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- politics
Remember this shit when the trump trolls post their anti-vote bullshit. This is what will happen if they get their way.
You do realize Trump was already president, right? And that our current president is literally funding a genocide?
The fear mongering doesn’t work. Field better candidates that can actually win elections against convicted felons and you don’t run into this issue.
Found one!
I would upvote but you have 69 so I’ll just say “nice.”
Candidate so unpopular they’re neck and neck with literally the worst president in the countries history.
Candidate’s diehard supporters when their guy loses: “surely this isn’t my candidates fault for alienating the bulk of his base while supporting a far-right fascist genocide. This must be the fault of the Democratic base!”
Give me a break. Neolibs only have themselves to blame if Biden can’t win against the single most beatable opponent in history.
Fear and threats don’t work anymore, you guys have got to actually allow non-conservative candidates out there or Dems will just keep losing. Most of the Democratic base is not going to vote for a Reagan Republican in Dem clothing.
So you’ll get a literal tyrant who already wanted to execute his OWN STAFF, who encourage the police to brutalize BLM protestors, who gleefully chortles about sexually assaulting women… Who plans on installing himself as President for Life, with his children to follow.
Congratulations, you really showed them!
Say what you will about Joe Biden, but he very clearly doesn’t give a shit about his kids.
That’s why Biden’s got my vote.
This is probably a joke, but it doesn’t work because shielding your adult children from the consequences of their own actions does not show you care about them.
If Hunter had been acquitted they’d just be saying his dad rigged the trial
Is that the new /pol talking point? 😂
Dude, it’s a party politics problem really, compounded by corrupt electoral bullshit like the electoral college, gerrymanderind and malapportionment. The two party nominees at any election have never been the parties’ best and/or brightest.
If it’s a foregone conclusion then you can’t get upset at people not voting.
I don’t get upset about people not voting, I just believe democracy works better in countries where voting is compulsory. Also, a much easier change that few would oppose is that election day should be on the weekend. Well, the Jews and Christians might fight it out, but they both suck.
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If you don’t vote then you don’t get to complain about the outcome.
wrong. I don’t lose my freedoms due to a false dichotomy
I just wish one day one of you guys would say that shit when I’m around.
What, “I don’t support starving children to death”?
Biden’ is popular with people who actually follow the real news, instead of China’s and Putin’s pervasive psyops disinformation.
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Save that energy for the primaries.
There was no primary this year. The democrats managed to cancel them in a bunch of states even though Biden would’ve easily sailed through against the democratic candidates (uncommitted beat both of them combined where that was an option).
I was speaking down ballot or during another potus election cycle. I obviously didnt mean to, literally, save that energy for hypothetical elections that would have already happened.
Also, not having a POTUS primary when there is no challenger and an incumbent isn’t as big of a deal. Tactically, it’s just bad optics with no tangible benefit. It’s definitely something immature people pout about though.
My bigger point is. I agree with the opinion being communicated but there is no pathway to action on those ideas right now. That energy is for the primaries but its fighting yesterday’s battles. I’m not defending the DNC but its Biden vs Trump, thats just reality. Time to clean your diaper.
Idiots were saying the same exact thing during the primaries. They’re saying it right now as AIPAC pours millions into races to unseat democrats using Republican money.
Also, you know, the Dem primary in my state was literally canceled this year so there’s that.
I’ll go ahead and send the message in the general since that’s the choice neolibs left me. If they don’t like it then they need to not field unelectable conservative candidates.
OK, I remember being 19 lol
Ah the old right-wing “You’ll become more conservative as you get older” trope.
Havent seen that old chestnut in a while. Really gives away the allegiance here…
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That first sentence does a great job describing the rest of the comment.
You guys have one chord and are convinced it’s a song.
It’s not even a chord … it’s just one note from an out-of-tune cowbell.
Less cowbell, please
The brown note
It actually is really simple, you’re right. Don’t fund genocide and you get my vote.
That’s literally all it takes at this point. I’ve been defeated on ever seeing functional healthcare and campaign finance reform and stuff. You guys won in that regard, its not gonna happen, you should be happy. All I’m saying is I can’t vote for a pro-genocide candidate, you know?
You’ve dragged me along to the right with you so far that that’s now my standard.
I’m gonna blow your mind here; I voted for Biden in 2020. Despite utterly despising neolibs and their coercive right-wing politics. I did what you demanded, voted for the lesser evil (once again) and got a genocide for it.
