• @RattlerSix
    1569 months ago

    It must be so tedious being a conservative. Being afraid of everything, hating everyone, keeping up with all the conspiracy theories, constantly thinking about children’s genitals.

    • @ProfessorProteus
      109 months ago

      It’s amazing the amount of freedom I enjoy simply by not being a conservative. When I get home from work I just have a good time playing videogames or whatever else makes me happy. I’m allowed to like whatever I like.

      They really should try it. It’s liberating 😌

  • @Zombiepirate
    1099 months ago

    More reactionary stupidity based on a curated reality.

      • @WhatAmLemmy
        359 months ago

        I like “conservative cinematic universe” because it’s a manufactured fairytale.

        • @MrVilliam
          179 months ago

          And there’s just so much lore to keep up with. Can’t watch the new DEI until you’ve gotten through all the episodes of CRT. I think they need to slow it down before people get too much outrage fatigue before the big blockbuster drops later this year.

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      I love that phrase!

      But it’s become deeper than that lately. Like, even if vaccines did have a risk of harm, so too does the disease it is meant to protect against - and like, the risk of harm from a horrific disease such as Polio would vastly outweigh a small risk of even actual, full-on, literal death from taking the vaccine. It’s a cost-to-benefit trade-off.

      On the other hand, conservatives not only made it a point of pride to not wear masks themselves, but they went so far as to work to prevent people form putting masks onto their own faces - what happened to the “freedom” aspect there? Nobody is that dumb, as to think that having flunked out of high school, they now “know better” than PhD+MD scientists with literally decades of experience doing world-class research at top-tier institutions.

      It’s so far beyond “alternative facts” these days - even they know they’re lying (e.g., about all of Trump’s many trials), but at this point they simply do not seem to care. Trump “tells it like it is” (no he doesn’t), that’s it and that’s all, no questions (allowed to be) asked.

  • @disguy_ovahea
    399 months ago

    They can’t have them learning science. How will they convince them that climate change is a hoax?

  • @Suavevillain
    289 months ago

    They won’t feed kids and now they straight up don’t want them in schools. I wish conservatives could just go move into a new state and live their cult life away from the rest of society.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      99 months ago

      I’m starting to think that this is the rest of society and I’m the one who should leave.

      • @[email protected]
        89 months ago

        It’s Idaho now. Oregon became too communist for them, so they want to become part of that state. Even though they will be paying way more in taxes.

        • @eltrain123
          29 months ago

          Something conservatives learned a long time ago that progressives are just starting to wise up to…

          The least populated states still get 2 senators and an over representation (at least by population) in the House. It’s easier to change the leadership if you can convince enough people move and the entire state has a sub 1 million citizen population. Your vote means more when there are less votes in the total pool.

          Property is usually cheaper, too.

        • FuglyDuck
          59 months ago

          And the puritans on the east coast. New England?

  • @Dkarma
    189 months ago

    CO GOP hates kids I guess

    • @[email protected]
      239 months ago

      No, they just love money, and the idea of public money going direct to public workers and students without someone making a buck off it horrifies them.

      Conservatives have had a thing about public education and healthcare for decades and they’re so close now they can just taste it.

  • @TechNerdWizard42
    99 months ago

    When this happens in Africa, it’s a global outrage. The Conservatives have moved past Y’all-quaida and into Redneck Boko Haram territory.

  • @ganksy
    89 months ago

    If you don’t have any kids in our public schools, might as well pull all your minions off public school boards.

    Hell, just being in Colorado might make your kids trans. Better head to a god fear mongering state.

      • @ganksy
        19 months ago

        It’s a very good point. There is always someone hurt when people have their backs turned on them as a monolith. I can’t say that the number LGBTQ+ people born to right wing fascists is any higher than the rest of the population so it’s hard to feel like I was targeting them particularly. I will say that anyone who is born into conservativism and doesn’t fit their mold will bear an extraordinary burden. It’s a bad idea to include children. If you grow up to be a bigot or fascist, however, your fair game to fuck right off to Texas.

      • Gnome Kat
        -39 months ago

        Same sentiment as all the posts constantly saying they hope places like texas secede or that we should just split the country in to two and give them all the red states.

        And then the cis/het person gets offended that you pointed out that their dumb not well thought out idea is actually harmful and say you are being hyperbolic…

        Tbh lately i am just so fuckin done with cis people… Im white and in the past when a black person would say they never really trust white people ever i did feel a bit of hurt but i get it now… its how i feel about cis/het people… i dont trust them, any of them…

  • celeste
    69 months ago

    If more trans kids live until adulthood and/or can safely come out, there might be enough just around that they’re seen as natural human variation, and then how will conservatives use them as a scapegoat during hard times?? Think of “think of the children” republicans, and their needs! They have to throw atypical kids into a pyre as an example, or people might just live their lives how they want without fear. What will they do then?

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Am I the only one who may have interpreted this as they want to pull them from public school and send to private / catholic school? I have a strong suspicion they did not mean yank out of school completely.

    I absolutely hate conservatives just as much as everyone else on this site but I feel like everyone is absolutely nuts so far in this thread.

    Edit - actually it literally says that in the 2nd to last paragraph

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I wasn’t arguing it was. I was jus pointing out that everyone was specifically calling out they were taking kids out of school period

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    Just looked up this Darcy hag.

    Anyone know the over/under of her having a swastika tramp stamp?

    • @Zombiepirate
      129 months ago

      We call that a “Trump stamp.”

    • @frickineh
      29 months ago

      She’s so, so tacky - like if there was a Jersey Shore cast member who didn’t own a hairbrush and spent the whole time screaming slurs hit middle age and realized they didn’t have any useful life skills so they went into politics.

      So…odds are decent? I don’t know if it’s a swastika but I’d honestly be more surprised if she didn’t have a really hideous lower back tattoo.