I think he will, but there might be a real primary challenge.
This is a sensitive question. Remember rule #1.
Man I understand sensitivity, but getting preemptively mad that someone might mention that in 4 years a really old guy could die of old age seems weird to me.
How would that even be against the rules? Pointing out an old guy might die is the epitome of “no shit Sherlock” posting.
Just a preemptive warning. I’ve seen political threads get pretty heated. ;)
I’m leaning towards “no”. His fragile ego will have taken two nasty blows in a row. Plus in four years he’ll be even older and more fragile, and it’s already pretty bad.
If I’m right, I’m sure he’ll endorse some other maga-clown instead.
Considering how many failed businesses he has under his name, I doubt failure is enough to hurt his ego. He’ll just make something up so he can pretend he’s still a success. Like how he claims he won the last election despite it being yet another failure to add to the pile.
Narcissists don’t know how to recognize their own failures
Yeah, while the cluster b two axis graph of opinion of self and opinion of others is useful it’s important to remember that narcissism is often rejection of acknowledgment of personal flaws. They don’t actually like themselves
I like your funny words magic man
Donny Jr hoping for daddy’s approval.
He might have his endorsement, but never his approval.
Jesus Christ, that’s brutal.
Like you’re stabbing a corpse at this point good sir.
I don’t think he’ll endorse anyone except maybe for pay. And I don’t think anyone will want his endorsement. Most of his endorsed primary candidates failed (as I recall, valid to double check that). It may not be a mark of death, but it doesn’t look like it helps.
I can’t be arsed checking/verifying your claim about the endorsement failure, but I do remember something similar, so it’s probably right.
I think he’s really good at compartmentalization and it wouldn’t surprise me if deep down he does think the election was stolen from him. I also don’t think he’ll be satisfied being on the political sidelines so he’ll run as long as he’s able.
Website someone who isn’t him? I doubt it.
He will continue running until he wins or dies.
In other words, until he dies.
Unfortunately for us the worst people live the longest. Just look at henry kissinger
I think there’s a bit of bias there. History’s worst are considered as such because they died “a bad person,” which is of note to us, whereas most of humanity is good or at least complex.
Not only is news more sellable when its negative, but our books record the moments of tragedy more than peace, even the human genome favors “remembering” the negative in order to survive.
I sure hope that he won’t win
I feel like he would continue trying even after his turn limit if he won
No cap 50/50 odds he tries a postmortem run. Can’t put odds on whether it’ll be in spirit or “Weekend at Bernie’s”-style.
I don’t expect his health to last that long. Cholesterol!
Unfortunately he has made a habit of doing unexpected things!
I didn’t expect him to live to 2024, but he’s still here. Kept alive by pure rage.
Only the good die young
Too many hamberders.
No because in a video I just saw when he was speaking to a group of christians he said this is the election you need to vote in because when he is president there will be no more voting. He said this three times just to reinforce it.
Obviously just locker room talk. People are just taking his comments about ending democracy and becoming a dictator on day one out of context. He’s speaking metaphorically.
–“Centrists” still voting for Trump, probably
I’d like to believe that congress would never allow him to change the constitution and subvert due process, but you just never know what might happen with this guy.
He’d just do it and the supreme court would tell any legal challengers to fuck off
Andrew Jackson did something similar during his own presidency, but it was the supreme court he told to fuck off.
Essentially, he wanted to relocate all the native Americans west of the Mississippi river. Well, the native Americans did what every other American does and they sued the U.S. Government. When the court ruled in favor of the Indians, Andy Jackson basically said, “fuck you, I’m gonna do it anyways.”
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I was gonna upvote but your comment has 45 upvotes and that seems appropriate so I’ll leave it there
He’ll be dead by then. His father lived to 95 or something but Trump proudly admits he doesn’t exercise and he eats like shit. The best healthcare in the world can only keep a guy like that alive for so long before a lifetime of bad habits catch up to him.
Fun fact: Trump once claimed the human body is akin to a battery, and that exercising only decreases our lifespan. I wish I was joking.
Tbh, I hope so. I think the chances of his winning decline with every cycle that is a loss. But, his ability to split a vote is retained to some extent. So:
if he runs as the GOP candidate again, he’s more likely to lose. If the GOP is split about it, he’s more likely to have a split vote due to another conservative candidate opting into the race on a third ticket (this may not happen, in which case, he’s just less likely to win anyway due to previous losses, increased age, etc).
if he isn’t the GOP candidate but still runs, he’s extremely unlikely to win but could be a crazy vote split.
I think any sane person would not run again. Trump might, though.
Thing is, the RNC is cleptocratically his now and will be for a while. Other than that I’d hope for similar things as most people are commenting here. It will be bonkers either way until he stops breathing and then some.
Running is necessary to collect donations so yes
That man has obviously never run in his life.
His views on exercise are indeed bizarre. Apparently the moron thinks all humans have a finite amount of energy like a battery, which is why he never exercises.
I’m far more concerned about the rise of Nazism and Monarchism in the USA. Even if we never have a Republican in any governing office again and the country continues to move further and further left, America has a lot of work to do to ensure these forms of tyrrany are never even considered as a viable alternative to Democracy.
The fact that these forms of governance survive in the hearts and minds of people is an indicator of a larger and more complex societal failing that spans the entire history of America. This is not some strange short term flash in the pan of Nazism and Authoritarianism, it is an insidious and vile tradition passed down from generation to generation, and we have only staunched it’s slow cancerous growth by publicly shaming those who voice these views publicly. Obviously this has proven ineffective.
I think a more important question than whether one particularly sad excuse for a sad sack of shit may run for president again, is how do we make sure the Trump dynasty, and all dynasties, fade into obscurity until the last remnants of their legacy is a footnote that indicates we lived in a time period when humans, due to many generations of hoisting up those with the most lust for power into positions of power, nearly destroyed themselves. How do we make that happen?
Facism - and that is what Trumpism ultimately is - has always been fuelled by declining social security and rising social inequality. This provides the matrix for an ideology of us vs. them that is ultimately a distribution battle in a declining economy. Unless the USA (as well as many other nations esp. in Europe) solves this issue sufficiently well for the people at large, I see little hope for Trump or any of his clones to disappear from the political stage. That is also why the right is so eager to frame any initiative that aims to mitigate social precariousness as radical left/communism/socialism.
This is the correct response and concern. Well said.
He will absolutely run. But who wants to vote for a two time loser?
What do you mean? Hasn’t lost and never will. /s
But who wants to vote for a two time loser?
…and that’s why (missing) money is going to tell him No.
Doubt it, his decline in the last 8 years have been incredible. If he were a family member we would have been looking for professional help a long time ago.
Can’t imagine he’d be able to remain aware of his surroundings in 2 more years
I think if he loses in 24 and the republicans don’t learn their lesson, then they deserve to have him run again in 28.
Also, he’s very old. He would be 82 in 2028.
As if age would stop anyone trying to run for the government.
He eats too many hamburders to survive another four years.
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I thought he was on the Ozempic now?