• @Zealousideal_Fox900
      521 month ago

      Return to 2012: Obama Memes Edition.

      Seriously, I really want to see that happen.

      • @_stranger_
        111 month ago

        Obama gets a lot of shit for not being perfect, but his was a golden age of memes.

    • citrusface
      1 month ago

      Except not in a creepy way

      Edit: oh so we want Walz to be creepy like Biden was in all those old memes or did we just collectively forget.

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        681 month ago

        I truly don’t remember anything creepy about Obama/Biden memes. I just looked through ~50 on Google and not a single one had Biden acting creepy. Honestly they’re still pretty funny.

          • @[email protected]
            581 month ago

            wow, yea some of those do look creepy. but given the zero scandals that have arisen around biden, i’m going to assume he’s not actually a pedo

            • @Triasha
              881 month ago

              He’s not. He’s 80 years old and got going when kissing babies was good retail politics. He whispers to children because he has lost 3 of his 4 children and his first wife and he knows how precious children and families are.

              • @catbum
                161 month ago

                This hit me pretty hard for some reason. A person sure forgets how easily they dehumanize people in the public eye, until another person so poignantly humanizes them again. Thank you, this was a really nice comment to read.

                • @Triasha
                  71 month ago

                  Thank you, I looked into the pics and such back in 2008-2010 because Biden has been a public figure doing this forever. That’s what I learned and it pisses me off that people weaponize these photos against low information voters without regard for his actions.

              • @[email protected]
                51 month ago

                I did not know that about biden. Now it seems extra cruel how people kept calling him creepy for that. A little context goes a long way. Thanks for sharing that info.

              • @Passerby6497
                21 month ago

                Gross, granpa cares about me 🤢

            • @Serinus
              61 month ago

              I also don’t believe they’re all real. Some of them look less credible than others.

          • @KazuyaDarklight
            261 month ago

            Those are old solo Biden memes, not the Obama/Biden buddy shenanigan memes being discussed.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              When I saw the ‘/’ I interpreted that as “or,” not both. The ampersand could have been useful here.

              • @masinko
                31 month ago

                I could see how that can be confusing, writing Obama-Biden memes would also be more clear.

          • @Cryophilia
            111 month ago

            Those are the Fox News Biden memes, not the normal-people Biden memes.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              I don’t know what memes Fox News uses. Someone said creepy Biden, and this is creepy Biden, whatever context they may have been used in before.

          • @TrickDacy
            61 month ago

            Congratulations, I’m going to vote for trump now /s

            • @4lan
              1 month ago

              found these in mere moments lol. check out the video of her showing of her bedroom in his new york apartment. she almost starts crying when she looks at the bed and the camera cuts…

              Did Donald Trump penetrated his own daughter against her will as a child?

              just asking questions 😉

      • @glimse
        351 month ago

        The creepy Biden memes are from the late 2010s. The memes being referred to here are from Obama’s presidency

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    971 month ago

    Hetro-sectional had me in stitches and I shat myself violently when I got to Vladimir Futon.

    • @[email protected]
      291 month ago

      vladimir futon ^its such a weak joke and yet its also sensational fourth wall breaking surrealist avant garde humour colour me impressed^

  • @pjwestin
    961 month ago

    Vladimir Futon legit cracked me up.

  • @TastyWheat
    841 month ago

    Cmon guys, we can say ‘fuck’ on the internet!

  • peopleproblems
    671 month ago

    Vladimir Futon is quite well done.

    I’m still snickering at it. It’s so many levels in one name

  • modifier
    391 month ago

    I’m a huge fan of the original joke, but I actually feel like this is misinformation that could be bad for the campaign and I’m happy to respectfully discuss why I feel that way.

    • @Godric
      631 month ago

      “Misinformation” come on now, do you really think people are gonna see this and think that’s an actual conversation?

      It’s an obvious meme, you can let your hair down and just enjoy it!

      Same vibes:

      • modifier
        221 month ago

        I know I seem like a massive stick in the mud but consider that there are people in this very thread struggling with what was really said and what wasn’t. I fucking love the jokes and I love batting them among us but this image where it implies he’s actually doing these more overt crass things is exactly the sort of image I’d expect my MAGA dad to share as proof of how satanic Walz is.

