Please let us know the reason !

*Just snapping your fingers, no violence

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      145 months ago

      Not how you spell his name, but I’ll allow the disrespect to his name. Probably shouldn’t have capitolized his name though…

        • all-knight-party
          85 months ago

          No, they were correct, the OP commenter should not have turned Ronald Reagan’s last name into a state capitol.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        -15 months ago

        It’s always so fun when a pedant jumps into a thread.

  • @[email protected]
    225 months ago

    Wait… Are we guaranteed that whoever comes next won’t be as bad? Because, things can always get worse that’s for sure

    • BougieBirdie
      145 months ago

      If things can always get worse then the corollary is that things can always get better too

      Maybe when the horrible people see that a horrible person just melted away into nothingness after some rando snapped their fingers they might change their tune

  • @Apepollo11
    175 months ago

    Does “World’s Richest Man” count as a leader? Because I’m struggling to think of any negatives to him being suddenly substracted from the world.

    Also, TIL that substracted is a valid, albeit obsolete, variant of subtract.

    • Rhynoplaz
      255 months ago

      Just hold Ctrl while you click them.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      35 months ago

      I’ll admit, it would be pretty tempting. If I had the godlike power to scrap this iteration of the planet and just start over, I think I would.

  • @RegalPotoo
    5 months ago

    If you are talking about nation state leaders, I’m struggling to think of one where they don’t just end up getting replaced with someone similar - Putin turning to magic dust doesn’t suddenly dismantle the structure that allows for a dictator, so another dictator will slide into the void. Same with Trump - American politics doesn’t stop being insane just cos he’s not around, and now that people know/think that a politician of his style can win, there will be a queue to cynical imitators ready to go.

    I’m less familiar with Indian politics, but I don’t think the BJP suddenly loses its power if Modi disappeared. Israel will still have it’s hard right nationalist core without Netanyahu. North Korea will find another Kim.

    I guess my thesis is “focus on systems, not people”