• @aeronmelon
    1981 month ago

    Religious mutilation: Not even once.

    • @Paddzr
      411 month ago

      I had medical mutilation. I lost a lot of sensitivity down there. But it allows it to work and wife has been supportive in a country where it’s a rare thing.

      • @[email protected]
        141 month ago

        I don’t think anyone is arguing against it being done for medical reasons and especially on someone willing.

        • @Paddzr
          21 month ago

          But I feel like I’m a rare breed of someone experiencing it and having years with “both” types. There’s a lot of curiosity from both camps because realistically, there’s little chance of anyone ever finding out which one is “better”. Honestly, both have pros and cons. I hope my comment puts people a bit at ease for having it forced upon them when they couldn’t say no and those who still can choose, don’t feel pressured into it or mislead by misinformation.

        • @Paddzr
          21 month ago

          Nope… In adulthood.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            WOW. I can’t imagine the fear.

            I also feel like it’s impossible to learn about the lost sensitivity: in the half dozen posts I have seen over the years about non-babies being circumcised, they say the sensitivity lost isn’t as much as we circumcised suspect it was. I’m not doubting you. I just wish I knew what the proper amount of resentment about my parents having chosen this is.

            • @Paddzr
              41 month ago

              I can tell you. It is a lot.

              But it’s not life altering and I do prefer it in a way, I’m not having issues finishing or anything like that. I had it done at a private hospital so it was done esthetically well. Very little scar tissue etc. But I wouldn’t make my son have one, that’s crazy. It happened and I had little choice in the matter. But it was conscious, body autonomy is important.

    • @[email protected]
      281 month ago

      Yep. If an adult wants to do it, then it’s nobody else’s business. But parents shouldn’t be allowed to make a decision like that. An infant can’t be religious.

    • zea
      201 month ago

      Neither of my parents are or were religious, yet I have a scar there (not hyperbole, actually hurts if touched too much). I don’t know if foreskin is useful for anything in GRS, but if it is I’m gonna be pissed I don’t have any.

      • kora
        271 month ago

        Bad news girlfriend, it is useful. The more you have to work with, the better.

        I too am pissed.

        • zea
          131 month ago

          I already have less to work with than average 😭

          • kora
            -31 month ago

            Its not a death sentence though. Surgeons are quite adept these days.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I’m sorry parents and doctors are legally allowed to mutilate an infants sex organs. It’s honestly fucking disgusting, and tragic that you are one of the many victims.

      In a couple decades circumcision will likely be looked back on as one of the many barbaric practices that was common in the past, and I can’t wait for that day.

      • @[email protected]
        451 month ago

        In the US? The same country that just overturned Roe v Wade? Yeah, somehow I have my doubts they will rid themselves of the archaic genital mutilation. I would like to believe people in 2024 are also smart enough not to crop a dog’a ears or dock its tail or hell, breed the abominations like pugs and french bulldogs. But that is not the world we live in. The world we do live in is filled to the brim with idiots.

      • @[email protected]
        -211 month ago

        I realize that having it done as a newborn I’ll never really know, but mutilated? As an adult iv seen and played with those flesh danglers. Listen we are all humans and beautiful, but fucking hell I’m happy with mine. They are like one of those weird deep sea critters you see on nat geo or sciencememes.

        True, if I ever have a baby I’ll make the argument to the mom we SHOULD give the kid the choice… but I know that as a poor adult I would never do it now. But am happy it’s been done.

        I hate to sound like a “Liberal” talking about Palestine, but this may be a somewhat nuanced situation.

        • @[email protected]
          351 month ago

          The definition of mutilate is “inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on.”

          Circumcision being the forced removal of the most sensitive part of the males genitals, that literally disfigures it, I feel like saying it’s mutilation is just the correct use of the word.

