Personally, I’m more an RTS guy playing games such as command and conquer, AOE 3 (first aoe game I played) and supreme commander.

For the tactical side I have played the newer XCOMs and Commandos on PS2.

I don’t know but the turn based ones never clicked for me, I prefer deciding in real time whilst my opponent is also scrounging up for resources and fueling their armies, I find it to be more engaging because you’re trying to put more map control on you and time for better units etc.

For turn based, it was the core mechanic of waiting for your turn and hoping to fudge the other guy hasn’t sussed you out with good placement.

What about you my fellow Lemmoid/Lemming/Lemmy user? What’s the genre that you like most of the two?

  • @[email protected]
    527 months ago

    Turn-based all the way. RTS is a test of how fast you can click. APM is king. Turn-based allows you to think and plan and make decisions. Brain is king.

    To be clear there’s nothing wrong with liking RTS, it’s just not for me.

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      I feel the same. Some rts games feel to me more like a test of motor skills than anything else.

    • Carighan Maconar
      47 months ago

      Yeah same. Although I started liking RTS but then over the years realized that the stressful click centric realtime part was something I liked the games in spite of, not because.

      So voer the years, I slowly went more and more towards TBS.

      My current game of choice is Age of Wonders 4.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      If you haven’t tried Total War it honestly is the best of both worlds. Economy and movement is turn based with RTS battles that let you slow down and pause to issue orders.

      Their biggest problem is being so invested in historical settings and semi-accuracy when, quite frankly, a lot of classical military history isn’t very interesting.

  • @gccalvin
    97 months ago

    For those that want an RTS game that doesn’t require a high APM, I’d recommend Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (FAF) and the Sins of a Solar Empire Games (which requires an even lower APM).

    • @skibidi
      47 months ago

      FAF absolutely benefits from action spam, to the point where it breaks the game balance.

      T1 assault bots lose to T1 tanks, and they are supposed to because they are half the price and much quicker to build. You can dance them around if you click enough and they will dodge the tank shells… a few micro’d bots can then defeat 10s of tanks. That swing in mass efficiency is already enough to decide the game on maps smaller than 20km.

      RTS will always benefit from intensive micro because time is another resource. Doing more actions, assuming they are of positivity utility, gives an advantage over an opponent who does not.

  • @[email protected]
    97 months ago

    I’m fully turn based. I could never get into RTS. StarCraft for example was never fun to me. I don’t know, I just like the slower pace.

  • Rhynoplaz
    87 months ago

    Is there a “somewhere in between” option?

    I played the crap out of the OG Warcraft games, and thought online play would be fun, but I realized that I play at far too chill of a pace to stand a chance, but strictly turn based tactics games are teeth-grindingly slow, and even if I’m enjoying them, I still eventually get bored and quit.

    • @nogooduser
      27 months ago

      I’m like that too. I can’t think or move fast enough for RTS but don’t have the patience for really thinking things through in turn based games.

      Maybe the in between would be turn based with a time limit per turn.

      • Rhynoplaz
        27 months ago

        Well, seeing as Hearthstone has been my go to phone game for ten years, I think you hit the nail on the head!

        • @GamingChairModel
          17 months ago

          Chess basically solved how turn based games can still be pretty fast.

    • @Dud
      -17 months ago

      The new Terminator RTS can be pretty difficult but you can just smack space to pause and asses the situation, issue orders, and then in pause. It’s got a little jank to it but it’s a really good RTS with some survival/scavenging aspects and some branching objectives.

  • Boozilla
    77 months ago

    I enjoy playing both (solo). But when I see the pros play RTS, I realize turn-based is where I belong. Love the old classic X-Com series.

  • @Katana314
    77 months ago

    I like the reactiveness of RTS, but if they can somehow negate the need to be “FAST” about it, I’d enjoy it more. It’s the eternal struggle of, if pressing a button does a good thing, how do you avoid a meta that involves hitting 8 buttons a second.

    Something that could have potential is putting an in-game “communications limit” that limits/punishes you for enacting too many Actions Per Minute, and encourages you to find ways to delegate broad tasks to your AI units. eg: “Please make a base at this spot, focused on building Archers”

  • AlexisFR
    7 months ago

    RTS with pause. Turn based games always to be so goddamned slow…

    I do wish more games would do the BSG game’s real time with planning turns thing.

  • Coelacanth
    57 months ago

    I mostly play strategy games for enjoyment - and against the PC - so for me the slow pace of turn-based is perfect. I don’t like to be stressed when I’m playing something to relax. That’s why Civ is my go-to when I’m in the mood.

    It doesn’t help that I also don’t have the hands or brain to juggle everything in an RTS. I’ve tried several and they look fun at a glance, but at the end of the day I can’t put out adequate APM to actually have fun with them.

    • @Archelon
      17 months ago

      See, I like RTS for the same comp-stomping enjoyment because I like the spectacle of it more.

  • @catalyst
    47 months ago

    I’ve played a fair amount of both but to be fair never competitively. Like for example I played tons of Warcraft 2 and 3 with friends at LAN parties. But these days I’m more likely to be drawn to a single player turn based game like XCOM, Civ, or FF Tactics style games.

  • Zeusz
    47 months ago

    I like both, but from this perspective my favourite so far has been BSG: Deadlock, with its simultanious turns. It lets you think and skips the gimicks of normal turn-based games.

      • Zeusz
        27 months ago

        I’m guessing you didn’t use the Manticores with a +10 Defence stance :D

  • @MurrayL
    37 months ago

    Turn-based all the way for me. I need time to think about my moves!

    I want to love RTS games, but I just don’t have the executive function skills needed to prioritise tasks and make decisions fast enough to do well. Single player against CPU is sometimes doable if there’s an easy mode or cheats, but online multiplayer is just impossible.

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    37 months ago

    I like both, but definitely prefer RTS, especially if I am playing multiplayer or if there are a large number of units. I find Turn based games to become repetitive very quickly. Real time action is just more engaging more often, and I don’t find myself knowing I am going to lose but being held “hostage” being forced to sit through the remaining amount of turns to recover from my blunder.

    Some of my favorite RTS games include the GOAT Age of Empires 2, Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour, and the RTS 4X game Stellaris (with mods).

    Some of my favorite turn based games include Galactic Civilizations 3, XCOM 2, and rhe Japan only PC98 game Tuned Hearts.

  • Franklin
    27 months ago

    I love both but online has to be RTS, I cannot handle the downtime of other people’s turns