government must be 100% closeted gays.
I don’t agree with his Bart-killing policy… but I do approve of his Selma-killing policy
It’s dark, but damn is this good. I love me a classic Simpsons reference.
They really want to see another “mission accomplished” banner hanging from a US warship huh? Short memories.
Yeah historically the US has been such a staunch supporter of the community
Religion of peace, amirite?
Just ignore the fact Christians are doing the same thing. It’s not an Islamic issue. It’s a conservative issue. Muslims in America are predominantly left leaning and their views reflect it. I’m more worried about Christians in America trying to kill me than Muslims. They are more accepting of me here than Christians. My local mosque has a big trans rights flag in protest of our local politicians, and guess who were the ones to get upset about that. I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t the people who were worshiping under the trans rights flag.
As a subject of hate born from essentialization, it’s bad. Don’t do it. Regardless of who you’re essentializing. Systemic oppression can only happen with underlying dehumanization that comes from this thinking. Before you say “what about Nazis?”, still no. It removes responsibility from them. That was the immediate and obvious excuse the people under Nazi Germany used to absolve themselves when the war ended. It was what was used to excuse the people brought to Western nations under programs like paper clip. They are people. They are just like you. You are capable of becoming just like them. Unless you’re willing to accept that, you’re much more susceptible to becoming like them.
They’re all religions of peace! Until they’re in power, of course.
the islamophobia is not really necessary considering right wing governments in a large portion of europe, australia, the us, and canada (the opposition in this case) are all pushing laws criminalising trans and gay people…
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most of those countries are literally trying to eradicate trans people from existence by criminalising medical care…