          • cum
            -21 month ago

            Disfigure means it’s left worse off. It’s literally more healthy and generally seen as more aesthetically pleasing. So no, that’s not the correct use of the word. That’s like saying cutting an umbilical cord is disfiguring lol.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              No it is not considered more healthy, and being more “aesthetically pleasing” may be the general consensus among religious nuts and other men who were multilated and have trouble dealing with that reality, but it is not based in fact when assessing the topic on a global scale.

              If you want to talk about healthy I hear that if you remove the penis entirely you can no longer get an STD. Maybe we should start doing that, since obviously it’s more healthy.

              An umbilical cord falls off naturally, it is not meant to stay with your body forever. Your foreskin however is the most sensitive part of your penis and is a permanent part of your body, so your comparison against an umbilical cord is unintelligent.

              • cum
                -11 month ago

                You seem a little emotional so we can’t have an actual discussion, but I suggest you actually look at the studies that objectively prove it’s a health benefit. You won’t actually read them, but that’s what the current science determines. This is like when an anti vaxer gets too emotional when you show them actual objective evidence.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry you were multilated bro, you have shown no evidence. Link a research paper if you want to prove a point

        • @Senshi
          261 month ago

          I’m curious, why are you “happy it’s been done”?

          I live in a country where we don’t perform this procedure out of tradition/religion, or at least not in the majority. I’m only aware of it being done for specific medical pathologies such as phimosis.

          Because I kind of agree with the sentiment that performing unwarranted surgeries on someone that is unable to voice his (non-)consent is an ethical problem. Even more so with excisions, which always are drastically and usually irrevocably diminishing the body.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            I’m glad because I like how it looks and feels. Also, while I understand they are the exception not the rule, I have read about some men’s experience with them (the father of the 7 yr old in this comment thread for example) that make them sound either unconvienent or sometimes unpleasant. Never read anything similar from someone who’s been cut.

            And this question isn’t poised at you, but do the people who rail against it think Jewish people should stop the practice as well?

            • @Senshi
              01 month ago

              I’ll still use the opportunity to voice my opinion clearly on this: Yes, forced circumcision on infants is only a very small step above the also still common practice of female genetic mutilations at birth/infancy. It does not matter what reasons you claim, only medical necessity should matter. Society should protect its infants from any religion or tradition demanding body modifications of infants.

              Leave people’s bodies alone until they can decide on their own what to do when there is zero proven medical benefit to doing it before without their informed consent.

              The common “improved hygiene” argument is nonsensical. You know what improves hygiene? Washing, and teaching kids how to wash themselves.

              Otherwise you could cut off ears using the same logic. No ears, no need to wash behind the ears.

        • KillingTimeItself
          91 month ago

          i mean listen if it counts as female genital mutilation for females, it counts as genital mutilation for males. I see no reason it shouldn’t.

        • @[email protected]
          -61 month ago

          As someone who is circumcised and chose not to circumcise their son, I’m seeing that circumcision has a lot of benefits. My son’s foreskin has always been too tight and won’t still fully retract at 7 years old. We have to put cream on it every night. It needs a lot more thorough washing every day or else it gets discharge all over it. The care and maintenance on an uncircumcised penis is like 1000x that of a circumcised one. I never knew any difference, so I’m not sure what the downsides of having a circumcised one is.

          • @[email protected]
            61 month ago

            That’s not normal. I have never had such problems. No special cleaning and cream needed. No smegma. Just pull it back and wash it like everything else. You should seek a doctor. It sounds like a medically induced circumcision would be a good idea.

            • @[email protected]
              -11 month ago

              We see doctors regularly and are trying to manage the problem without circumcision. You may have had problems when you were a kid too and just don’t remember it, it’s fairly common.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            Why would it need to retract at 7 years old? It really only needs to retract once you start to have sex.

            Stop messing with your son’s penis for god’s sake.

              • @[email protected]
                -21 month ago

                I’m not eating from the tip of my penis.

                Phimosis is completely physiological/natural for younger boys and actually helps to protect the head of the penis against infections.


                If it needs washing, you can just spray water from the shower head into the opening.

