Only the inscrutable mind of an American can comprehend this.
My euro mind can only comprehend that ass
Mexico also has the right to own guns. I’m pretty sure that some Latinas could pull this off.
That pic kinda makes me horny. But also scared. Which makes me a little more horny. Which also makes me scared.
One might even say… scaroused.
This is the future (classical) liberals want.
IRL High School of the Dead
There has to be some kind of military doctrine that says a shooter must not mount their rifle on a fat ass as it would distract their aim.
But, how can you control for side to side motion on a flat ass without a valley?
I know nothing about guns but I wanna know, what happens if he starts firing that thing?
Depends on whether she raises her head.
As pictured:
- Depending on the ammunition, her ass jiggles either sightly or substantially
- Her hat is probably displaced
- She wishes she had doubled up on hearing protection
Lots of things could go wrong here but him pulling the trigger from this position is relatively tame. Stupid as fuck, but tame.
She will feel no effect from the barrel heating up as the other commenter said, for two reasons.
First, one shot doesn’t really do much to the barrel temperature - you’d need multiple shots in relatively rapid succession (i.e. several within a few minutes) for the barrel to start getting uncomfortably warm.
Second, the barrel isn’t resting on her gluteal cleft; the receiver is. This part of the rifle is designed to be held.
I believe the barrel gets very hot upon firing!
But there’s a cover on top of that which doesn’t get hot, as it’s meant to be held, at least on assault rifles, which is the only weapon I have shot.
I’d say, as long as the ass is stable that’s not half bad for shooting. The person with ass up though, I can’t imagine how one would look through the sights properly like that.
Burnt butt crack, got it!
I’ve seen the video of this. Both of them have the proportions of American comic book characters.
[Scottish accent intensifies}
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They’re not mine, I just have a knack for thinking of associated reactions and then finding the approximate gif.
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He’s gonna cry himself to sleep on his huge pillagh!
Her poor ears
That’s certainly one way to blow someone’s back out
This is great for so many reasons, and also why people should join a gun club
Americans can sure be weiiiird.
Can we get a lemmy community for whatever this is? I want to subscribe!
C/buttguns where we have guns on butts
Seems legit would join as well
So anyone have the original? For research purposes…
Funny enough, I just opened YouTube and this short was suggested. It was Valkyrie40k. It looks like them, but I think tiktok and IG use different names.
valkmommy brynn
I can’t remember her name, but she posts a lot of videos showing off her body and her appreciation of guns on YouTube. Probably TikTok too. I wouldn’t be surprised if you searched for gun milf and she came up.