by Centurii-chan

  • @NounsAndWords
    20 days ago

    Why would I unload my emotional baggage on the people who caused it in the first place? That just sounds like more baggage.

    Edit: This was supposed to be a joke. You can stop pointing out my complex trauma, thank you.

    • @samus12345
      923 days ago

      You wouldn’t, that why you have no idea how to comfort people.

    • @ameancow
      21 days ago

      This is exactly the kind of thing that comes from emotional isolation and a wrecked self-esteem and a lack of proper, loving people close to you in life.

      In healthy environments, people who love each other share with each other a lot of things without it feeling like a burden to anyone and they support each other and know how to just listen and be available. And no, I don’t know what that’s like either, I am just sharing the legends and stories.

      • @LemmyKnowsBest
        122 days ago

        That’s where I keep mine! It’s safe there and no one is bothered by it. Except me 😫

    • MacN'Cheezus
      320 days ago

      Because it could be used as a teaching moment.

      A good parent might sometimes give their child tasks they aren’t ready to handle and let them make a mistake on purpose in order to teach them right from wrong.

      A parent will simply let them persist in their mistake because it’s easier than making the mistake effort to correct them.

  • nifty
    2323 days ago

    It’s okay you emotionally stunted sexy cabbage 🫂

  • Norgur
    1623 days ago

    k, sry for bothering you, didn’t mean to cause you discomfort :(

    • @RebekahWSD
      622 days ago

      They were cuter then they had any right to be!

  • @ameancow
    1321 days ago

    One of the most surefire recipes for creating a generation of people who don’t want to socialize, improve themselves or feel any self-worth, is to be a parent who feels entitled to being the main character of the story and all your kids are just props and accessories.

    Who else has 10 hours of escapism and self-medication on the agenda today.

  • @[email protected]
    623 days ago

    The only way to achieve that is by not having emotions

    It’s not a good idea to burry emotions inside yourself because they eventually collect and affect you in ways you don’t realise

    It’s good to have a healthy outlet for it, meditation is one of those ways

  • @[email protected]
    521 days ago


    I can’t deal with the guilt of burdening someone who cares about me with knowledge of how much I want to not exist. I know exactly how that burden of anxiety and worry feels and I can’t stand saddling someone I know and care about with it. It doesn’t matter whether they want me to or not, I just can’t deal with it. They’ll all want to help and they can’t and they’ll feel terrible they can’t help and I can’t put them in that place.

    If I tell someone about suicidal ideation, confide in them, then if I ever do end up killikg myself it would wreck them that they couldn’t or didn’t do anything to help. Or at least, I would in their position. Fuck.

    • wallmenis
      119 days ago

      Hey there… There is no reason. You are worthy of help. Anyone is. You can’t stoop low enough to not deserve help. You can’t not deserve help. So get out and find the help. I don’t know if you will find a solution, but it will definitely help somewhat.