• Dharma Curious (he/him)
      421 month ago

      I was never in 4chan, and it’s only very recently I’ve found out that it isn’t just a Nazi forum. Like, I legitimately thought it was just some far right wing forum. Like truth social is to Twitter, 4chan is to forums. I had no idea it had other content.

      • @cashsky
        481 month ago

        Depends on what part of 4chan you find yourself in.

      • @Serinus
        291 month ago

        Imagine how much easier it is to astroturf when you don’t have screennames or history to fake.

        It becomes what someone with an agenda needs at the time.

        • @Tangent5280
          251 month ago

          It’s also entirely useless for marketing or for selling anything, because it is infested with the kind of content that infests a place when there are no content restrictions, and will likely damage a brand more than it helps.

          Also I’m pretty sure everyone there sees everyone else there the way you’d see vermin, as the literal dregs of society. Hard to astroturf when nobody reading has a thimble’s worth of respect for you or what you say. Very self-aware kind of humor. I don’t know how well astroturfing would work in 4chan for the major subset of the audience(The ones with a minimum of common sense).

          • Sabata
            111 month ago

            It’s also entirely useless for marketing or for selling anything, because it is infested with the kind of content that infests a place when there are no content restrictions, and will likely damage a brand more than it helps.

            I genuinely think that’s the only thing that kept 4chan around and pure for this long. It’s too chaotic for enshittification as no business want to touch it, and their not interested in growth.

            The astroturfing and botting is constant and prevalent but everyone is suspicious and hostile over everything that it’s an instant shit slinging argument where no one is convinced. Hell, I would guess that half the fighting is bots with opposing agendas.

            • @Serinus
              51 month ago

              It still got Trump elected, along with T_D and hyper vigilant moderating of contrary narrative.

      • @[email protected]
        111 month ago

        Blue boards are like 75% clean of Nazi filth. R9K is 60% clean. /pol/ has nothing but Nazi filth. It is the containment board. /b/ is just porn

      • @AnUnusualRelic
        21 month ago

        4chan is a multi faceted beast. Like an exquisite coprolite cut and polished by a master gem cutter.

    • @CluckN
      131 month ago

      Reddit has an active greentext subreddit that act like a coffee filter for piss.

  • Diplomjodler
    681 month ago

    Uh, no. The khan from the steppe had no way to learn about these things before. Rogan, on the other hand, is wilfully ignorant. Also, it’s all just an act to spread his far right propaganda by dressing it up as looking at both sides.

    • @uienia
      381 month ago

      Yeah, the “he just wants to learn” crowd is so incredibly disingenous, and completely ignores the very real political and commercial aspect of his show.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    371 month ago

    That’s definitely his affect. But you need to also consider Rogan as this stand-in patsy for every snake oil salesman who can cover the booking fee.

    It’s less some Mongolian barbarian from the steppes doing his best Conan impression while asking where wind comes from.

    More Rogan playing the gullible rube at the County Fair who walks up through the crowd with a limp and asks the Miracle Cure Man whether his lineament oil really can cure every ache and pain. Then he gets a rub down, wiggles his knees, and starts dancing on stage in amazement.

    So much of his show boils down to ads. Buy my Book. Buy my Bitcoin. Buy my Health Supplement. Buy my Political Candidacy. And just about everyone on that show pays for the privilege to be there.

  • @Melvin_Ferd
    1 month ago

    This post is a bot detector test in the rogan sub. New accounts farm karma using this and like 10 other posts. You’ll see them every month get reposted by the bot accounts trying to build karma so they can post in other places bypassing karma rules for new accounts. Really weird to see one of those posts here

  • @psycho_driver
    111 month ago

    Joe started out life pretty bright but mountains of drugs later and he’s marginally bright.

    • @demizerone
      31 month ago

      AlphaBrain turned him into a knuckle dragger. 😂

  • @Leviathan
    111 month ago

    Let’s not let his ‘dumb guy just asking questions’ facade distract from how much absolute damage this chode has done to every edgy anti-authoritarian and alpha dude-bro who had the misfortune of falling for that facade. This motherfucker is a propagandist, probably one of the most effective on the present generation and I’ve lost good friends who listened to his show and believed every lie told by every alt right pundit, snake oil salesmen or billionaire that Joe platformed without challenging them in any way.

    This meme itself feels like it just exists to get reposted every few months to uphold his phoney persona.

    • Track_ShovelOP
      31 month ago

      I was with you until the end. I don’t think it supports his persona but detracts because they point out he believes whatever is said

      • @Leviathan
        11 month ago

        That’s the beauty of memes, they’re justajoke™ so they can play it whatever way they want as long as it makes him seem dumb and innocent, which is the character he plays.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    41 month ago

    The fact that his show is always at the top of podcast lists, is proof of the brain rot so many people have.

  • @Sam_Bass
    41 month ago

    All you need to know about rogan can be found in fear factor reruns

  • @suction
    21 month ago

    Joe whole being be explained by height of body