        The stakes are high and memes are a big part of this election, moreso than in 2016 or 2020, and I know how fucking onlinechan that sounds but it’s true, in a very mainstream way.

        • @[email protected]
          161 month ago

          If it wasn’t this picture, your dad would find something entirely made up AND unfunny to share instead. It was never intended to change his mind and the odds are it wouldn’t whether or not memes like this existed.

          This is meant to get people who ARE reachable energized to vote through humor. And it’s obviously working. The malaise everyone had with Biden has become hope!

        • ???
          1 month ago

          I am not an American but I sure hope as hell he did say that stuff because it’s hilarious (obviously I don’t think this conversation actually happened but at least a politician who says “Vladimir Futon” feels more like a politician I can trust)

          • @PugJesus
            71 month ago

            He did say that he would debate Vance if Vance was “willing to get up off the couch”

        • @Goodmorningsunshine
          1 month ago

          I mean, I get it in a way, but isn’t it a bit of a lost cause kind of a lost cause? Like, does it matter if your dad thinks Walz is satanic because of a meme about couch fucking when the same person also will probably fall for birther conspiracies, ivermectin, flat earth shit?

          Weird and couch fucking have nothing on killing thousands with conspiracies and attempting to subvert democracy on the daily. They’re basically all in good fun.

          • modifier
            -11 month ago

            My dad is a lost cause and he will share a bunch of shit with vulnerable media-immunocompromised independents and most of it won’t land, but something like this would. Especially if some of those independents are seeking a return to decorum and decency in their politicians and credibly believe Tim Walz is eagerly engaging in the same kind of name calling Trump is. Especially after news networks have run headlines about how Walz is going to be the MAGA attack dog or whatever. People are primed to believe this shit. Not people like you and me, stupid people that can also vote.

            But by all means, enjoy the memes. I know how I sound but I’m also pretty sure I’m right.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          I understand your concern and understand what you’re saying. My dad voted for Trump in 2016 and I spent 4 years grinding to change his mind and educate him. He voted for Joe in 2020. It’s your responsibility to have difficult conversations with your dad and share your views. I’m not saying you can change his mind but you should be explaining to him what a meme is and how it’s not real life. You’ll be much more understanding and have a kinder touch than some rando that hears him sharing his views and doesn’t take kindly to them. I appreciate your eagerness to explain your reasoning but I would argue that energy would be better spent educating your dad rather than telling the internet not to meme.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              Did you just link the meme? If that’s the case let me emphasize that it’s YOUR responsibility to educate your dad the world will not do it for you. You have the ability to do something about your dad and you cannot do anything about memes on the internet. Your energy responding to anything on Lemmy is wasted energy. You cannot convince someone not to meme but you might have the ability to change the mind of someone in your life. Good luck bud.

              • modifier
                01 month ago

                I linked you to this comment which addresses the fundamental misunderstanding you are under:

                My dad is a lost cause and he will share a bunch of shit with vulnerable media-immunocompromised independents and most of it won’t land, but something like this would. Especially if some of those independents are seeking a return to decorum and decency in their politicians and credibly believe Tim Walz is eagerly engaging in the same kind of name calling Trump is. Especially after news networks have run headlines about how Walz is going to be the MAGA attack dog or whatever. People are primed to believe this shit. Not people like you and me, stupid people that can also vote.

                But by all means, enjoy the memes. I know how I sound but I’m also pretty sure I’m right.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 month ago

                  Fundamental misunderstanding? The misunderstanding is you think the world should cater to the uneducated and uninformed. Your dad isn’t a lost cause but crusading on the internet to remove memes might be.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        I think he’s talking about how JD Vance (probably) didn’t actually make sweet sweet love to his couch, enjoy its supple leather curves, or moan as the couch rattled.

        • @CptEnder
          1 month ago

          I need memory erasing drugs, that CIA-grade shit please.

          • @Fedizen
            31 month ago

            prolonged use turns your skin orange, you sure you want to do this?

