• @9point6
    984 months ago

    I wish there was a Google translate for memes

    Got no idea what’s going on here

    • @egeresOP
      4 months ago

      Left side: Black mirror S01E02 “fifteen million merits” . A guy tries to “break the system” but this backfires and his critic that was supposed to change people’s minds is absorbed by it and turned into an entertainment product. The upper-left image shows the moment in the episode where he criticizes the system threatening to kill himself while the bottom one shows the final image of the episode where he how lives in an expensive suite

      Right side: “Being ugly : My Experience” A youtube video of a guy explaining how his unattractiveness has biased his life and brought unhappiness upon him. A reason why this became viral, besides the obvious connection by many due to the topic was that a girl commented that she found the guy of the video very cute and they actually became a couple

      The meme: It compares both cases implying that the guy on the right was breaking the system but that his cause was “silenced” by providing him a girlfriend and turning him into a channel that lectures people on having hope about the prospect of finding a suitable partner

      • @Katana314
        124 months ago

        Time to make a video complaining that no one has ever granted me the ability to turn water into vodka.

      • Bibliotectress
        54 months ago

        Wow! Thanks for the explanation! That’s a really great meme that went completely over my head.

    • @[email protected]
      194 months ago

      Left panels are regarding Black mirror, where the guy becomes famous by ranting about the system and threatning to kill himself if his life didn’t get meaning. Ended up becoming the meaningless entertainment himself in exchange for more money and better living

    • toofpic
      94 months ago

      My guess is that after he posted the video, a pretty (I dunno by what exact standards, but she does look good in my opinion) girl contacted him:

      • You’re not ugly
      • Shall we then proceed to copulation, miss?
      • We shall indeed.

      The left half of the picture - no idea, but it looks like some movie reference related to overcoming shit and shit

  • @shalafi
    4 months ago

    He (or she) could actually be attractive with some simple changes.

    • Ditch the nerdy glasses, not working for their face. Contacts are cheap enough and switching back and forth with glasses changes your look, very cute.
    • Get a decent hair cut that suits them. Find a stylist people like and go to them. Gay dude at Walmart used to cut me, damn I looked good. If you’re a man, find a gay stylist, best ever. (He moved. Stylists are like gypsies, gotta get their personal card and follow 'em around.)
    • Dress nicely. And dressing nice costs almost zero money. Stunning what you can find at the thrift once you land on a style that’s attractive on you. I make plenty, but I still mostly dress out of thrift stores. Got a nice collection of watches for example. Got a sack of cool ones for $1 at a roadside thrift. A couple of $.75 batteries and some polish, nice.

    Probably lots of others easy/cheap things. My dentist made mouth molds for tooth whitener. $80 for molds that last forever, buy the cheap refills on Amazon. Done. And what a dramatic difference two treatments makes.

    The nose is a little much, but work with it. I started parting my bowl-cut hair in 8th grade. Read that dudes with a big snoz shouldn’t do that, part on the side. Stuff like that.

    They’re not fat, so there’s not that to overcome. Nice chin and hands, smile and mouth. Take his/her ass outside and move around. A little color and muscle tone is easy with quick results.

    You look good (to yourself), you feel good, confidence comes out. Had a roommate in college put on a shirt and tie, for an algebra test. The hell? “I look good, I feel good, I do better on the test.” That stuck with me.

    tl;dr: Frustrating hearing people call themselves ugly. I’ve rarely seen a truly ugly person. Almost everyone can be at least modestly attractive, easily and cheaply.

    • Kairos
      184 months ago

      Yeah. 99% the reason this dude isnt attractive is because his hair screams “I barely put effort to even shampoo this” and his clothing looks like he just gets whatever comfortable thing he sees first. And maybe the glasses.

    • citrusface
      114 months ago

      Iirc - this dude made a video about being ugly. Then the chick in the 2nd pic was like idk ur kinda cute tho in the comments… then they started chatting / dating – maybe married?

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Hard to be sure with the image quality, but it looks like he’s got decent skin too. You’re right though, it’s really mostly how you wear yourself. Like jazz, there aren’t really wrong notes, you just have to accentuate them right.

    • @tomi000
      -64 months ago

      If judgement based on looks was a person

  • @shneancy
    324 months ago

    to this day, I find 15 million merits to be one of the most terrifying episodes.

    Would you sell your soul for a peaceful life?

    I don’t know about you but I can’t answer that question. And it terrifies me.

  • @Sanctus
    74 months ago

    What an amazing new template lmao

  • @Cossty
    54 months ago

    If I remember correctly, in that video he admits having sex with 17 years old girl, while he was like 22 or 23.

    • volvoxvsmarla
      144 months ago

      He is Swedish. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. So there is nothing to “admit” here except that he might have been quite successful in hitting on girls all along.

      • @Cossty
        -104 months ago

        Uh… In some places of the world goverment will let you marry children. Doesn’t stop me from looking at those people like pedos, molesters and rapist. Doesn’t matter to me that their “law” permits it. This guy may not be as bad, but I don’t like him.

        • volvoxvsmarla
          174 months ago

          Feel free not to like him, but it seems very biased to assume a 17 year old cannot consent to sexual relations with a 23 year old, but a 18 year old totally can. In the Western world a big majority of people have their first sexual experiences in their teenage years. Naturally, age gaps happen.

          On a further note, you might want to look up terms like ephebophilia, hebephilia and pedophilia before accusing people of being pedos. And neither does a victim need to be underage for a perpetrator to be molesting them, nor are child molesters necessarily pedophiles. The majority of child molesters has no pedophilic tendencies.

          • @Cossty
            4 months ago

            Maybe I am biased, but that’s because my sister, when she was 17, she had 6 years older “boyfriend” than her. I was the only one in my family who felt like it was weird, but nobody listened to me. It didn’t end well for her.

            You have to put the line somewhere. If 17 is fine, somebody can say, what is just one more year? 16 should be fine too. And then, 15 is fine too. And so on. The line has to be somewhere.

            Those terms that you wrote… it seems to me like those are just some pedo apologist shit. Probably only people who don’t want to be called pedophiles are using them.

            If I know Jim raped 12 year old girl, I will call him pedophile and not hebephile. Most people don’t know what it is and wouldn’t know what I am talking about.