• RubberDuck
    392 months ago

    The only reason the campaign is in flames because the media and the lefties are happily applying a flamethrower to it, while the magats and christofacists warm themselves by the fire.

    Maybe, focus your irk on the convicted criminal threat to your democracy and world peace.

    • Fubber Nuckin'
      2 months ago
      • Step 1: get somebody who can win the election against Trump.
      • Step 2: win the election.

      The Democrats are having a shockingly hard time doing step 1, but that needs to happen before we can do step 2. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do about the brainwashed populus until Trump is firmly out of power for an extended period, which hinges on step 1.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Genuine question… What’s wrong with the vice president? Shouldn’t she take over given she’s next in line? Apologies in advance, I’m not American so I don’t understand why your country does things.

        • @AA5B
          72 months ago

          She was set up to increase her visibility, position her as a next candidate, but does not seem to have benefited from the opportunity

        • bobburger
          42 months ago

          I’m going to assume this is a good faith question. What’s wrong with Harris is that she is essentially polling the exact same as Biden despite not being blamed for inflation, the Gaza invasion, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, appearing senial in a debate, not being old, etc. That is to say that despite having none of that baggage hanging over her head, she essentially has the same chances of winning as Biden.

      • Final Remix
        2 months ago

        I know! Let’s also meet the republicans halfway. They’ll surely not use that against us repeatedly.

    • @[email protected]
      172 months ago

      I can’t believe lefties forced Biden to support genocide and hit him with the dementia beam

      • FenrirIII
        02 months ago

        Love how you pretend there was literally any other option. Go look at AIPAC’s spending in the primaries.

    • @[email protected]
      122 months ago

      Look, at this point, my concern is that I don’t want Trump, and I don’t think Biden can handle the campaign trail.

      • RubberDuck
        -52 months ago

        So, then people that want a different candidate get one.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Kind of a stupid thing to say when democrats are still pissed at people who stayed home or voted third party in '16. Tbh, Joe 2024 is reminding me of HRC 16 in all the wrong ways.

          • FenrirIII
            12 months ago

            It’s an intelligence check for Democrats. Vote against the obvious evil or abstain because he’s just not your guy. Bigger picture isn’t the strength of most Democratic voters.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              I mean, all I’m saying here is “can we not test if 2016’s tactics really don’t work, please?” Because “just shut up, hold your nose, and vote Hillary or else we’ll get Hitler” didn’t work.

              And FWIW, I voted for Hillary.

    • @GeneralEmergency
      112 months ago

      This seems like the easiest choice for Americans ever. Yet of course being Americans, they have to be the dumbest shits about it.

      • RubberDuck
        62 months ago

        You can trust Americans to do the right thing after exhausting all other options.

    • @distantsounds
      2 months ago

      That’s the ONLY reason. It has to be. My eyes and ears are wrong. My narrative is and can be whatever I want it do be.

      • RubberDuck
        22 months ago

        I find the amount of time all media is spending on “Biden bad candidate” is pretty appalling. I also find the Dems lack of a good story on their achievements the past 3 years appalling as well.

    • @xenoclast
      52 months ago

      Starting to feel like it’s on purpose

  • @MeaanBeaan
    212 months ago

    Why the hell is everyone turning on him because of a poor fucking debate performance? The man is old and stutters. So what? He’s just one fucking guy. If you vote for him you’re voting for his entire administration and his policies. Not just him. He could be a vegetable in the oval office and I wouldn’t care as long as the rest of his administration remained democratic and progressive. (well at least as progressive as anyone could hope for at this point)

    Trying to sabotage his campaign because he’s old just makes it more likely for Trump to win.

    • @aceshigh
      72 months ago

      Are these actual citizens or are they bots or people from other countries posting shit as propaganda?

    • @niktemadur
      52 months ago

      Then watch them lean on it after the fact for days on end, such as the post you are replying to. It’s almost… almost… like they’re reposting this shit with malicious intent, isn’t it?

      Also as if the skills needed to keep me entertained in a high school debate format of “reality television” are the same skills needed to govern.

      Also as if we are only away from one charismatic godking messiah figure with a magic political wand to fix everything overnight.

      Also as if it is only one person who is elected and appointed to run everything, and not an entire executive system with thousands of appointed employees.

      Also as if republicans don’t break everything in sight when they are in power, then sabotage every Democrat effort to fix things.

      “Divide and conquer by leaning into people’s medieval peasant sensibilities” is their goddamned motto. Assume people are stupid, then keep them that way by jamming every goddamned corner of the internet with toxic negative propaganda.

      • @Jordan117OP
        02 months ago

        Then watch them lean on it after the fact for days on end, such as the post you are replying to. It’s almost… almost… like they’re reposting this shit with malicious intent, isn’t it?

        OP here. I voted for Obama (primary and two generals), Sanders->Clinton, Warren->Biden, even busted my ass to elect my man Dougie Jones to the Senate (who should have been the pick for AG over Merrick Garland). And the debate made it immediately obvious that Biden has become a shadow of himself, and does not have what it takes to beat Trump – no media/Russia/Qanon incepting necessary. Despite consistently leading in 2020, he ended up barely winning by a few tens of thousands of votes across a handful of states – this time he’s consistently trailed (both nationally and in the swing states), the biggest news stories have not moved the needle, and the awful debate, follow-on reporting, and feeble response dug him an even deeper hole exactly when he most needed to turn perceptions around on the biggest remaining stage.

        Biden was near the bottom of my list in 2020 (again, I preferred Warren), but I’ve grown to like him a lot – he really exceeded my expectations and accomplished sweeping victories with tiny congressional margins. But he’s not the guy to beat Trump this time, and it’s essential he step down in favor of a new Harris/??? ticket (hopefully Beshear) that has at least a fighting chance to prevail in November.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      They’re tuning on him because the fascists and Russians are telling them to and they don’t have the brains to remember how Humphrey lost to Nixon .

    • @RubberElectrons
      2 months ago

      Yep, I’m still voting for him. I’ve had my own troubles speaking in public on occasion. Poor time for it to happen, don’t care.

      • @Jordan117OP
        -12 months ago

        It wasn’t just the delivery, though – it was the meandering logic, the failure to make key points against Trump, and the pathetic response to the party-wide freakout.

        • @RubberElectrons
          2 months ago

          Not worried about it. I don’t get people’s lack of understanding on this: a presidency is an administration composed of multiple people.

          The hell you think the cabinet does, hold china?

  • @Omega_Man
    32 months ago

    If God wills it, I will blow out this fire with my own blow bags, Jack.

  • @Snapz
    -12 months ago

    The presidency is not one person. It’s a vision and philosophy executed by thousands. OP is a coward perpetuating a false media narrative

  • Flax
    -92 months ago

    I’m not voting in the US presidential election, no matter what you tell me. I cannot support the system.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      The system of being able to vote? Maybe at least vote for a 3rd party to show there is support for their efforts?