    • @[email protected]
      531 month ago

      I agree, a subtle reference like he did was funny but they should leave it at that, there’s more than enough substantial stuff to run on.

    • @recklessengagement
      221 month ago

      I’m on board with you. It can seem easy to stoop to their level but disinformation tactics are harmful in the long term no matter who is using them.

      I’d rather talk about what a peice of shit he is than about something outright false and easily disproven.

      • @[email protected]
        141 month ago

        Nobody is stopping you from doing so.

        But remember to enjoy the lulz. I don’t think the couch meme in its own hurts the man … Everyone understands that the Internet goes wild with stuff. It’s his policies that make him dodgy as hell, but sometimes we gotta stop and appreciate the spectacle of it all.

    • @4lan
      1 month ago

      the right is filled with hypocrites lol. Y’all set the new standard when you were a-ok with Trump shitting on captured soldiers calling them losers, and all the thousands of lies he told. but one guy makes a joke online and you want to cry about it?

      that time has passed. We are going to swing that pendulum hard with every dirty trick you used on us.

      zero sympathy, bury these fascists under mounds of embarrassment.

      JD wears as much eyeliner as a 16 year old girl, there are so many things we can make fun of.

      • modifier
        11 month ago

        Did you reply to the wrong comment? I’m coming at this from the left.

    • @GaMEChld
      1 month ago

      We are in the post fact era. We’ve been trying facts since 2016 and they just bounce off them. Insults are the only thing that matter to them. That’s their language. We’re multilingual, they aren’t.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Literally nobody is making it out to be real information. It’s a meme, and it’s hilarious precisely because of how it deconstructs the new absurdist zeitgeist while also intersecting with the “JD Vance is fucking weird” meme

  • @Veneroso
    341 month ago

    Kamalamania is about to run wild on ya, brother!

      • @Veneroso
        51 month ago

        Ka… Ma… La… Me… Ha!!!

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          I would so pay for her to have a hype man like macho man! “Ooooooh man. When Kamala comes for you brother. What you need to know is that she is the cream and do you know what that means brother? Ooooh yeah you know what that means because the cream always rises to the top.”

  • @Fedizen
    291 month ago

    This dude is the guy everyone pretended Bernie was. I still love Bernie and am glad for his politics but Walz has a kind of dad charisma you can’t replicate

    • @Jtotheb
      331 month ago

      ??? Maybe Bernie’s supporters cared about his policies more than his lack of dad charisma lmao

      • @Fedizen
        1 month ago

        I don’t think anyone disagrees with that, its just elections in the US are partly vibes based, which I would say is a source of many problems

      • @GaMEChld
        51 month ago

        I certainly did, but that’s how far the bar has fallen since 2016. I’ll take any functioning adult at this point. Policy is gravy.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        The only real policy differences between them exist about ten miles outside the Overton window in the US. Bernie calls himself a Democratic socialist, but caucuses with progressive harm reduction liberals like Waltz. Even Bernie acknowledges that there will likely never be democratic support for true socialist policies in his lifetime, so that part of his politics have always been largely symbolic.

    • Cethin
      111 month ago

      He mobilized the national guard against protesters. I still like him, but Bernie is better. Bernie is too old now though. We fucked up and don’t deserve him.

      • @Bernie_Sandals
        1 month ago

        Mobilizing the national guard against protestors is a really strong way to put him only sending the guard after buildings had burned down, looting had occurred, and the Mayor requested it.

        Here’s a quote from Walz at the time.

        As Governor, I will always defend the right to protest. It is how we express pain, process tragedy, and create change. That is why I’m answering our local leaders’ request for Minnesota National Guard to protect the peaceful demonstrators, neighbors, and small businesses in Minnesota.

        • @4lan
          1 month ago

          this is the perfect response to protests where a handful are violent and destructive. not spraying crowds with pepper spray so Trump can hold a bible upside-down for a photo.

          Right wingers always pretend like left wingers want violence to occur at protests. Lock up the people who commit crimes, leave everyone else alone

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            There is absolutely a small faction of leftists who do fetishize political violence. You see them all over Lemmy.