This whole ‘You guys won’ take is nonsense. We have to work together or WE are all equally fucked.
I’m gonna blow your mind here
That is is not the smart ass revelation that you imagine it should be.
You voted for Biden in 2020 despite his history of supporting wars that kill innocent people. He voted in favor of the Iraq War in 2003. Biden supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and reasserted the need to stay there in 2002. If you actually cared about war time deaths of innocents that Biden affects, you never would’ve supported him in the first place.
Now, suddenly, a war not supported or instigated by Biden is what causes you to turn against him in an election where the other candidate is openly talking about murdering his opposition out of revenge?
You just hopped on a bandwagon, one that’s been flooded with adversarial political and foreign state sponsors.
I did what you demanded
You did it wrong. Make your own choices and support your own agency of thoughtfulness and objective consideration. Right now, your entire decision tree is quite obviously locked into a repeating loop. If you are relying on others to tell you how to vote, you lost your way before you ever learned the game.
Biden didn’t fund Hamas in Gaza; Biden didn’t direct Hamas to attack Israel; Biden didn’t order the IDF to respond with weapons of war; Biden hasn’t ordered or actively encouraged the Israelis to continue attacking Gaza and killing innocent people, families, and children.
The Israeli Government and their Military is who you should be railing on 24/7 for taking part in what is tantamount genocide of the Palestinians. I know you’re not actually reading most if any of this and I should probably just hit cancel move on, but you’re really leaning in and in the off chance something may spark, might as well try. Instead, you play right into propaganda intending to destabilize the US from within by sowing discontent in an election by putting blame of foreign military actions on an incumbent President trying to thread a needle of politics and diplomacy in an election year amid a foreign country’s genocidal actions against a foreign people.
Getting Trump re-elected may be the single most world-wide destabilizing event that could happen as a result of a strictly US political process. He already tried to dissolve NATO for Putin once.
You want to play politics like it’s 1v1 checkers when it’s really 14,356 games of Chess at the same time, on a timer.
And if you had not voted, how would we be seeing different right now?
Do you really think a 3rd party would have won? Do you think Trump would have made any better decisions for anyone besides is rich donors? Would there be more or less genocide happening?
I know we will actually never know. We do know how to try and hypothesize though.
Until we make a change in our electoral system there is always going to be this Turd Sandwich vs. Douchebag problem. If Trump wins the next election there will be 0 chance of change or reform for the betterment of the people. Without Trump there is a slightly greater than 0.
You will probably not actually stop to consider any of these things, I and the other fine folks have mentioned, while setting your bias aside and evaluating your position. But maybe, someone else reading through the threads here Will stop and think about some of the things being brought up here.
Even with the insane ease of communication we have now with the internet, we cannot as a country of human people, set aside our biases and figure out how to coordinate to any degree to show a mass/collective message.
I have said for decades, if we all just say “Fuck This” and vote for 3rd parties instead of the 2 picked for us it would send a message to those parties about what we actually want AND show us the power our vote really has when apply ourselves. We would need people to actually register to vote and then Vote! The amount of the population that does is fucking laughable though, so I guess they feel it’s fine, and that’s their vote too.
Obligitory 🎶🎵Freewill lyrics🎶🎵 ~Rush
Do you realize that if Trump becomes president again, his people have made absolutely no secret about their plans for seriously ramping up the ongoing trans genocide?
And now it’s your time to either downplay and/or deny that genocide or pretend it isn’t happening or that Trump won’t make it worse. Anything but actually admit there’s at least one kind of people whose genocide won’t bother you.
But please, do surprise me on this front.
Americans do need to experience the reality of where neoliberal politics have brought us before they can be made willing to resist it.
You’ve got to understand, trans people are losing their rights right now already, they’ve been a struggling class of people for decades, the neolib public does not actually care. Sure, they’ll tokenize trans people and their struggles as a political cudgel, but in the end this election is about protecting the comfort of upper middle-class neoliberals, that’s why they demand people vote for a conservative – they themselves don’t want to experience the consequences of their lackluster politics, that’s for minorities, not for “normal Democrats”.
There’s no more kicking the fan down the road, no more “lesser of two evils”, you guys are going to need to admit what it takes to win elections or you get to go down with all the groups you’re standing on to keep your own head above water.
