• @JesusSon
    662 months ago

    Old son, we been on this road for a piece now.

  • neoman4426
    522 months ago

    Proud child rapist and convicted felon Donald Trump needs to be in prison, not in the ground. Dying just lets him get away with his numerous numerous crimes without punishment. Hopefully he makes a full recovery and can rot for many years to come, preferably without any additional votes gained from surviving an assassination attempt

    • @[email protected]
      162 months ago

      Agreed. He’s old AF and lives on McDonald’s - death isn’t that far off anyways. More to the point, everybody dies . Death isn’t justice. Everybody dies. The only way for America to heal from what he’s done is for him to see the inside of a jail cell. That possibility seems increasingly remote.

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅
      2 months ago

      It’s wild how the US allow convicted felon to be in politic, even worst so run for president.

      • @some_designer_dude
        42 months ago

        But they can’t vote. You can run the country, but your vote doesn’t count.

        • neoman4426
          22 months ago

          Point of note, child rapist and convicted felon Donald Trump specifically will likely be able to vote. Florida law is that felons convicted in other states follow the law of that state for if a felon is allowed to vote. New York law is that only incarcerated felons lose their vote. So unless he’s sentenced to prison and the sentence starts before November he’ll be able to vote in Florida without any additional special treatment

          • @some_designer_dude
            12 months ago

            And even if that weren’t true, he could vote anyway because he has God Mode from his past presidency, no?

    • _NoName_
      2 months ago

      At that point, we’re just doing it to be petty. Not like we’re gonna reform him and make him see the error in his ways in there. It’s just punishment for punishment’s sake.

      An assassination attempt was logical at face value, at least. Trump poses a threat, so you eliminate that threat, just as you would an animal stalking you. Of course, killing trump isn’t actually going to end this craziness.

  • @Etterra
    372 months ago

    Sorry old man, you’re 8 years too fucking late, at minimum.

  • @Viking_Hippie
    272 months ago

    Funny how the powerful have nothing against violence when it’s the military industrial complex (including the Israel extension) killing poor and defenseless civilians in the tens or even hundreds of thousands, but the moment someone tries to assassinate a tyrant, violence is abhorrent.

    I would argue that it’s the other way around: the only murder that’s ever acceptable, even beneficial to the common good, is the assassination of a tyrant whom the people cannot get rid of in any other way.

    A tyrant such as the Mango Mussolini, future fascist dictator of the United States.

  • @psycho_driver
    262 months ago

    America must also not go down the road of 1930s Germany.

  • toomanypancakes
    232 months ago

    Then do something about it you piece of shit. One man is responsible for the majority of the particularly violent rhetoric, and one party is responsible for nearly all of it.

  • @Suavevillain
    212 months ago

    People in power really don’t like The myth of decorum, a “polite” society coming to end. People can see how silly it is to say this while being active in an ongoing genocide. There is no unifying with Trump cultists. They are not good people even if they are my fellow countrymen.

  • @slickgoat
    202 months ago

    He means the road that has already existed in American politics for over a hundred years and now resembles a highway.

  • @RampantParanoia2365
    42 months ago

    So true. He should have had the military do this a few weeks ago, if not years ago.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    32 months ago

    He’s right. Violence like this will only beget more violence. We need to be clear on our side that we don’t endorse anything of the kind.

    • @DeathbringerThoctar
      382 months ago

      The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

      • finley
        322 months ago

        I’m not gonna lie: if yesterday had gone a different way, I’d’ve been pretty happy about it.

        • @[email protected]
          252 months ago

          Dude, it’s weird. I don’t actually care about the details of the assassination beyond the fact that it didn’t work. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about a person before. It’s very odd.

        • @Thrashy
          2 months ago

          I’ve been going back and forth about this all day. On one hand, I think it’s obvious that Trump is a symptom of the right wing’s systemic slide into open authoritarianism, rather than its architect… but on the other hand, I don’t think his cult of personality would have long outlived him (especially if it turned out he was assassinated by a fellow right-winger over his ties to Epstein) and there’s not many figures on the right who would be able to reconstitute it quickly. On the other hand, I don’t think his cult members would go gentle into the night, and there would be ugly, violent reprisals. On the other hand, I fear there’s going to be violence no matter what, and it’s probably better for it to happen before the election than after for a host of reasons. But on the other hand, etc., etc…

  • @MaXimus421
    -182 months ago

    This administration is just beyond embarrassing. Imagine what we look like on the world stage. Good Lord.