                But it’s also kinda like the vagina for girls. It doesn’t really need washing or special treatment unless it’s infected.

                In any case, messing with the penis of your son and making them feel unhygienic or like their foreskin is a problem is likely much more damaging than a little bit of smegma.

                • KillingTimeItself
                  11 month ago

                  I’m not eating from the tip of my penis.

                  yes, and you aren’t doing the same from the nail gunk you accumulate i assume? Then we’re on the same page.

                  Literally just clean it like you do the rest of your body and you have no problems.

  • @AngryCommieKender
    691 month ago

    My mother scandalized the Navy nurses by refusing to allow me out of her sight for any reason including a circumcision. She said there was no need,.as she loved every part.if me, and wasn’t going to be staying in the hospital one second longer than necessary. The doctor had to shoo the nurse out of the room while she was objecting that was not standard procedure.

  • @LemmyKnowsBest
    341 month ago

    promise you’ll stop getting a circumcision? What? like it’s an ongoing decision like smoking cigarettes?

      • @Son_of_dad
        101 month ago

        I mean if your joke needs explanation it sucks

      • @Psythik
        81 month ago

        Please just explain it; I’m dumb

        • @Potatos_are_not_friends
          121 month ago

          You don’t snip a bit after every celebration?

          When the Chiefs won the Superbowl, I got a lil circumcision to celebrate.

          • @LemmyKnowsBest
            51 month ago

            What? Taylor Swift getting laid wasn’t enough of a celebration for you? You had to go and cut off your penis foreskin too?

            • rhsJack
              31 month ago

              Hang on. Are you saying we are doing it wrong?

        • @[email protected]
          121 month ago

          It is a trope that this how a partner responds to seeing self harm scars. But this isn’t a self harm scar it’s a circumcision scar.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            I also heard it’s an action movie trope where the love interest touches MC’s scars then asks him to stop killing or some shit. But this one is horny and vague.

        • @LemmyKnowsBest
          41 month ago

          Honestly I think the OP is trying to tell us that husband was telling his wife, every time they have a baby boy, please stop giving consent to the doctors to circumcise every new baby boy.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            I think it’s related to scars from cutting yourself. You can get addicted to that. The joke being that the partner confuses the two types of scars

            • rhsJack
              11 month ago

              That was my take away. It was funny that way. But if you extrapolated from other interpretations, it’s kinda sad or kinda fascist. I prefer the funny.

  • @RubberElectrons
    131 month ago

    I don’t hate my doctor or my parents for doing what they thought was a good idea at the time.

    I’m fine and I love both my parents just the same. Hopefully you can find peace as well.

    • KillingTimeItself
      101 month ago

      if you should be mad at anything it’s society. Realistically it’s not even really a medical design, it’s more like “hey we do this thing sometimes, do you want it done?” And then a yes or no. Perhaps 20-40 years ago that was the case though.

      • @RubberElectrons
        51 month ago

        Honestly, missing a bit of dickskin is a lot less troubling to me then how hard we all work and have no real protection from the hurdles life sometimes throws at us.

        Who’s taking care of my elderly family, spread out across the states? My nephews have to choose between affording a home by both going to work, or actually raising their young kids. Where is our eldercare, our universal healthcare, our pre-k benefits?

        I have my reasons to gripe about society, and crazy as mutilating a baby under the pretense of health is, I don’t think it’s as deadly or dangerous to us all long term, as these oligarchs and their sycophants robbing us of our dues, enabled by an unregulated economy.

        The clock keeps ticking on the detonator.

        • KillingTimeItself
          21 month ago

          i suppose thats the case but at the end of the day it’s all the same reason. People who shouldn’t be worried about your life, being worried about your life, and inevitably, causing you issues.

          One way or the other society progresses, either forwards, or forwards, or backwards. Doesnt matter what you do say or think it still happens.

  • @RGB3x3
    11 month ago

    When is the body positivity movement going to acknowledge that men who have been circumcised are not broken? So much toxicity around this online. Every time this comes up, it’s just a bunch of people shaming guys who have been circumcised.

