The United Auto Workers’ decision to endorse Kamala Harris’ presidential run has apparently gotten under the skin of Donald Trump, who has responded by insulting the union’s leader as “a stupid person”.

Trump’s remarks allude to the harsh 100% tariff he has proposed on imported cars. Economists have warned that such a tariff would raise product costs for Americans, but Trump has insisted on it, saying it reflects how he would prioritize the auto industry if returned to White House in November’s election.

Fain and the UAW – one of the US’s largest and most diverse labor unions – nonetheless gave their coveted endorsement to the vice-president, saying in a statement that Harris had a “proven track record of delivering for the working class”.

  • @foggy
    1431 month ago

    I’m so glad Biden dropped out because now he just looks senile.

      • Flying Squid
        721 month ago

        You would have thought “weird” was the kindest, but it’s really getting under the skin of the MAGA crowd.

        • @Bonesince1997
          231 month ago

          They have fragile egos and no imagination. I’m not surprised in the slightest.

          • @PugJesus
            131 month ago

            The elementary-school-graduate words were wasted on them, apparently.

          • Flying Squid
            121 month ago

            It’s just funny that Biden tried everything from ‘convicted felon’ to ‘crazy guy’ and his surrogates added things like ‘rapist’ and ‘dictator’ and such and none of it got under their skin.

            But ‘weird?’ That’s a bridge too far!

        • @CobblerScholar
          81 month ago

          Saw on good point on here the other day. It gets under their skin so bad to be called weird because they know they are and their entire platform rests on convincing you that they aren’t

        • @Viking_Hippie
          61 month ago

          Because they’re fascists.

          To a fascist, weird = not normal = one of the OTHERS = an evil and dangerous abomination that must be eliminated one way or the other for the good of the Reich.

        • @[email protected]
          61 month ago

          Might be why it took so long to find messaging that hit. “Fascist”? They shrug it off and call you the real fascist for calling them fascist. “Deplorable”? Too mean; Democrats aren’t allowed to be mean, and women definitely aren’t.

          “Weird” is what threads the needle. Who would have guessed that even weeks ago, much less in 2016?

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          It’s also a simple word that they all know. You could try to analyze them and talk about their sociopathic tendencies and it’ll fly over their head. Call them “weird” though and they know that word very well.

        • @MataVatnik
          41 month ago

          Because their entire political platform is about superficial attacks on others while painting themselves as the cool normal people. Their entire existence hinges that they are normal relateble people, when you call them weird it means that they are in the same class that they’re attacking. It’s like those superficial bullies from high-school who in reality are tremendously insecure.

  • @DBT
    1011 month ago

    All this guy knows how to do is call people names. And he’s not even good at it.

    • @Etterra
      231 month ago

      Maybe he needs more live wasps in his life.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        41 month ago

        Specifically the part of his life that is all of his hamberders. Preferably a mix of Yellowjackets and Asian Giant Hornets.

        Sincerely, a spheksophope who would only wish such a fate on the worst of the worst humans in the world.

    • @ikidd
      181 month ago

      “That’s L-A-F-F-I-N-apostrophe Kamala”

      What a fucking weirdo.

  • @[email protected]
    431 month ago

    Donald Trump, who has responded by insulting the union’s leader as “a stupid person”.

    Coming from Trump, I’d take that as a badge of honor.

    • @cultsuperstar
      181 month ago

      The man who can’t stand the heat. He calls everyone names all the time but when someone says something about him, they a “nasty mean horrible person”. Thinnest skin ever. I’m surprised we can’t see his internals.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        Thinnest skin ever. I’m surprised we can’t see his internals.

        He makes up for it with all that spray tan.

    • @xantoxis
      101 month ago

      I’d make it my social media bio.

  • Flying Squid
    291 month ago

    Shawn Fain could destroy Trump with a look and kick his flabby ass too.

  • @cybervseas
    251 month ago

    Somehow I don’t think Shawn Fain is bothered by what TFG calls him. No doubt he’s been called and threatened with worse. ✊

  • @Viking_Hippie
    231 month ago

    Trump calling Shawn Fain stupid? That’s like a lump of coal calling a window opaque…

  • @fluckx
    161 month ago

    That’s a weird thing to say

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    131 month ago

    Yes, I’m sure Shawn Fain just made that decision in a vacuum without any discussion among the union.

  • @paddirn
    111 month ago

    What a weird thing to say.

  • @pyre
    101 month ago

    was “poopoo head” taken? i guess that’s what happens when you regress with age. brain broken bitch boy can’t even come up with insults.