Biden had a bad debate: faces calls to withdraw from the race.
Trump convicted of 34 felonies: record fund raising.
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You’re being willfully obtuse. It wasn’t a bad debate, it was 90 minutes of confirmation that Biden was unfit for office. It was a 90 minute confirmation of what had been dubbed “right-wing propaganda” until that very moment.
It was likewise 90 minutes of confirmation that Trump is unfair for office: a non-stop steam of rambling nonsense and lies. A vote for Biden is a vote for a capable administration to do the actual work while grandpa sunsets. A vote for Trump is a vote for an administration of lackeys and con-man champing at the bit to turn the loot the country and turn it into a Christo-fascist kleptocracy.
If you think a Commander in Chief who is definitely going to betray the country for personal gain is an acceptance alternative to one who might make a mistake because he’s old, you deserve the hellscape you’ll get. The rest of us don’t though.
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And an old sleepy man with a competent administration is still preferable to an old corrupt man with a Christo-fascist administration. It’s a sucky choice, but an extremely easy one.
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Oh absolutely agreed, but the more discouraged apathetic voters, the more likely the Christo-fascists win. I have no interest in exacerbating that right now.
Well yeah. That’s just a drop in the long of things that trump supporters think makes him good.
Biden’s facing calls because it’s obvious he’s at the elderly stage where he shouldn’t be leading the country.
Seriously. Can NYT Op-Ed run 100% “Trump should drop out” articles every time he does something far more disqualifying? They’ll never run another opinion again.
They tried that back in 2016 and it just made him stronger.
Biden didn’t have a bad debate. He and his team showed America that he’s had a significant decline in mental capacity and instead gaslit the public and media about it.
It’s because Democrats don’t worship Biden as some Jesus reborn patriot whereas Republicans worship a literally prideful, envious, slothly, wrathful, greedy, gluttonous, and lustful old man as some Jesus reborn candidate.
Congratulations, you seem to have realized that republicans are backward degenerate wastes-of-carbon.
Biden dropping out could actually lead to Trump’s, defeat is the right person is chosen. If he dies of old age before the election, however, then we may see a landslide defeat.
That said, Trump is just as likely to die of old age at this point, if not moreso due to his propensity to indulge in hamburders and rage-fueled rants.
I guess stay I’m saying is fuck all of this. I’ve never felt less patriotic on the fourth of July than this year… What a fucking shitshow.
Edit: But hey, maybe Biden is right. Stubbornness and self-aggrandizing behavior worked out great for RBG, right?
The DNC and the American people are once again to blame for the rise of fascism in their own country. They knew Biden was too old to run again, they knew he’s senile, they didn’t try and find another candidate, didn’t rally behind one, didn’t bother to vote for anybody younger.
DNC putting out senile candidate without primaries
must be the people’s fault!
There’s a history here. Back with Jimmy Carter, he had a primary challenge from Ted Kennedy. Carter won, but only by 51% to 37%. He was already having trouble of course, but it was just one more thing that hurt him and got Reagan in power. We all know how that went. So now the general practice is to clear the field for the incumbent if they choose to run for reelection. Biden hasn’t been given any special out.
Trump is of course an odd case since he’s not an incumbent, but his grip on the Republican Party gives him a position near to that of an incumbent. He was always by far and away the frontrunner, and every other Republican candidate was for the chattering class.
Remember the write-in uncommitted thing? Those were primaries.
You couldn’t even be bothered to check. There were 2 other democratic candidates. And there are independent candidates.
So yeah, voters have options, they just don’t want to use them.
You are plain amazing
A truly beautiful mind
A bunch of nobodies ran against biden, no serious contenders.
What made them “not serious”? Did they have shit opinions? Did they forget their lines? Or was it just that they weren’t popular enough?
I bet you it’s the latter. Well who makes people popular? We fucking do. We share their shit on social media. We talk about them on forums, with family, friends, and strangers. We buy their merch and plaster it all over the place. But because the US population was told “Biden’s your only chance”, they rallied behind him.
Not behind some independent with values, with new proposals, with credentials, with opinions of this age, with the ability to stay awake during a debate. No. The citizens of the USA got behind some old fart they were told to.
Post-debate poll showed that majority of Democrat voters aren’t even voting for Biden. They are voting for “against Trump.” Democrats had four years to find a candidate that people would actually want to vote for, but instead they pulled out the 2020 playbook thinking it would work the same.
It’s Her Turn guys Pokemon Go to the polls
“Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make Jack!”
She might be the only person on Earth capable of doing worse than Biden if nominated except maaaaaybe Jeb! Bush
Biden’s alter ego is female?
His VP is?
So is Hillary. I guess only OP knows who they mean.
It legitimately should be Kamala’s turn but “It’s Her Turn” was a 2016 slogan of Hillary.
He joking that they’ll run Hillary again.
Other people are guessing the reference is Harris. No idea.
I don’t think she has as good a chance as he does. Biden’s policy has always been on the moderate side of the democratic spectrum, whereas Harris’s has trended true-left or even far-left. Biden will pull more moderates and centrists, the key group in this election (MAGA folks are already decided and anyone who’s even vaguely left is too).
The Overton window has shifted so far right that Biden is considered moderate-left and Harris far left.
In any sensible country Harris’s ideas are center-right at best.
Biden’s policy has always been on the moderate side of the democratic spectrum
This is the guy who was calling for restricting social welfare programs 25 years ago while wholeheartedly supporting Israeli expansion.
He has been anything but moderate
Biden will pull more moderates and centrists, the key group in this election
Says fucking who?
Says an analysis done by me in 15 minutes on a train ride. I should have looked at polling data - despite Harris being further left, Biden is old as dirt. Apparently in ABC and Pew polls she beats him. Should have researched that one better.
If you listen to the Biden press conferences, it is like listening to a preacher try to gaslight you that an imaginary being will come down out of the sky. It’s like… “Biden has accomplished more than any President in the last 100 years, you know he has, we all know he has. Just as I said, and you’ve all seen for yourself. It’s true and you can’t deny it.”
I have yet to meet someone who is analytically deficient enough to think Harris is far left, who’s not also racist enough to think that she’s definitionally far-left due to her skin color.
Prove me wrong
Calling me a racist is harsh and uncalled for. She is indeed, compared to most US politicians, far left. Not talking about global scale. Attached is data from nonpartisan and nonprofit GovTrack regarding her time as a senator.
Mfer really said “if I’m going down I’m taking my party and my entire country with me” : 💀
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If they could convince Michelle Obama to run, she would dominate right now.
We assume she would cause she has name recognition and the Obama’s we pretty well liked by the Democrat base. However, the issue is she isn’t out participating in unscripted press conferences sharing her political agenda for the future. She could run, but it could also be a disaster. My personal opinion is AOC would be the best choice. She’s proven herself in my opinion, and the right hate her so much that she’d get all the media attention.
Lol no. Gen Z alone will ensure her demise for deleting flavor from everyone’s school lunches under the fake guise of health.
Apparently one bad performance, a performance that has little to do with the actual job, is enough to get him fired? Yes, yes, I know, he’s stumbled, he’s not perfect, but is anyone? I find the whole response to be sus as hell, and more than a bit racist. One debate and their willing to dump him? This sounds more like a paid attack on Biden fronted by sell out Democrats than a real response. And the rather noticeable lack of suggesting the VP, a black woman, takes over sounds more than a little bit racist. Why not bring Harris up? Give her a bigger more visible role in the administration and the campaign? Show whether or not she’s up for the job? Essential let the American people test drive her as a president.
It’s👏 Her👏Turn👏