(the detail is that he’s talking about how she self-identifies rather than her appearance itself, but that would ruin a perfectly good nottheonion moment)
I remember when Donald Trump suddenly became a “Republican” when he was a registered Democrat.
He flipped because he knew the Republican base is easily duped/conned.
In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat”, explaining: “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats…But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we’ve had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.”[5]
Well that was strangely coherent. Still more words than necessary mind.
If you watch interviews with him when he was younger, his cognitive decline is shocking. He still comes across as sleazy asshole though.
Even as late as the 2016 RNC debate. He was speaking coherently, responding to opponents, making logical points. He was still lying and promising to do terrible things, but he seemed in control of himself and I could see how some conservatives might call him charismatic even.
Nowadays he just kind of picks a vibe and spews out words vaguely related, and the audience projects what they want him to mean onto it.
Yes, amazing what 20 years can do. He’s definitely sundowning.
The habitual drug abuse, no sport except for golf (because the body is a battery and you die earlier from sport according to him) and an exklusive diet of coke and hamberders probably didn’t help either.
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It was his turn with the two orange brain cells.
Thanks for reminding me that I miss that sub…
That one ? https://lemmy.world/c/oneorangebraincell
Thanks!! Subbed. Too bad it’s not very active.
I suggest he shits his pants on stage
Again? Aren’t you tired of that by now?
You know that stupid flat grin he makes. It’s the same same infants make when they fill their diapers with the inevitable consequence of being fed.
He totally shits himself live and on camera and it’s a miracle the hot mics haven’t caught it yet
Incredible comparison - hahahaha.
You spelled request wrong
that’s the thing, you don’t even have to ask him
Donald Trump suddenly becomes brown
May he live long enough to become the thing he hates
An educated person?
Anyone else?
Hasn’t he been a shit for quite a while? And orange, rather than brown?
God damnit, you leave Cleveland out of this…
Oh 💩
Does verbal diarrhea count?
Given his history of hard drug use, he probably did…
it worked. he’s front page news again.
His motorcade went by my work on the way to this implosion. People were outside flicking them off. Unironically based and patriot-pilled 🇺🇸
TBH, I’m really glad he’s dumb enough to try and speak at events like this. No one in his life ever holds him to account for his words and decisions, and someone finally did and his cognitive decline went into overdrive.
If only we could get CNN and Fox to speak to him this way during debates.
He is confused thinks Harris is Hailey. Saw that comment on another post and thought that makes so much sense. He fucking weird and a confused old man.
He is confused thinks Harris is Hailey. […] He fucking weird and a confused old man.
No he’s not. Kamala is open about her Indian heritage… https://youtube.com/watch?v=xz7rNOAFkgE
There is nothing wrong with mentioning her heritage that she openly identifies with. However, being so focused on race at all is just disgusting in general.
Her Indian heritage is so well documented (https://people.com/all-about-kamala-harris-parents-donald-harris-shyamala-gopalan-7974352 as an example) that it’s a bit disingenuous to claim that Trump is confused based on this fact. It’s also well known that after her parents divorced that she stayed with her Mother primarily. It could even make sense that she identifies more as Indian rather than “black” (Jamaican in this case)…
TL;DR: He’s not confused, he’s just an asshole.
That’s maybe the best thing about this farce of an election.
There is at least one basic guideline for being president now: the ability to think coherently, and we’re starting to normalize publicizing very real concerns about 80 year-old brains doing what 80 year-old brains do.
Just ONE fucking time I want to see him held accountable for ANYTHING. It just seems that he’s lived his life in this magical consequence-free bubble, that isn’t even fully explained by being rich or being the president.
I have no idea how he manages it, but it’s almost like he could shit on his desk in the oval office during a live address, and half the population of the US would still cheer and applaud
Same, but after 10 years of watching him get away with everything, this is what we have to settle for unfortunately.
“It’s just like how I thought I was an American for all those years, then I remembered my family’s roots and embraced pre-war and during the war Germany. Wrong side lost there. Sad! We will fix!”
It is possible to be mixed.
Next, your gonna be telling me i can get pizza hut and taco bell in the same building…
I, too, am a John Stewart connoisseur!
If i could make my own Rushmore, he’d definitely be on it. Betty White, Bob Ross, Mr Rogers… good folks, y’know?
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So question… How much of a % before it counts? We all shat on Elizabeth Warren (rightfully so IMO…). Considering that Kamala is majority Indian… and some minority white… that leaves some amount less than half “black”. With it being truly unknown what that amount is. What counts?
My sister is half white/half black. Dead down the middle genetically. She’s been called white nearly all her life just because she is lighter skinned. How come Kamala gets to claim it when my sister can’t who ostensibly is more black?
Blackness is historically associated with the one drop rule meaning if even one of your ancestors was black you’re black. Even now Americans tends to view biracial children as a member of the lower-status parent group which means if you’re half white/half black then white people are more likely to consider you black. Obama is an excellent example because he’s also half white/half black and people consider him black.
When it comes to white supremacists assholes like the ones supporting MAGA there’s no question that Harris is black.