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Trump says he is open to restrictions on contraception. His campaign says he misspoke

From WABE Politics News:

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he was open to supporting regulations on contraception and that his campaign would release a policy on the issue “very shortly.” The comments, […]

  • @eran_morad
    10 months ago

    Imagine being a republican woman, wtf kind of dumb shit is that.

      • @Passerby6497
        2710 months ago

        I don’t understand why anyone is against contraception.

        Its a great way to “trap” someone who you fear is going to leave you because you’re a slacker working a dead end job and you know they can do better if they could see the reality of the situation.

        Funny enough, its also why they’re against no-fault divorces.

      • @PoliticalAgitator
        10 months ago

        When the birth control pill was first released, people opposed it by claiming that women would just take trains of lovers while their husband was at work, since there was no longer the risk of pregnancy.

        That was 64 years and many of those people became politicians and church leaders or passed their shitty views down to their shitty children.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          910 months ago

          That sounds like projection, doesn’t it? No risk of pregnancy, I’ll bang as many women/men as I have time for…

          • @PoliticalAgitator
            10 months ago

            Them banging people doesn’t upset them, only that their wives and daughters might do the same.

      • @A_Random_Idiot
        1110 months ago

        evangelicals are against it cause they dont want women to have options.

        They want women to pump out tiny soldiers of christ who will grow up indoctrinated to take seats of government, starting at the local, and working their way up to state and federal, until the christofascist extremists control all aspects of government, with the power and authority to brutally put down any “non-believer” I.E. anyone that is critical of their behavior or actions.

      • @proper
        610 months ago

        they need more dumbasses to make more dumbass voters.

      • @Cornelius_Wangenheim
        510 months ago

        There’s far right assholes who think the solution to falling birth rates is to go full Ceaușescu.

  • OptionalOP
    8810 months ago

    He was joking. Or maybe locker room talk. We’ll get back to you.

    • @fluxion
      3510 months ago

      Do you support what he said? Ok then yes, he said that.

      How about you? Do you support what he said? No? Ok then no, he didn’t say that.

      • @Passerby6497
        1010 months ago

        How about you? Do you support what he said? No? Ok then no, he didn’t say that.

        “Ok, so he did say that, but that’s not what he really meant.”

  • @[email protected]
    4610 months ago

    Trump is such an obvious con-man that it frustrates me to no end that he continues to get away with it and people cover for him. Look at what he said:

    “We’re looking at that and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly”

    When pressed he said:

    “Things really do have a lot to do with the states, and some states are going to have different policy than others”

    He literally doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about! He’s just basically smiling and nodding - and this dumbass was president and is trying to be president again.

    • Daze
      1910 months ago

      Just saw this on the news passing by and had the same thoughts. How does anybody not see that he literally has nothing? He has no idea what to say unless his handlers are in his ears. This man couldn’t even be in charge of the local dump.

      • @[email protected]
        1310 months ago

        What’s crazy is that the news treat this as if he’s staying a serious policy instead of calling it what it is. They phrase it as “Trump says he’s open to restrictions on contraception”. They should be saying “Trump clearly flounders and doesn’t know what contraception means.”

        This man does not have a single serious policy, other than his own personal goals.

        • @Passerby6497
          710 months ago

          Its not crazy, its money.

          If they point out how obviously senile and empty headed he is, they lose 40+% of their audience because they value feels over reals and can’t admit that their soiled diaper daddy needs to be given the (political) old yeller treatment.

        • @MrVilliam
          510 months ago

          C’mon, man. “Contraception” is a whole 4-syllable word. Who are you to gatekeep the office of presidency behind understanding such complex words. Donald J Trump is an honest man who tells it like it is, and it’s not like he’s ever bragged about being good at words. /s

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Remember that scene in Chicago, where Roxy Hart was sitting on Billy Flynn’s lap and they sang?

        Basically like that.

    • @WarlordSdocy
      910 months ago

      Yeah his strategy was and still very much is to just say things, see how people react, and if there’s enough applause it becomes policy and if there is enough backlash then it’s walked back and he said he misspoke and then never talks about the issue again.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      410 months ago

      Never underestimate the power of a great deal of very stupid people. The sad thing is that a lot of people don’t like it that others are smarter/more experienced and more competent than them. As a general rule, they tend to be Republicans. That’s why you see Republican politicians with an Ivy League education pretending to be morons that are “salt of the Earth”. They know full well their base is filled with morons seething over the notion that other people are smarter than they are, have more education, etc…

      So the fact that Ronald McDonald is most likely an actual total moron who knows next to nothing is considered “authentic” to the base.

    • @paf0
      310 months ago

      I’m not a MAGA person by any means but he sounds pretty coherent to me. They’re going to leave it to the states.

      Some states will have civil rights, while others will have unnecessary cruelty. Just like Jesus would have wanted.

      • @masquenox
        610 months ago

        Some states will have civil rights,

        Doesn’t seem to me like the fascists will be content at leaving it like that.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          510 months ago

          Indeed. They are very butthurt right now about the uppity wimmenz in their Gilead states thinking they have the right to go to a free state to have an abortion.

      • TurtleJoe
        410 months ago

        The reality is that the plan is to appoint somebody to head the DOJ who will both enforce the Comstock act, and classify birth control as “abortion causing materials.”

        The Comstock act makes it illegal to “mail” abortion causing materials, which could be interrupted to include medical supplies used in abortions, birth control, the Plan B pill, possibly even other medications that have the mere potential to cause miscarriage. This would make it nearly impossible to perform abortions or access birth control in states where they are still legal, all while still technically adhering to the holy “state’s rights” scripture.

    • ddh
      310 months ago

      We still waiting for his tremendous healthcare plan that’s coming in two weeks

  • billwashere
    2310 months ago

    Reporter: “Do you support lifting restrictions on infanticide?”

    Trump: “We’re looking at that and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,”

    …because he’s a fucking moron and couldn’t figure out how to poor piss out of a boot with the instructions on heel…

    • @andros_rex
      410 months ago

      Well yes. His position is confusing, because these folks want to fuck their mistresses/side-pieces/prostitutes consequence free, but also want to keep their wives trapped at home and to punish “sluts.”

      Similarly, folks like Lindsey Graham and Ryan Walters want to fuck dudes on the side, but want to still consider themselves superior to the “removeds.”

      These men have a sexuality based solely on real control and power, nothing resembling normal human sexual desires.

  • @someguy3
    10 months ago

    Whoop there it is.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    It must be confusing for trump. The evangelicals want women to be slaves trapped in terrible marriages with no reproductive rights, while the slightly saner ones are telling him, “Noo, that is unpopular with everyone else! Just pretend to be a moderate on these issues!” But his brain is mush so he just parrots whoever spoke to him most recently.

  • @[email protected]
    1510 months ago

    “very shortly” being the time it takes for a donor to tell his campaign managers what his policy is supposed to be.

  • @cosmicrookie
    1510 months ago

    As if the campaign team will be responsible for anything after the election… when not even real politicians care

  • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
    510 months ago

    If he said he wasn’t, they’d be saying the same thing. There is not enough profanity in the english language for them.

  • @[email protected]
    410 months ago

    His cult will only hear what he said. The media will ignore it because the campaign said the opposite. And the electorate who don’t pay attention won’t have a clue what’s coming if trump and project 2025 take over the government.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Next up, Trump says he is open to restrictions on the ability of leftists and racial minorities to own businesses or property. His campaign says he misspoke, while Trump holds a press conference on how contraceptives are the work of the devil and also makes a “joke” about concentration camps.