• OhStopYellingAtMe
    572 days ago

    Oh god I hate living in a red state. I’m not trans, but I just want them to be as acknowledged and their privacy respected as anyone else. This bill is just fear mongering and cruelty for cruelty’s sake.

    Ohio is hopelessly gerrymandered to be red, with no hope of recovery, so anyone the Religious Right deems ‘abnormal’ would be better off getting out of the state, despite the big islands of blue in/around the big cities and college campuses. And that’s just sad.

    • Admiral Patrick
      122 days ago

      As your neighbor, I’m still jealous. At least Ohio allows citizens to propose ballot measures. WV doesn’t even have that.

  • @MataVatnik
    422 days ago

    When your platform is just hating people

    • @frunch
      162 days ago

      It’s so much easier to be an “opposition party”. Lazy and reckless to boot

  • @danc4498
    262 days ago

    First I think, what do Republicans think trans people are doing in the bathrooms? Then I think, oh, what are republicans doing in bathrooms?!

  • @ohlaph
    2 days ago

    I feel like we need to start spying on the fuckers (gqp) because I bet we would find some nefarious activities.

    • @[email protected]
      102 days ago

      We keep finding it and they keep not caring about hypocrisy. All they care about is hurting people; they have no real principles.

  • @captainlezbian
    92 days ago

    Fucking hell now I need to go yell at my representatives

  • queermunist she/her
    342 days ago

    It’s not just about using the bathroom I identify with.

    I outright can not pass as male anymore. If I try to use the men’s restroom it’s going to cause a commotion and probably lead to me being assaulted, and I really don’t want to have to deal with going to court because I killed someone in self defense.

    • @[email protected]
      382 days ago

      Anecdotally, if I saw a woman in the men’s room, I’d probably mind my own business like I always do.

      It’s like the gym, I’m trying to do my thing and gtfo, no eye contact, no nothing.

      I know I’m just one voice but I think it’s way stupid how interested we are in other people using the restroom.

      • @Bonesince1997
        202 days ago

        It’s on purpose. Sounds like you, and certainly I, don’t care. But it’s being drummed up for a reason. Bad actors, looking to do bad things, by placing a target on people’s backs. The worst kind of politics.

      • @[email protected]
        72 days ago

        IMO we should abolish gendered restrooms. It’s unfair that women consistently have to wait longer in line. And before anyone makes some weak ass “think of the children” argument… I have two, actually watch them, and have gone into a million ladies rooms for changing tables.

        • @braxy29
          52 days ago

          also, this is why ciswomen will sometimes use the men’s restroom. long line, desperation, potentially exacerbated by the fact that birthing children sometimes makes it harder to wait afterward.

          side note - i almost never clock anyone as trans. i figure most people don’t, or don’t correctly (i have heard of people challenging butch ciswomen). how would most folks even know?! just mind your business and do your business, and let others do the same.

      • queermunist she/her
        42 days ago

        From personal experience I only started using the women’s restroom after men started yelling at me for using theirs. 🤷‍♀️

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        42 days ago

        That’s a good point too. This basically means transgender people can’t go to gyms. A bathroom is one thing but changing rooms can make people a bit uneasy even when everyone is the same gender. This is going to lead to public disturbances and trans people getting arrested (definitely what the GOP wishes they could put into law).

      • @[email protected]
        12 days ago

        I didn’t mind my own business when a woman accidentally walked into the bathroom I was using. That was mostly because I was using the urinal, and it was more visible than I’d like from the bathroom door. Not her fault, just badly designed.

    • @captainlezbian
      72 days ago

      Yeah, as an Ohio trans woman, I’m post op and my choices in presentation are to look like a non passing trans woman, a woman without qualifiers (those two are just random which I’m perceived as), or I can try to look male and look like a bad drag king or like a non passing trans man.

      Maybe people just need to get used to people like us existing in public

  • @[email protected]
    62 days ago

    And there’s people here wanting you to not vote against this. VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT.

    Now let’s see them call themselves out in response.

  • @Tylerdurdon
    112 days ago

    Man I thought that was Al Franken in that picture for a second and I got super excited when it looked like he might be back. /sigh

  • @over_clox
    -63 days ago

    The English language is already awkward enough, but it would help if the title didn’t have a double negative.

    • @offspec
      162 days ago

      Transphobic bathroom ban

      • @over_clox
        -272 days ago

        phobic + ban = double negative

        • Icalasari
          282 days ago

          No it isn’t, that’s like saying, “Don’t feel sad” is a double negative

          A double negative is something like, “Don’t not do that”

          • @over_clox
            -242 days ago

            Honestly, I’m reading it as a triple negative. I wasn’t planning on nitpicking it, but “force through” falls under the negative category for me.

            • @[email protected]
              172 days ago

              I feel like you’re still thinking of the wrong kind of “negative”. It has multiple meanings, in this case, a synonym of “no”.

              • @over_clox
                2 days ago

                Also, double negative…

                Anti-trans ban? That’s a double negative, when cancelling our the negatives, that means it’s pro-trans.

                Sorry but I think with the mathematical part of my brain. Throw two negatives into a sentence and they cancel out and become a positive.

                • TimeSquirrel
                  2 days ago

                  mathematical part of my brain

                  There’s no such thing. It’s just a gooey mass of billions of randomly firing neurons that can coalesce into patterns of signals and “brute force” answers to math problems. We are not logic machines with well defined mechanisms of functionality like a computer. We just fake it very well. That’s why we can make mistakes. A well built computer does not make mistakes.

              • @over_clox
                -52 days ago

                I think almost all articles like this are deliberately written in a confusing manner. 60 to 31?

                Anti … Ban …?

                60 whats to 31 whats?

                Yes, after reading things over twice, I gather 60 republicans to 31 democrats, or something like that, but hell why do political articles have to be written in such a confusing way?

        • @offspec
          52 days ago

          Hate motivated ban