• @[email protected]
    857 months ago

    No no no, you mean, dedicated 82 year old worker is extremely enthusiastic to go flip burgers everyday ! She doesn’t want to retire because she loves her job and would be bored otherwise !

    • @[email protected]
      197 months ago

      reminds me of when republicans said the elderly should go to work in the worst days of the pandemic in order to save the economy

    • @AA5B
      147 months ago

      Damn boomers won’t move on from their posh jobs and make room for up and coming millennials!

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        A true statement, even if it doesn’t apply here.

        People can be completely fucked at the same time that others are hoarding wealth. Consider those who own multiple homes while young families can’t purchase one. Our elders are fucking us over. Said the guy who will soon be an elder.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Don’t worry guys, a GoFundMe will be able to give him the retirement money McD successfully cheated themselves out of.

    • @[email protected]
      527 months ago

      Uhmmm… At this point, what if you guys set up like a GoFundMe for everybody? Like you all agree to put a part of your wages into this common GoFundMe, which is a small cost all in all, and when the time comes, each worker gets their own payout! You could even have it pay monthly, to make sure that nobody can waste all their fund too early and end up destitute.

      • @AA5B
        197 months ago

        We could call it “Social Security”. Before there was GoFundMe, there were taxes that could be used in a similar fashion for expenses society finds valuable.

        I’ll be the evil right wing swine here and say it out loud - I don’t expect you to be able to retire from a part time minimum wage job, but that’s also the reason we have ’safety nets’ that are supposed to ‘catch’ you in these cases. It shouldn’t be a surprise that you can’t retire from a McDonalds gig but don’t let your outrage redirect you from the “one in four adults do not have any retirement savings”, or the (implied?) social security is insufficient

          • @AA5B
            7 months ago

            There should be a safety net letting you have livable retirement regardless whether you’ve worked or how successfully. That applies both to this gentleman and the “one in four adults do not have any retirement savings”. My point is we should be more outraged about the lack of the latter

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        We have a retirement pool at my job where when someone retires, everyone in the pool donates them an hour of pay.

        Not enough to live off of for the rest of your life, but it’s a nice little bonus. I think we’re at like 95% participation, too.

        • @HeyJoe
          47 months ago

          That’s kind of cool. Although with the turn over rate of how long most people stay at jobs these days I am shocked not more people have the jaded mentality of “why should I do this if I’ll never benefit from it myself”. Pretty cool that everyone just does the better thing for others.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      They didn’t work at mcdonalds until they were 67 years old. They worked for 30 years as a radiation monitor at a nevada test site that should have provided a pension.

      Where did the money from 35 years of that income (1964-1999) go? where did the pension go?

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      And then another news outlet will write a misleading headline that makes it sound like McDonald’s gave them the money! All will be whole again.

  • sunzu
    7 months ago

    “Decades of service”

    Corporate propaganda and orphan crushing machine at its finest

    • @GoosLife
      17 months ago

      Why? That seems like pretty neutral language to me.

      • sunzu
        57 months ago

        It is an extra step to remove McDonalds from the situation in.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    This dude didn’t start working at mcdonalds until 2009 - 15 years ago. They would have been 67 years old, already retirement age. They didn’t work retail prior whatsoever, so this isn’t a story about how retail pays like garbage (it does.)

    They worked as an assistant to a handyman from 1999-2009. Before that they worked as a radiation monitor at a nevada national security test site from 1964-1999.

    Today radiation monitors make ~60k/year. I’m guessing in the past they were paid more than this proporitonally. Why couldn’t they save up money? It’s not like nevada is very HCOL. It’s not like they were making minimum wage flipping burgers.

    For the record, the nevada national security sites mention a pension, so during his 30 years working there he should have gotten one, no? https://nnss.gov/careers/msts-benefits/

    • @AA5B
      127 months ago

      Old enough to run for President!

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      CEOs are on the clock 24hours a day after all, and keep working way into old age! Not to mention all the investment they usually do, that’s a lot of work, and they do it until they die!

  • @essell
    7 months ago

    McDonalds is not a well paying job?

    I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.

    Maybe not that shocked.

    • @ceenote
      437 months ago

      Yeah, if they wanted to be able to have a life after working full time for decades, they just shouldn’t have been poor. Duh!

      • @Twentytwodividedby7
        7 months ago

        Or perhaps they could have applied their time to learning a trade or skill that paid more than a minimum wage, entry level job meant for teenagers?

        Edit: This person I’d a Vietnam vet and we’ll past social security. They are likely eligible for a military pension as well as social security. They claimed they could not save for retirement while working what sounded like a solid job, but are they just unaware of the retirement benefits they already have??

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          Or maybe we can stop with the idiotic outdated views that “bad” jobs should pay badly and blame the workers, which is exactly what the corporations want?

          If fast food is a job meant for teenagers, who works there during school hours?

          • @ceenote
            7 months ago

            I don’t understand how we got into this doublethink that a job’s responsibilities can be necessary while still somehow being beneath allowing those who do it to live.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            You’re not going to convince a shitlib that they shouldn’t punch people they think are their lessers. Getting to do that without criticism is why they became a shitlib.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Damn I should have kept reading down lol I immediately gave the same response as you about school being open.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          entry level job meant for teenagers?

          Sorry friend but no one actually thinks this one through. Is McDonald’s closed when school is open? Who’s working when teenagers are at school? Same thing with any low paying “entry level” job. Who’s doing the work when school is open?

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              So limit which jobs people can have based on age.

              That’ll go over nicely in the land of freedom, eh?

              Sorry, elderly lady who is struggling, you’re being replaced with 19 year olds because some internet dickweed can’t seem to think things through.

        • @CoCo_Goldstein
          27 months ago

          The article is light on details, but I am assuming he was a draftee in Vietnam, which means he served for about 2 years. You become eligible for a military pension after 20 years of service. I’m not sure what you mean by “we’ll past social security” - ‘well past social security’ ? If so, He is totally eligible for social security. The catch is, your SS benefits are based on what you contributed when you were working. Again, details are scant in the article, but it sounds like this guy didn’t have many high paying jobs during his lifetime.