• @AsudoxM
    27 days ago

    Finally got web workers to work in WASM

    • @radicalautonomy
      38 days ago

      I might end up studying to get a math/physics endorsement when I start teaching in Oregon next year. The district I’ll be teaching for has in their collective bargaining agreement that each teacher can request funds for certification exams, and they offer $1000 each year for postgraduate work, so why not? No district I’ve taught for in Texas offers anything like that.

  • @[email protected]
    9 days ago

    I took a couple of very cute selfies in a new outfit and had a difficult but fruitful conversation with my girlfriend about some insecurities that I was having in the relationship.

    And thank you for the question! I include this opportunity to share my joy as a good thing that is going on with my weekend.

    What good things are going on with your weekend?

  • @TheBigBrother
    149 days ago

    I made the equivalent of 1 week wage in like two hours today… money can’t buy happiness but I feel good about it anyway.

  • @jpreston2005
    138 days ago

    Friday marked 5 years of sobriety from alcohol for me, which was nice. Then on Saturday I went to my city’s pride parade. I asked a friend to come with me, and another friend if they wanted to play a round of disc golf afterwards, but both cancelled. This usually means I wallow in self-pity, but instead I got geared up in my gayest outfit, and enjoyed the festival anyway! it was like 100 degrees, but I was proud to see so many happy people having a great time in one of the most welcoming, accepting environments ever.

  • @radicalautonomy
    128 days ago

    I have been trying since January to get a teaching job in Portland (I live in Dallas) for the next academic year, and this week I was offered positions by two different school districts. This weekend, I have been working out which job to go with, I think I’mma go with the one that pays a little more, might be able to offer funds to offset relocation costs, and has less trafficky access to downtown and Vancouver (I have friends in North Portland and Vancouver.

    So yeah…got that figured out; tomorrow I’ll be looking for an apartment, taking my kids to Terry Black’s for some world-class barbecue before Texas is forever in my rear-view mirror, doing some packing, and playing some THPS 1+2.

    • Scrubbles
      38 days ago

      Congrats! Going from Texas to Portland, think about transit going into it. In the right mindset for less commute, but play your cards right and maybe you won’t even have to drive to work!

  • @lennybird
    9 days ago

    I finally got a looper guitar pedal I’ve been wanting and after a couple 12 hour shifts finally got to mess around with it this evening!

  • @rsuri
    98 days ago

    The heat hasn’t killed me yet

  • mesamune
    89 days ago

    Testing out my meshtastic setup and seeing friends.

      • mesamune
        38 days ago

        Our local city went from a couple of hobbiest to around 20 people getting into it. It’s like a pager lol. But it does have a phone app as well as a web one.

  • @Moghul
    88 days ago

    Elden Ring’s DLC

  • @[email protected]
    79 days ago

    It’s a close family-friend’s birthday. We’re going to visit a local Oddities Expo event tomorrow, so that should be a fun little adventure.

  • @bighatchester
    78 days ago

    Got to spend some time with my son and he got to meet his newborn sister .