    • @slickgoat
      122 months ago

      Well, from Australia it is both fascinating and yet produces a really sad feeling for you guys. I really wish you well, but don’t see a way out for you.

      Secondly, what happens in the US hardly ever just stays in the US. You guys are an idea factory. But not all of them are good ideas. I hope that our institutions are trusted enough to whether the coming storm.

      • @dejected_warp_core
        82 months ago

        I really wish you well, but don’t see a way out for you.

        I’ll admit, even the optimal path in front of us is not looking too good. And I’m the guy in the office that’s saying “no worries” most of the time. A Biden win still leaves us with a corrupt supreme court and equally corrupt and deadlocked congress.

        You guys are an idea factory

        Thanks for saying this. Perhaps our greatest export is our culture, but it would seem that’s the good, bad, and ugly all at once. I really do wish it was only the good stuff.

    • @pivot_root
      12 months ago

      Keeping turning that other cheek and eventually it’ll be pleasant. Or at least, that’s what my educational sources from the Hub tell me.

      • Final Remix
        22 months ago

        The fuckin’ splatoon gun works, though, apparently.

  • Cam
    -652 months ago

    Many deep Trump haters here in the comments. Trump derangement syndrome is live and well in many coddled minds. To hate Trump because “The TV told me so” and being spoon fed with the opinion that “Trump is the next Hitler” is such mental gymastics. Look lefties, Trump is not a threat to your woke agenda, he did not drain the swamp in 2017, he hired the swamp. I am sure if he wins in 2024, he will hire the swamp in 2025 again and it will just be four years of fuck all nothing.

    Chill the fuck out. Stop spazzing over the fact that there is a chance the flavor of bubble gum that America will be chewing for the next four years is cherry instead of blueberry. In case you have not figured it out, the two parties are basically the same, they serve themselves.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      202 months ago

      Many deep Trump haters here in the comments

      Otherwise known as sane humans. If you know ANYTHING about Trump and don’t despise him, there’s something seriously wrong with you.

      Trump derangement syndrome is live and well in many coddled minds

      Yes, the deranged people whose delusional fantasies are coddled by the far right echo chamber loves him. THAT’S the real Trump Derangement Syndrome.

      The rest of your screed is like Baghdad Bob telling people that there’s nothing to worry about as tanks fire in the background. Except it’s you calling an impending fascist takeover of the richest and most powerful country in the world business as usual 🤦

    • @[email protected]
      192 months ago

      You got so close and yet missed the point. The “swamp” that he hired wants to genocide LGBT people. His regime was responsible for millions of American deaths the last go around. If he gets into office again, that’s going to set fixing the climate back a decade, and by then it will be too late if it isn’t already. We saw how he failed to handle his presidential duties at every level last term, and we can’t risk letting that happen again but this time with the powers of a king. The guy literally said he was going to be a dictator and the SCOTUS made that legal.

      To be clear, none of this is to convince you. You are almost undoubtedly a Russian troll or right winger, and I have no desire to engage with you whatsoever. If you ceased to exist I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep. “Centrists” and “undecideds” don’t exist in America anymore. If you are even considering trump after everything he’s done, you deserve to have your voting rights taken away if not worse.

      This next election is the final election that will actually decide the future of America for the next decade or so. Everyone now has a side, and if we can’t get the voter turnout to decide what’s right, then the dice have been rolled and our fate is sealed. So this comment is directed towards those that actually have a functioning brain, but are worried that their vote might not be enough to turn the tides. It doesn’t matter, you should still vote, because this very well might be the last election you get to vote in.

    • @jordanlundM
      22 months ago

      Trump’s proposals are a direct threat to Democracy.

      He wants to fire all non-partiasan government employees and replace them with partisan hacks:


      He wants to invade Mexico:


      He wants internment camps and mass deportations:


      He wants a 10% tax on all imports, not realizing it’s US Citizens who will pay it, not foreign countries:


      These are just some of the things he’s directly called for himself, not even getting into the indirect Project 2025 stuff written by former members of his team.
