My theory is that all traffic planning in Germany is being done by drunk chimpanzees. This confirms it yet again.
Jesus, i saw that picture and thought
well murica and their anti pedestrian street designs
Then read your comment.
Checked the picture.
Zoomed in. there is text.
in disbelief
thats actually a german crossing.
Got angry and dumbfounded at the same time.
What piece of shit is this crossing?!
Towards whatever Communityplanners on meth that did this: Fix this shit!
Towards whatever Communityplanners on meth that did this: Fix this shit!
The city planner: „What do you mean? This intersection is just fine. I drive my car through it every day.“
And it complies with all regulations. As long as we comply with regulations, we don’t have to come up with reasonable solutions.
You can easily tell it’s not American because it’s even there in the first place. You don’t get a sign explaining the bike paths and crosswalks in America. You just gotta know or get fucked. Also we wouldn’t have a complicated bike route we just wouldn’t have one, solves that issue…
See, I watch Adam Something videos from the point of view that he’s not really talking about America. He’s talking about European politicians looking at terrible ideas from America and trying to replicate them.
This is a pretty good example. America wouldn’t do this, exactly, but it’s a step towards our terrible bike infrastructure. The other poster had the right of it: in America, the sign wouldn’t be there at all, but the intersection would still be badly designed.
I’ve been staring at it for a moment and am still unsure if I understood everything properly. xd
It’s not that hard to read from here, but definitely hard to read cycling
Sign or not this is pretty much how cyclists are supposed to cross most big intersections and the inconvenience of it is the reason so many of them break the rules. If you make rules that are too complicated, counterintuitive or inconvenient people will break them.
It makes sense, it’s just stupidly presented.
If I need 5min to read and understand a road sign which you will pass at >15km/h annd have 10sek to read it’s just bad.
It’s presented the way it is, it’s just shit infrastructure.
Someone designed this intersection and got asked where the bike paths were and they went “oh, the bikepaths, yeah, they exist… here and here and here… it’s just not on this particular slide, or any other slide I’ve brought today. It’ll totally be there on the final thing.”
Hence the “hmmmm.”
Happy cake.
It makes sense if you believe that cars should have absolute priority in traffic and should never never ever be in the slightest inconvenienced in order to make life easier for cyclists.
Oh I get it. The top picture is a bike. 🚲 The bottom picture is the same bike after being hit by a 6ft tall SUV while trying to cross that intersection.
Welcome to Germany!
EDIT: I was wrong. This is in Erfurt, Germany.
That might be Switzerland. White frames around traffic lights are not typical for Germany. And the sign itself would likely have a white background instead of a yellow one. Also there is a Molly Malone Pub with a similar typography as the one in the ad in Winterthur, Switzerland.
And yes, it’s a very boring day today
It’s the Schmidtstedter Knoten in Erfurt.
Nice catch. Thanks!
Me planning my next move in life.
Choosing your path through the multiverse
At least you know you’ll be doing it by bicycle 🚲
Ahh, the classic “we built this six lane monstrosity of a road for cars and have scraps here, here and here for the legally mandated bike lane that people voted for, but we don’t really want to piss the NIMBYs off. Fuck it, just make it as cheap and inconvenient as possible.”
If the roles were reversed, drivers would be kicking down the door to the mayor, lol.
This was made by someone who hates bikers and just wants to see them smeared across the pavement
Looks like a dumb redneck kid trying to draw a swastika
Man, I hate the detours you’re supposed to take as a pedestrian or bicyclist, so that car drivers don’t get inconvenienced.
I’m sure there are plenty of car drivers who’d take the challenge to follow those bike routes.
Is this Loss?
This is made sense pretty much right away for me. It’s like a roundabout, go around to the right until you have your exit.
Congrats. What about everyone else? There are clearly enough people here that this is confusing for it be taken seriously. Especially since this is how cyclists get killed.
Ps. Fuck cars
I suggest everyone else step up their game and learn how to read signs. It really is not a complicated sign. I thought the arrows were enough, but perhaps if the sign were written in crayon it would help.
Ps. Fuck bicycles
For a second I thought we were in the fuckcars community and I couldn’t believe you said fuck bicycles.
I hope you don’t really hate bicycles though. Wonderful mode of transit overall.
Not really, no. I do think the cyclists have the worst sense of entitlement though. I’m down for a better infrastructure to accommodate cycling, but as is, more often than not I see them not obeying the laws of the road, or riding on sidewalks, or slow riding in the middle of the road instead of getting over to the side to give room to pass. Often when I’m running down the nature trail, I will encounter incoming cyclists two wide hogging the trail, and think I’m going to give up my half. I hug the middle line so one of those ungrateful twats has to get over. Also the assholes that don’t alert when they pass. Going down the trail and Johnny Bikeman blows by with no warning, which is extremely inconsiderate, dangerous, and scary. Often the ride with loud music, and that pisses me off to. Put on headphones, nobody wants to hear your trash, Doppler effect music.
Obviously that’s not all cyclists and this is a generalization, (like vegans and CrossFit) but it’s been a notable part of my experiences with them. I have a bike that I use to exercise and train with, and when I go out and ride I make sure to follow the rules and minimize my interference with others. It’s pretty simple.
As someone who cycles as my primary mode of transport for 8 months out of the year, I absolutely empathize with you about bad bicycle riders that endanger others.
Where I live in the US, it’s legal to take as much of the lane as is needed to be safe. Often in the city that means riding in the middle of the lane so that I don’t get doored by parked cars, and sometimes it’s so cars have to completely move into the opposite lane to pass me – usually near intersections – because it’s the safest way for me to avoid getting physically pushed out of my lane. Many drivers don’t give a damn if they push a cyclist off the road or into a curb.
Where I live It seems like most riders don’t alert when passing and it drive me nuts. They should know better.
And finally, in the spirit of fairness, every bad habit you mentioned about cyclists can also be applied to cars, even driving on the damn sidewalk.
The absolute state of…
…German transportation infrastructure?
Basically bikes have to go around the intersection as if it was a roundabout