ThEyrE aLL the sAmE
No. But the fact that Joe Biden’s big selling point here is “I’ll theoretically fund genocide less than Trump” is not really a compelling distinction.
You’ve got to take a step back and look at what you’re supporting to really understand why Biden is struggling. Compare Biden’s position on Israel to, say, Ronald Reagan’s. Really kind of puts it into perspective that you’ve quite literally been made into a Republican in all but name. All using the same fear tactics every election cycle.
Well, we’ve reached the bottom of thr hill doing it your way, Democrats are literally paying to kill children now, how much further down were you guys saying we need to go before your magical “long term progress” kicks in?
Its NOT his big selling point.
You do realize that former president Trump was such a strong ally of Israel (since he let his zionist son-in-law run it) that they named a new settlement on stolen land after him, right? And that he’s never shown the least bit of interest in helping the Palestinians, right? And that his mid-east peace plan was normalization of relations between other Middle East states and Israel, right? Do you think Trump is going to take a stand against Israel if he gets elected? Honestly, what do you expect for him to do to the Palestinians? Send better bombs to kill them with? Stop pressuring Israel for a ceasefire or aid deliveries so that more Palestinians die from war or starvation? Please do share how you think Trump will end the genocide.
Not only all that, but also Trump has promised to deport pro-Palestinian protesters. Thinking he’s going to be the hero of Palestine is remarkably insane.
And here’s one right here!
What do you think Trump will do differently?
If you’re a single issue voter and still voting for the worst of those two options you’re a baffoon.
Will not support this. Do better next time. No, there is no argument that can justify support for those who fund it.
Grow up.
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OK, so you think Trump will bring peace to Isreal. Got it.
You have to vote for Joe Biden because he also won’t bring peace to Israel
So you instead choose even more of that with Donald. Or you are saying the Muslim bans and “finish the job” won’t lead to ramping up the attacks? The Christian nationalist heading Congress isn’t looking to start the apocalypse and rapture? Lindsey Graham isn’t saying Israel should nuke Gaza and that the US did nothing wrong in Hiroshima?
Maybe that will be enough to shock neoliberals awake as to the reality of what they’redealing with, maybe not, but it’s the only shot we’ve got. We can’t afford any more lesser evil, we’ve reached rock bottom with this genocide.
We’re not just backsliding slowly, we’re at the bottom of the hill.
Bet it’ll be FAR worse if you get your way and Trump is elected. But along with it being worse, you can say goodbye to the LGBTQ+ and any body autonomy women have remaining.
You have NO idea what’s going on here. They’re playing with live ammo buddy. This isn’t a joke.
Women and lgbt people are already losing their rights. I think it’s you who’ve lost your way.
Look again at what your “lesser evil” is doing. Where it’s gotten us. You’ve literally been pushed so far to the right that you’re here defending the deliberate starvation of tens of thousands of children. You’re completely politically and morally disoriented.
That’s you. That’s the fruit of your support right there in that image. Go ahead and justify it to yourself however you want when you cast a vote, it doesn’t change the reality of what you’re saying is acceptable for Democrats to support.
So name someone better. Come on now, you pulled me up to the pump… let’s get some gas now! Name a candidate. Who can win that will have both the power AND authority to end your genocide?
Come on. I’m sure you have ideas. You can’t be here ONLY to stop people from voting….
I’d vote for a literal inert carbon rod over a corporate AIPAC democrat.
The bar is not high.
Women and lgbt people are already losing their rights.
Repub SCOTUS is the Dem’s fault, classic.
The Dems are just as complicit for not acknowledging or addressing the danger we were in from the Federalist society. First I heard of the plan to capture the courts was almost twenty years ago, people were warning about it, neolibs refused to treat it as a real threat.
Instead we got idiots thinking they could rely on “decorum” and tradition, on patting their Repub colleagues on the ass like it’s a baseball game, instead of admitting what we already knew; the right is fully fascist and out for blood.
The loss of the court is the fault of every single dipshit neolib who chose to believe that the courts weren’t a political arm, that they were actually non-partisan. It’s the fault of Ginsberg for arrogantly clinging to power despite being sick for years. It’s the fault of Democrats for refusing even now to entertain the possibility of packing the court or trying to implement term limits on justices by cycling them out to other federal positions.
They were too busy sucking corporate dick, protecting the status quo and sabotaging progressives like Sanders because he wanted functional healthcare and to take away their binky of lobby money to even see what was happening around them, let alone organize a resistance to it.
