• Granite
    585 months ago

    “I want all the benefits of society and none of the responsibility.”

    • @whotookkarl
      45 months ago

      Cosplaying as someone wealthy in court, none of that bullshit flies without the high priced attorneys who can actually strategize and execute delay and obstructive tactics to manipulate the court.

  • @Vinny_93
    395 months ago

    Wouldn’t it be great if you could just fill out a form saying “I don’t wanna pay tax” and then not pay tax.

    • @[email protected]
      395 months ago

      No, because then the government wouldn’t have the funds to keep society running.

      I like paying taxes.

      The money has to come from somewhere. And if I didn’t pay taxes, it means everyone else will have to pay more.

      If every company/individual/… paid the taxes they were owed, we would have a tax rate of like 10-20%

      • themeatbridge
        265 months ago

        It also serves to increase the difficulty of hoarding wealth and creating dramatic economic imbalance. Billionaires are really bad for the economy.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I like paying taxes

        I don’t. Every time a child is burned alive, every time hundreds are made homeless by a drone strike, every time a book is banned, every time an innocent is murdered by police, I’m part of that, I funded that. I hate it.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            Yup. Like with most things related to governing, it’s necessary, but exploitable. It needs regulation, but the bigger it gets, the harder it is to regulate, but if we made it smaller, it wouldn’t be effective enough.

        • partial_accumen
          105 months ago

          Every time a child is burned alive, every time hundreds are made homeless by a drone strike, every time a book is banned, every time an innocent is murdered by police, I’m part of that, I funded that. I hate it.

          With zero taxes modern society would fall and the outcomes don’t change for the better either.

          • lawlessness would rule the land
          • industrial capacity to produce books wouldn’t exist, so bookbinding would revert to artisan level so there likely wouldn’t be a book to ban because there wouldn’t be enough of them to ban.
          • “police” would be paid/fed by the local strongman that would happily kill you for whatever arbitrary reason he or bossman wanted.
          • homelessness would be so shockingly common it would be the norm and not the exception

          All of the problems you listed would be minuscule compared to finding something to eat or a dry place to lay your head to sleep where you would be safe.

          • @SkyezOpen
            125 months ago

            “But what if I was the local strongman?”


        • @TrickDacy
          55 months ago

          Right, child murder is required when you pay taxes. That’s international law

          • @[email protected]
            -25 months ago

            It’s not like I get to choose what is spent on, and yeah a shitload of it goes towards child murder. More of my money is spent hurting people than helping them.

            • @candybrie
              135 months ago

              If it makes you feel better, that’s not true. More discretionary spending is on “defense.” But roughly 2/3 of the full budget is mandatory spending which largely is social security, Medicare, medicaid, TANF, and SNAP and also includes education and transportation as smaller pieces.

      • BruceTwarzen
        -15 months ago

        Depends. I don’t really like to pay taxes because you have no real say where you tax money goes. Like when there is a huge pothole in front of my house but you read in the newspaper that they rip apart apartments where people live and build new luxury apartments for the ultra rich, i’m like… Cool stuff.
        Or you’re american and pay taxes becuse the most important thing is that you have another 13 billion dollar airplane carrier, because 20 or however many aren’t enough.

        • @Cryophilia
          65 months ago

          Your government builds luxury apartments with tax money?

      • @[email protected]
        -75 months ago

        This doesn’t actually apply on a federal level in the US. Taxes don’t pay for government services, taxes are basically a measure to control inflation.

        • @_skj
          05 months ago

          Sad to see down votes for the truth. The feds print the money so they don’t absolutely NEED to collect it first. But if money going out is more than the money coming in through taxes, it increases the supply and decreases the value of each dollar.

    • Flying Squid
      215 months ago

      Great in the sense that you personally would have more money, terrible for absolutely everything else around you.

      • @Cryophilia
        25 months ago

        Money is backed by the government, which would cease to exist, making your extra money worthless lol

    • slazer2au
      45 months ago

      I thought those were called company registration forms.


  • @ZagamTheVile
    225 months ago

    I mean, taxes are optional. You really don’t have to pay them. Lots of people don’t. There will be consequences sure, but you can totally choose not to pay them. And you don’t even have to fill out a form.

    • @NounsAndWords
      65 months ago

      You probably still do have to fill out some forms for your employer not to withhold taxes.

      • Flying Squid
        175 months ago

        The secret is to not have a job. *Taps temple.*

        • Bonehead
          65 months ago

          You still need a job to survive. You just need to find one that doesn’t require a social security number and pays under the table. You know, like the jobs that all the immigrants do.

          • @TexasDrunk
            5 months ago

            A lot of undocumented immigrants have jobs that require SSNs. As weird as it sounds, many of them pay taxes. They get illegally obtained or forged SSNs and pay the same as you or me.

          • Flying Squid
            45 months ago

            Plenty of homeless people survive without jobs. They eat out of dumpsters, but…

  • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
    185 months ago

    Common mistake. The form is only for people named ‘Ben’. No one else should file this form if they’re not legally recognised as ‘Ben’.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      No, no, it’s for people named BEN. Don’t fall for their trick to get you to spell your name in all caps, that’s how they enslave you!

    • @AnUnusualRelic
      35 months ago

      I thought it was there to tell Ben he had to wait.

    • @Aganim
      15 months ago

      I identify myself as ‘Ben’, does that count?

  • @Red_October
    155 months ago

    Now someone tells them “No, that’s not how that works at all, you will definitely still need to pay taxes no matter what form you file, and the people who say otherwise are wrong.”

    They will not listen, of course, the only answers that will enter their head are the ones they want to hear, that they are correct and are one little bit of paperwork away from never paying taxes again.

  • @perviouslyiner
    5 months ago

    What do you mean, “employer”? Anyone who fills that form, by definition, doesn’t work in the US. The form certifies that your income is not associated with a US business.