            • @4lan
              1 month ago

              Out of all of the domestic terrorism that occurred in 2022 how much was committed by the right wing versus the left?

              100% by the right. Every single instance.

              Taking about violence is not the same as committing violence.

              You guys will literally find one single violent liberal and then say that it is “both sides”

              Get real, look at the numbers. Go over to truth social and see what they are saying. One guy literally just got arrested for announcing his plans to kill Kamala Harris.

              If someone is committing violence against you you have the full justification to be violent back. That is self defense, that will never apologize for it.

            • @Fedizen
              1 month ago

              violence against who?

              edit: there’s a big difference between advocating for violence on people surrounded by security personel who have personally ordered deaths of thousands of people (eg Netanyahu, Putin) vs some random person who happens to be a minority.

        • Cethin
          -51 month ago

          I know it’s going to be down voted, but pretending like it didn’t happen or it’s such a great thing is going to do harm, because it’s going to come up. I can’t really find anything about how the national guard was used, and how much force they used against protesters, but I’m certain it was more than was necessary. Sure, some damage had been done to property, but I don’t really care. I so don’t really care about the politically laced response he made either. I care about how the protesters were treated.

          There wasn’t an ideal way to handle it though. Even with his mobilization of the national guard, republicans said he was too slow. We all know there was no way to be fast enough for them though, so whatever. Trump praised his response, which is a pretty clear indication to me that it was too aggressive.

          Whatever though. It’s politics and not doing so would possibly have lost him the election. I don’t approve of it necessarily, and addressing it is the correct move, not pretending like it shouldn’t be brought up. The more we’re all aware of it the better prepared we are for when Republicans start using it as an attack.

          • @[email protected]
            71 month ago

            I can’t really find anything … but I’m certain …

            I think I found the flaw in your logic.

            • Cethin
              -11 month ago

              Nah, they for sure were there, were called up by Waltz, and for sure used some level of force. I can’t find anything specific about how much force because the media doesn’t generally like talking about that, but mostly because there’s so much recent news and I’m not spending all day doing research for an internet comment a handful of people will see and doesn’t really matter anyway.

              It really isn’t important, but the people pretending it didn’t happen (like you) are self-sabotaging, because it’s going to come up. Just be aware with it and come to terms with it. It happened and it’s not ideal. He’s generally pretty good though and I like him. You don’t get to have a perfect candidate, and ignoring the flaws makes your whole foundation fragile.

              • @[email protected]
                31 month ago

                but the people pretending it didn’t happen (like you)

                I see another flaw in your logic. How am I pretending it didn’t happen? Or is anyone that replies to you in a way that is non-affirmative “pretending it didn’t happen”?

                • Cethin
                  1 month ago

                  Your post is implying that my post not providing evidence is implication that there isn’t evidence, and as such didn’t happen. (The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.) What other conclusion could be drawn? What was your intended message if this was not the intent? I can’t find another interpretation of your message except doubting that it happened, so perhaps you can bring light to it?

      • @GaMEChld
        101 month ago

        I still blame the DNC more than anyone else for 2016.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        I’m not entirely sure Bernie wouldn’t have done the same thing in the same position. Both of them are Social Democrats / Reformists and though they ostensibly support the protestors’ cause, they are ultimately aligned with the state / rule of law and will defend it by any means necessary.

    • @Agent641
      71 month ago

      Bernie can try again in 2032.

  • @expatriado
    211 month ago

    quality Dem presidential race meme, it was been a while

  • @_sideffect
    171 month ago

    Wait, did he actually say all that? 😂

    • Bibliotectress
      721 month ago

      For you and anyone else who missed it:

      “And I gotta tell ya; I can’t wait to debate this guy,” Walz continued, before pausing for dramatic effect. "That’s if he’s willing to get off the couch and show up. “See what I did there?”

      The crowd was roaring. I’m not sure if he really paused for dramatic effect. They wouldn’t have heard him if he had said it right away. But either way, it was very funny.

      • @[email protected]
        281 month ago

        It looked to me like he paused for dramatic effect, and then had to keep paused because the crowd took it as a “cheer moment”.

  • @lemonSqueezy
    1 month ago

    Nice. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while.