The blind greed and deliberate incompetence of Democrats makes them complicit.
Go back to /pol, chud. Don’t forget to pray to your Nick Fuentes altar first
The problem with this argument is this very article, which is also backed up by interviews with John Kelly, Bill Barr, and others. Everyone verifies that that Trump wanted to do all the crazy stuff from prosecuting Hillary to executing former members of his administration for speaking out against him, but they’d just delay until he’d get distracted and move on to something else. Again, these are people who eagerly signed up to work for Trump, and changed their mind based on their experience with him.
This next time around though, Trump will try to hire people who are more likely to be yes-men. What happens then?
Said trump troll replies to comment warning people to be on the lookout for trump trolls
It’s laughable and you remind me of the other types of trolls that name starts with v
LMAO, way to expose yourself. Tagged for life.
There’s no “exposing”, I’ve been pretty clear that my goal here is subverting the Democratic right-wing, that shouldn’t shock anyone.
Like, why are you acting like that’s some huge reveal? Yes, I’m anti-genocide, go ahead and label me, though I think your reliance on labels is kind of what got us all into this mess to begin with. It’s why you’re a Republican in any practical sense of the word.
Ah yes, “subverting the Democratic right-wing” if favour for republican fascist regime.
Lowest paid russian-troll-farm worker.
“uwu I’m anti-bad things, I’m so pwogwesive”
Like this one. ^
Feck off.
Of course he did. He’s just the typical caveman Republican. Their answer to anything they don’t like or don’t want to deal with us to kill it. Like whatsername shooting the inconvenient dog that she couldn’t be bothered to train or find a home for. Repeat shoplifter in jail for the 5th time? Just execute them, waste of jail space. Country full of brown people of a religion they don’t like? Just nuke it. Migrants crossing your property trying to get to the US out of Mexico? Just shoot ‘em. People whose politics they disagree with and find annoying? Shoot them too.
He wanted to nuke a hurricane. When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail.
When you’re too stupid and lazy to actually think and learn, you mash the easy button.
For all the analyses out there attempting to explain conservatism, that really seems to strike the nail squarely on the head.
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Of course he did. He’s just the typical caveman Republican
More like a typical narcissist. Daddies money enabled him to indulge it to the point he is now completely insane.
I think the narcissism is a compounding issue, not the driving one. I’ve talked with many Republicans and far, far too many of them see harsh punishment as the answer to everything, and of course the ones that want to expend the least effort thinking about some issue or dealing with people like protesters or BLM just say that they should be shot, run over, etc…
It’s beyond narcissism. It’s closer to psychopathy, those that agree and help further that agenda are sociopaths. The lock-step voters? A blend of spectrum B personality disorders. Rittenhouse, likely sociopath. Average run of the mill y’all queda? Somewhere between narcissist and sociopath.
The obviously intentional premeditated extrajudicial killing of Michael Reinoehl is another one, and a scary precedent.
Jamal Kashoggi? No one mentions him anymore.
You don’t have a better example than a piece of shit fugitive murderer?
Actually, wouldn’t the repeat offender make for a great
slavepenal laborer?
Not very stunning tbh.
If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier… as long as I’m the dictator. Hehehe.
- George W. Bush
I read that half in his actual voice and half in Jon Stewart’s impression of W
If this were
Only reason I don’t think this is a legitimate W quote is that it’s grammatically correct.
“Stunning”? How? This is the least “stunning” thing I’ve heard. Trump is a piece of shit. This 100% checks out.
You know, at a certain point, if he doesn’t shut up, it crossed the line into justification for his assassination.
I don’t know where that line is, and quite honestly, I hope we don’t have to find out because the last thing we need is that guy as a martyr.
But I really hope he shuts the fuck up.
Trump committed treason on national TV when he asked Russia to help him get elected in 2016…and they did the next day.
We’re way past that point.
and they did the next day.
James Comey, Russian special agent
The last few elections and the clusterfuck of a primary show that nobody can run on trump but trump.
So… No worries about him being a martyr.
I’m an eloquent motherfucker, but I don’t have sufficient words to express my contempt for Trump. I still don’t think I could ever consider assassinating him to be justified.
My question is, isn’t this conspiracy to commit murder?
You have to take some action towards it for it to be conspiracy. Just talking isn’t enough.
