Sounds right to me.
This is capitalism. The goal of the Olympics is to make money on advertising, not to give nice expensive rewards to the athletes. The athletes are tools to make money for rich people. TV, advertising, sponsors.
The cheap metal serves its purpose. It looks nice initially for a few days while the winners take pictures. After that it doesn’t matter.
I’m pretty sure they make the athletes pay for the medals too. What a ripoff.
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thanks obama
Maybe unpopular opinion, but they should still. Why should it be tax exempt? At the end of the day, it’s not enough money to worry about so it doesn’t really matter. They aren’t doing charity or anything though, just work that happens to be a sport and at a very high level. If we tax the rich just a tiny bit more it brings in far more tax money though, so I’d focus on that instead.
Maybe they should tax it if they sell the award. Else the athletes need to pay to put their prize in their prize closet.
But after searching for this info on the internet, I’m finding that I could be just entirely wrong about this.
Unless they make the sponsors pay and also like a lump sum of money from the sponsors to the athletes I don’t see that as a good idea.
The athleyes does not pay their medals they win, wtf??
To be fair, a lot of athletes are also looking for advertising deals from being in the Olympics.
*After reading the article*
Patina is one thing but the front chipping is nuts.
I keep seeing all the athletes biting them.
I have had $10 jewelery from K-Mart that never chipped no matter what abuse I put it through.
You can bite into lead.
You can’t bite into gold, silver and bronze. That’s why it used to be a test for fake coins. If the chips are bite marks, the metal’s really low grade.Biting into Gold and Silver is even easier.You have it backwards. Gold is extremely malleable and you can easily leave marks in pure gold by biting it.
Yep, I’ve since looked it up, and it’s apparently the most malleable metal, with Silver coming second. To be fair, Lead is pretty malleable, too, and you can leave bite marks in it if you put it in your mouth.
I believe gold is soft and will show bite marks?
Ea-Nasir strikes again.
I burst out laughing because I did not expect such a deep historical cut
You went to Ur in 1750 BC that is some fantastic linkage
I had to look this up.
Do they not coat or treat the medals in some way to prevent this from happening, or is this just some weird fluke with this one medal? For all the egregious ways the IOC wastes money, I feel like the actual medals, themselves, would be one of the last places they’d cut corners.
Could it be that the protection can’t withstand exposure to alcohol? Just a thought. :P
That would be a tremendous oversight.
The absolute shit quality is how you know it’s an authentic Olympic Medal ™
Did all the competitors understand that they were striving for chocolate medals? Seems a bit like a weird choice to me.
Makes sense why they are all shown trying to bite it, they are craving some calories after the matches.
Same thought. Looks like chocolate.
Maybe bronze is a pretty complicated metal to work with. Humanity has only been using it for what, five thousand years, give or take several centuries? We probably just need to gain more experience with it before they’ll come out looking as good as our stone medals.
Dang… Probably has that same sorta crumbly over porous texture of costume jewelry that was just plated.
France bragged this was the cheapest Olympics I guess that was a promise fully kept in all areas.
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It’s called patina, and it’s super supposed to be there!
Coin collectors would scream at you to not clean or polish it!
super supposed
Ahh lemme translate that for you: Suuuuuuuuuppperrrrr supposed
Franky, a one piece character
What’s with the /s? Of course it’s supposed to be there. Polish it and coat it if you don’t want it, but don’t pretend it’s a mistake to leave it uncoated.
I’d check their hand lotions for sulfur based compounds. The quick way to patina copper is with boiled egg yolks because they contain sulfur.
But also why didn’t the IOC just throw on some clear coat?
They spent the funds for clear coat on those selfie cameras
Those are an AD, they are all the brand new samsung flip phone. Its only to show them with it in hand.
I wouldn’t have known it was a Samsung phone if you didn’t say anything… wasn’t a good ad until you mentioned it. I just thought it was a dumb selfie thing.
The only reason I saw it was all the ads plastered for it like every other ad break, thank what ever stars you live in an area that isnt just beating it into your skull every 5 min.
Oh I watched on CBC 😂. I ain’t watching on anything that has actual ads (there’s ads, but they’re Canadian)
That trucoat is a bargain, eh.
See, they install that TruCoat at the factory. There’s nothing we can do about that.
Just open it and eat the chocolate already.
are there pics of medals from other olympics to compare it to?
Crafted with copper from Minecraft
Shouldn’t have dipped it in the river…
Grab a spray can and clear coat them as soon as they hang it around your neck lol
I was about to say I’m surprised they didn’t lacquer them.
Not good for the environment
And the manufacture of Bronze is?
It’s a joke, kiddos