    • @[email protected]
      421 month ago

      We arent shaming the guys but the parents. Being circuncised is not a condition that just happened. Its shitty parents mutilating their babies because they think it looks better.

      • @AtariDump
        141 month ago

        I strongly disagree. I did a not have shitty parents; they are wonderful.

        It was misinformation at the time. I HIGHLY DOUBT they were standing there looking at me thinking “his dick will look better without that extra piece of skin when he’s older”.

        Everyone has done something wrong due to misinformation with long lasting repercussions.

        • KillingTimeItself
          141 month ago

          it can be done for health reasons, this is usually done later, after the fact. But i’m going to hedge a bet that the rate of circumcisions vastly over blows the rate of medically needed circumcisions.

        • @[email protected]
          01 month ago

          There’s more intersex people, by magnitudes, than male children needing a circumcision for medical reasons. Least of all before puberty. Most of the time phymosis vanishes with mechanical stimulation alone, if it doesn’t then in all but a vanishingly small number of cases some testosterone salve does the rest.

          You’d be much better advised advocating for masturbators (as in pocket pussy) over bare hands, they’re mechanically superior not just when it comes to the foreskin but also when it comes to bad habits such as edging rope. I thought they had sex ed in Canada but apparently it’s just as bad as in the US.

      • @Potatos_are_not_friends
        101 month ago

        You don’t go to a bar and someone points at your dick disfigurement (or what we call a dickfigurirement) with, “Hey look at snippy dick”?

        • rhsJack
          31 month ago

          sips my cocoa and says absolutely nothing

        • KillingTimeItself
          11 month ago

          Well yeah, i don’t interact with people, so no i don’t go to bars for what that’s worth.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        There’s constant slurs and jokes being thrown our waynat our expense. It’s a daily aspect of our lives.

        “Cut that out”

        “are you getting snippy with me?”

        “I’m afraid we’ll have to cut our time short”

        You probably don’t notice it unless you’ve been circumcised yourself.

        • deaf_fish
          31 month ago

          I assume there’s more context than just the statements. If someone randomly happens to use the word cut or snippy in a sentence, I don’t think that means they are making fun of a circumcision.

          • KillingTimeItself
            21 month ago

            im pretty sure we’re shitposting. I don’t think we’re actually being genuine here.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            Would you say the same thing to a black person who just opened up about racism they’ve experienced?

            You’re attempting to gaslight every circumcised male into believing it’s all in our heads.

            • deaf_fish
              11 month ago

              My dude, I’m circumcised.

              I don’t get out much, is this a thing that happens a lot? I guess I don’t openly declare I’m circumcised to my social group. So there’s no way that they would know. But if they did would they make that a big deal? I have a hard time imagining that they would even care.

              Are you sure this is a societal problem and not a friend group problem?

              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                The other day I saw my grocery store advertising that they were ‘slashing prices on sausages’. You’re telling me that’s not intentional?

                Just a coincidence I’m sure 😒

                • deaf_fish
                  11 month ago

                  I think it comes down to whether or not there is negative stigma with being circumcised.

                  We all have to set our own bar on this one, from my perspective, I don’t see that society really cares if a person is cut or uncut.

                  I would say that if this is causing problems for your life, then you should consider seeking therapy. Even if it turns out that society is gunning for you, getting help can make it easier to live in that society.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              Do people know you’re circumcised based on your skin colour? Seems like a facetious comparison

    • @Discoverthemind
      41 month ago

      Definitely don’t want to shame you. I myself was circumcised but I believe it is a complex issue, but down to brass tacks it is actually male genital mutilation.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Actually when you are circumcised you can feel that you are going to come, I mean I know for sure because I am. But it’s still a lot of fun xD (the meme is still fun)

    edit: I’m not understanding why this comment was downvoted. it’s just said something that to me is so, is it wrong? maybe I’m being punished for know-it-all? you don’t like the idea of being circumcised? i was circumcised when i was 2 years old and because otherwise i couldn’t pee

    I got a lot of shit for a very trivial comment, but what the fuck… what’s wrong with you guys?

