Ok, so I’ve been here almost two months now. And I’m a frequent commenter. What I have noticed is that almost every single comment I make gets exactly 1 downvote. Regardless of where, regardless of content. Doesn’t matter what I say. I could say “Puppies are snuggly!” and it would get one downvote.

This leads me to believe there’s a bot (or maybe a series of bots) who go around and make sure everything gets downvotes. I don’t see the point of that.

Look, sometimes I make comments that people ACTUALLY don’t agree with. I made a joke comment about trump and biden being young unheard of up and comers in the political world that haven’t reached drinking age yet. I thought it was funny, but last I checked it had more downvotes than upvotes. Ok, fair enough. That joke bombed. I’ll take the L on that one.

But to downvote everything across the board? It’s hard to tell when my material is just barely landing, or just barely not landing…as opposed to now assuming the downvote is a bot and I can’t trust the negitive reaction.

So, maybe this post could serve as a brainstorm session for how to combat this very minor problem. I’m not a techie with any knowledge of how bots operate, let alone how to stop them. But I’m sure others on this forum do. So lets hash this thing out!

  • @afk_strats
    83 months ago

    Are you sure you’re not just on someone’s bad side? Why do you suspect this is bots?

    • @Today
      23 months ago

      Someone commented the other day that they thought their ex was following then and down voting every comment. I do sometimes see posts or comments with one downvote and wonder why.

    • @Lost_My_MindOP
      -33 months ago

      Because it’s so consistant. Exactly one downvote on most of my comments within minutes of it being posted. I could see if I were on someones bad side, and they did this for like a week…this has been since day 1 of me being here, and it’s almost every comment.

      The ONLY thing I could think of that would piss someone off to stalk a profile like that, is if someone who uses and loves linux is THAT upset that I don’t understand linux. But the consistancy of it is just…I can’t imagine this is human. It’s just been going on for so long, on too many posts, and almost immediately after posting a comment. You’d think they’d give up if it were a human.

      • @afk_strats
        23 months ago

        I went through your comment history and I think you pass the vibe check, as in, there’s no reason someone should down vote by default. I think something is up but a bot targeting a random account seems weird. Which client do you use?

        • @Lost_My_MindOP
          -13 months ago

          Mostly my phone. I just use the samsung browser and go to the site directly. No app. Right now I’m on my tablet. Same concept, samsung tablet. Samsung browser.

          Oddly enough, I can’t use my PC at home. Firefox just will not load Lemmy, and I don’t know why. It loads parts of it…but the bulk of the page is just an endless spinny circle.

    • @Lost_My_MindOP
      -43 months ago

      I’m not sure how you see the upvotes/downvotes, but on my UI I see in the upper right, the total calculated votes. But in the lower left I see Upvotes, and Downvotes individually. Plus when I post, my upvoting my own comment is automatic.

  • @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    You’re getting a lot of downvotes in this thread, are people trying to be funny or am I missing something

    • @Lost_My_MindOP
      03 months ago

      I think they’re trying to be funny. I’ve also noticed a mild uptick in downvotes overall. Used to be 1 downvote per comment. Now it’s like 2-3 per comment, but it’s not consistant. So I’m thinking that’ll die off when they get bored. It doesn’t feel like automatic bot downvote style.

  • @jesus_fish
    13 months ago

    This happens a lot on Reddit too

  • @MrKaplanMA
    13 months ago

    looking at your recent comments from the last 3 days, many of your comments don’t have any downvotes. am I missing something?

    • @Pronell
      13 months ago

      Have they lost their mind?

    • @Lost_My_MindOP
      -13 months ago

      Here’s a good example.


      Posted on a post that was last commented on 26 days ago. I post that comment, and now within 2 minutes, downvote. Another different comment in the same topic, same thing, within 5 minutes.

      • @MrKaplanMA
        13 months ago

        this doesn’t seem to be targeted against you, just someone not liking the comment. some people order their feed by e.g. active, so such cases will show up quickly.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        I would assume “on the ropes” was a reference to Andre being a wrestler. Don’t think it was meant to be about his death.

        • @Lost_My_MindOP
          03 months ago

          He made it sound like it was a dark joke that he was appologizing for. To my knowledge Andre didn’t get involved in anything dark. So death is the first thing that comes to mind for me. I probably am wrong, because either way I still don’t get why the joke would be funny in either case.