• @givesomefucks
    3 months ago

    We need to do more to stop this than just block trump from office for four years to stall.

    We need Dems that will actually fight against it and can plan more than one election ahead of time.

    Even when trump is dead and buried the people who came up with this plan and fund it are still going to be there, and will keep trying.

    Moderates want us to only focus on current elections while Republican extremists plan decades ahead of time.

    What is being done to fight them isn’t enough.

    • @just_another_personOP
      183 months ago

      Nobody can fight them right now though. Executive Order wouldn’t work, and Dems don’t have enough control in Congress. Dems need both to pass legislation that the Republicans definitely don’t want passed.

      Republicans have done nothing but fight this type of legislation for decades, because they know they will never win the general populace come election time. This is why they Gerrymander, this is why they pass laws allowing themselves to unilaterally throw out election results, and this is why we’re seeing the Supreme Court making insane rulings right now. It’s all to try and disenfranchise the majority population opinion, and try to rewrite it with indoctrination.

      • @givesomefucks
        -23 months ago

        Nobody can fight them right now though

        Voters don’t expect everything to get fixed overnight

        We expect the people we elect to fight for progress, even if they lose.

        It’s a very low bar that the DNC isn’t meeting.

        • @just_another_personOP
          103 months ago

          Well, you’re right about the fighting part, but wrong on the attempts.

          Dozens of states tried to pass election integrity bills after the Trump fiasco. Few got it passed due to Republican intervention.

          Same in Congress in both the 117th and 118th. Attempts to make a bipartisan bill always fails because of GOP additions that are absolutely insane.

          The opposite has happened in GOP controlled state sessions in places like Texas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, where bills have been passed that are very obviously skewed towards the GOP controlling the seats, and getting the benefit of either limiting Democrat control directly, or limiting future abilities of such.

          It’s absolutely foul, and though the Democrats are working hard to fight these things, it looks like abject failure before any real attempts can even be made, which voters seem to see as weakness. Maybe that’s just a defeatist point of view though.

          • @givesomefucks
            -73 months ago

            Dozens of states


            Literally and unrioncislly great

            But we’re talking about the federal government, not states…

            You’re also ignoring that the reason we need a supermajority, is Dems won’t get rid of the fillibuster.

            A cynic would say because that removes their best excuse for why they can’t do what their voters want.

            • nickwitha_k (he/him)
              13 months ago

              But we’re talking about the federal government, not states…

              Federal law puts elections in the hands of the States.

        • @PugJesus
          73 months ago

          Voters don’t expect everything to get fixed overnight

          Voters aren’t even clear on what separation of powers means, much less the realities of the political processes of the government. Voters absolutely expect everything to get fixed overnight, and throw fits when it isn’t. Remember 2010?

        • Blackbeard
          3 months ago

          Imagine how powerful leftist grassroots organizations would be if folks like you would dedicate the same amount of time and energy to voter engagement and activism that you devote to ranting and raving on political message boards. This country would be completely transformed in a matter of months.

          Edit: Seriously, 6,800 comments over a 12 month period is almost 19 comments every single day of the year. That’s borderline obsession, and it can’t possibly be good for your mental health.

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      143 months ago

      Without a majority in both chambers it seems like we’re fucked. Precedent means jack shit to the majority of the SCOTUS so we basically need to codify 50+ years of decisions. Even then we need to claw back some sanity at the state level.

      • @givesomefucks
        43 months ago

        Without a majority in both chambers it seems like we’re fucked

        We literally just had that…

        For two years…

        And we’re still fucked because instead of voting for someone that would accomplish stuff, we banded together around Joe Biden.

        And got “not trump” but none of what we actually want either.

        Which brings us full circle to why Biden might not get enough votes to stop trump in 2024.

        • @[email protected]
          113 months ago

          No they didn’t.

          Manchin and Sinema made sure we couldn’t get rid of or change the fillabuster. Without 60 votes, a simple e-mail saying “Fillabuster” is enough to kill anything.

            • @[email protected]
              53 months ago

              There is no reason to keep it. It’s a throwback to the Jim Crow era and undemocratic. That undemocratic part is why the Republicans love it so much that they changed the rules from:

              You have to stand in the rotunda speaking for hours tieing up the system till you win


              Single email saying you are fillabstering it.

              Manchin and Sinema said if they touched the fillabuster in any way, no bill will make it out of the senate. That’s why it never got ended or at least make it harder to fillabuster things.

              • @givesomefucks
                3 months ago


                We’re close…

                Here’s where it gets tricky, lots of people get lost.

                For the best path forward and to ensure this doesn’t happen again we should:

                1. Have a robust primary every election and replace incumbents that don’t agree with voters.

                2. Blindly support Dem incumbents until they eventually lose to a Republican

                Think about it, don’t just answer right away reflexively.

                Which path forward actually leads to progress? I don’t want to rush you, but it’s an election year. Decisions made today we’re gonna be stuck with for 4-6 years.

                So think fast, but think long term.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Weird hiw Republicans can get what they want when they have just one chamber of Congress, but the Dems can’t do anything even when they have 2/3 between Congress and the White House. The Democrats keep hiding behind “we cant do that because it won’t pass” so things keep getting worse and worse for people, who blame the Democrats. If they started to actually campaign on things that will improve people’s lives like Medicare for all, lowering rent/housing prices, fixing college tuition, and breaking up giant corporations.

        • @MegaUltraChicken
          53 months ago

          Its not some weird secret conspiracy by the Democratic leadership. The GOP generally has a much easier job. They get what they want by preventing anything from getting done. It’s much harder to create than destroy. Yes it’s on Democrat officials to actually follow through on their platform when they have the ability, but we can’t give them 51% in a system that requires 60% and be surprised when we don’t get sweeping legislation passed.

          That’s before you factor in how different the demographic makeup of the parties being so different. The Democratic coalition includes far left, progressives, and moderates across the political spectrum with very different ideas. Some good, some bad. Some honest civil servants, some corporate sell outs. The GOP is made up of people who simply disagree about how public they want to make their goals known, they all have the same evil vision and they will all sell out their country.

    • @ThePyroPython
      83 months ago

      Well get your guns and get your civil war over with please. The only way to fight fascists, who believe that “might makes right” and “the eternal struggle” against their enemies, is to meet them with overwhelming force.

  • Neato
    553 months ago

    AAF is getting to work on a new mission: “Project Sovereignty 2025”.

    Backed with a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, an influential rightwing thinktank, AAF will compile information, including social media posts, about civil servants they suspect will “obstruct and sabotage a future conservative president”. They plan to publish dossiers on those non-public facing individuals, starting with the Department of Homeland Security, and expose them to scrutiny.

    This is the start of fascism. It leads into Project 2025.

    • @rayyy
      53 months ago

      “obstruct and sabotage a future conservative president”

      The orange felon is doing quite nicely at killing conservatism, and replacing it with fascism.

  • teft
    153 months ago

    Well Trump learned from Roy Cohn who learned from Joe McCarthy so this makes sense that they would try this.

    • Optional
      103 months ago

      He’s also demented and a sociopath. So that helps.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    113 months ago

    And these loyalists should be arrested for the terrorism that this is.

  • NutWrench
    103 months ago

    “The enemies of the State Trump are known. Lists of the disloyal are being compiled.”

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    43 months ago

    If they want to add me to the list, my name is H.I. McDonough. And if they want to discuss it, they know where to find me: in the Maricopa County Maximum Security Correctional Facility For Men State Farm, Road Number 31, Tempe, Arizona. I’ll be waiting.