    • StrikerOPM
      1831 month ago

      I am pretty sure you can feel when you are about to cum regardless of circumcision status. That’s just how dicks Work. Ya know

      • WIZARD POPE💫
        311 month ago

        Same reason you can feel when you need to pee. It’s not the dick itself that actually controls the fluids.

          • WIZARD POPE💫
            121 month ago

            Well it is the pee fairy that decides when enough pee is stored inside your balls and when to release it.

      • @[email protected]
        -131 month ago

        really? thanks for telling me, if it wasn’t for you i would have never found out. thanks man, thanks for existing

    • shuzuko
      821 month ago

      Fun fact, you can feel it when you’re uncut too. At least, my spouse has never not been able to warn me over 14 years together, so, that doesn’t seem like a good reason to mutilate kids’ dicks.

      • @[email protected]
        -131 month ago

        well sure it’s as you say. i’m just saying that. then as for me i was circumcised for medical reasons (i was pissing myself from all over) so i don’t really understand the point of your sentence honestly

        • @[email protected]
          51 month ago

          Have you ever tried just pulling it back a little bit before you pee?

          Thats what I do when its cold outside and I want to pee, but not on me.

        • ancap shark
          81 month ago

          You actually don’t seem to know (which surprised me), so I will tell you. I’m from Brazil, almost nobody here is circumcised. I can say for sure, everybody, circumcised or not, can feel they’re about to cum, that has nothing to do with having or not foreskin.

          There are people who report that being circumcised makes you a bit less sensitive so you last longer. I cannot confirm or deny that, although it makes sense. But feeling your about to cum is not an ability you unlock for being circumcised.

          You said in the edit that you don’t understand why you got so much push back. You got it because your comment is very confident in an absolutely wrong fact, that shows a very strong lack of understanding of other people

          • @[email protected]
            -31 month ago

            You actually don’t seem to know (which surprised me), so I will tell you. I’m from Brazil, almost nobody here is circumcised. I can say for sure, everybody, circumcised or not, can feel they’re about to cum, that has nothing to do with having or not foreskin.

            There are people who report that being circumcised makes you a bit less sensitive so you last longer. I cannot confirm or deny that, although it makes sense. But feeling your about to cum is not an ability you unlock for being circumcised.

            But I already knew this. What are we kidding

            You got it because your comment is very confident in an absolutely wrong fact, that shows a very strong lack of understanding of other people.

            There must have been a big misunderstanding. I certainly wasn’t bragging about being circumcised, but come on.

            • ancap shark
              101 month ago

              But I already knew this

              I certainly wasn’t bragging about being circumcised

              Actually when you are circumcised you can feel that you are going to come, I mean I know for sure because I am. But it’s still a lot of fun xD

              If you already knew, you weren’t bragging, and it was not satire, then what did it supposed to mean?

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                I honestly thought that whoever made the meme was trying to allude to the fact that those who are circumcised cannot feel when they are about to come, which is why I said it.

                Edit: The phrase “it’s sill a lot of fun” refers to the meme itself, not the act of fucking. I think that’s what made me think that I bragged about lasting a long time in bed.

    • Ignotum
      161 month ago

      It’s actually the other way around, the orgasm-sensor is actually located in the foreskin

      that’s where it gets the name, foresight-giving skin

      • @[email protected]
        -21 month ago

        I didn’t read what you wrote so thank you for not being an asshole (?) however others have been much more than you so relax, and I also miss the point of this whole thing. What bullshit lol

        • udon
          21 month ago

          Just added a downvote because there were already 145 (wtf?) and I wanted to be part of it! Highest number I’ve seen here so far, congrats!

          I wonder how many others just thought it’s fun to jump on the downvote train. Nothing personal and there are worse things to worry about than a random count on a random website