I’m an eloquent motherfucker, but I don’t have sufficient words to express my contempt for Trump.
words aren’t the only form of communication. Punching him in the face would certainly be adequate… and therefore must certainly be protected speech.
My question is, isn’t this conspiracy to commit murder?
No? at best it’s raising a legal question. In very extreme cases, self defense can be premeditated. abused women who can’t reasonably escape the abusers, for example. The question is, at what point does a political candidate making threats to execute and murder his political opponents cross the line into that extreme scenario?
It’s not like I’m actively plotting his assassination, and neither are you. Conspiracy is far more deliberate, it involves specific actions. It’s an uncomfortable conversation to have, sure, but it’s probably one somebody who can muzzle Trump should be having with him.
Like, the plot to kidnap Whitmer, that was a conspiracy. This? nope.
Also, just for the record, that line is probably somewhere around the same time civil war becomes imminent.
I’m not stunned, I just want to know how often it was Mike Pence.
How does this “stunning revelation” not surprise me at all?
Over 50% of the Yukon is a mid a raging wildfire. The air in NYC is unsafe to breathe as a result
Nuclear warhead strikes kyiv
Chemical weapons being used en masse in Palestine a human rights violation
the dam you never heard of broke. Idk something like 100k people are drowning/drowned well know more soon maybe.
a hurricane hit Miami and it’s gone now. Like Atlantis. Gone.
Key West too lol wow yeah. Probably more
Category…7? Tornado… Engulfs all of Amarillo Texas. It’s just a field now.
same with Kansas city. Which one? Haha. Yep…
Leftover rains from hurricane “Tempest” (they/them), have inundated all major watersheds along the eastern seaboard. Over 6% of i95 is under water or inaccessible due to floods and damage. Cities near rivers by the coast are now a part of “the delta”.
Elon musk got paid more in cash than he blew on Twitter by his investors for some reason
US President Tucker Carlson has agreed to purchase Greenland from… Wait, Russia? Huh.
Doom scrolling causing blindness; humans too addicted to stop
President Tucker Carlson appoints Alex Jones as secretary of state
New CEO of Apple is also CEO of Google. FTC does nothing because most of them are on the board of both companies
2030 is over. The world has finally transitioned to TittyBux [TITB +10,305%]. Who would have ever thought the future would be a place where 18 year old men invest in their future by providing proof of ejaculation occuring during an ad window?
The cure for some kinds of autism is apparently weed #2030
Turns out Halo was not fiction. Well, the part sbout the US harvesting babies for an army programs due to low recruitment numbers. And then they kinda went nuts with it lol
The Mayans were right. All physicists now agree that tomorrow is actually December 13, 3012. It means nothing but that’s the new date.
Still have daylight savings for some reason
New virus just makes you dumber. Highly contagious. Vaccine works, but infected persons don’t believe in it.
Trump said he wants to “kill the darkies.”
Ok honestly… Tell me how much of that seems plausible
Tell me more about these tittybux…
Sign up for X’s Brain Chip Ad Pleasure Plus program!
The program allows users the opportunity to be fed advertisements directly to their brain. If the brain chip registers an orgasm during the advertisement, you can receive a direct payment of up to (oYo)5. That’s 5 TittyBux [TITB].
Ok sir, step this way for your ‘vitamin’ shot.
The least plausible thing is Trump being able to talk in sentences (or even being alive) in 2030.
Leftover rains from hurricane “Tempest” (they/them), have inundated all major watersheds along the eastern seaboard. Over 6% of i95 is under water or inaccessible due to floods and damage. Cities near rivers by the coast are now a part of “the delta”.
I’m in this comment and I don’t like it one bit.
Well Tempest, someday they’ll have gender neutral years for hurricane names. And I’ll be here for ya when they do.
Or not, I might be underwater.
F a s c i s t
F e l o n
For he’s a fascist felon
For he’s a fascist felon
For he’s a fascist felon
That nobody can deny
I would actually be more stunned to learn he didn’t
This is stunning but not a revelation about a wannabe dictator asking SCOTUS for a Long Knife.
I think Steven Seagal would make a great running mate for Trump 2024.
Only if his stunt double does all the running…
You don’t like seeing a giant penguin looking man-alike wiggling through the air?
We’ve had enough Batman movies too tbh
This is quite possibly the least surprising thing I’ve learned all morning.
Coming from someone who could barley get through a legal trail where’s than Venn diagram