“Individually we are weak as a single twig, but bundled together we are as a mighty fa**ot”
For the uncultured people out there:
I love this. It’s like the apes strong together meme
Unfortunately this symbolism has existed for a long time in the form of the fasces (fascis is latin for fa**ot). A symbol of authority that was heavily used by the fascists (hence the name).
Though of course it would be great if it could be repurposed to for a more positive use :)
Someone should start a shitpost bot farm to spam her with that clip for the lulz.
Or Kids in the Hall
Stay classy, republicans.
They’re sending their best!
Nobody hates you, Valentina. Hate is reserved for effective people.
We just think it’s weird that you’re obsessed with other people’s genitals.
obsessed with other people’s genitals
I recently coined the insult pud CHUD for this. From https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pudendum and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.H.U.D.
And Gomez very much is a pud chud.
“Homer, of course you’ll have a bad impression of New York if you only focus on the pimps and the C.H.U.D.'s.”

What’s the trick? I can’t paste/insert/upload.
“Problem uploading image.” Probably a permission or something, I’ll find it. :)
Since we’re on different instances that may be part of it.
deleted by creator
In my case shes not wrong
I love that they chose this picture for the article.
T-shirt is getting printed right now
I’ll order 5
It looks like a picture of somebody during a group dinner that they weren’t ready for except it’s actually a posed portrait
deleted by creator
No love like Christian love amirite
“Yes, I lost this election, but I’m young, beautiful, and rich as f**k,” she concluded. She lost her job at Purina dog food over her extreme rhetoric and her campaign was unable to purchase ads.
She came 6th. Its funny, but I think she was never a real candidate and hasn’t learned anything
Anytime when someone needs to publicly tell everyone that they’re rich, you know that they’re not rich and huge assholes
deleted by creator
I’m in MO
I like penis.
I didn’t vote for her.
The math checks out.
She should seek help.
I don’t think they can produce lithium carbonate fast enough to help this woman.
Why did she think MAGAs would vote for a Gomez?
I’d vote for him twice.
“Most prolific woman in politics”
-some unknown weirdo
I’m not attracted to men, but I’d suck a dick to stop hearing about this awful woman.
As a gay guy, I’d go down on a lady to save democracy. I sure hope it doesn’t come to that, though
Valentina Gomez is a trash human being. Valentina Gomez is a homophobic piece of shit. Valentina Gomez lost her campaign of hate. Valentina Gomez can eat shit.
It’s not just the >!removeds!< voting against her, it’s the >!dykes and the trannies!< too, and I assume several boring straights.
Hey, I’m interesting
Ok what is going on with the “removed” thing?? Is there some kind of instance-wide filter on words? I’ve seen this before.
Is it a blahaj thing? I’m so out of the loop on this lol
edit: actually sounds like in might be a Lemmy.world thing.
Some servers replace expletives with “removed” or similar. I think it’s silly. YMMV.
I’m on Blahaj and can see the slurs fine, is it maybe something from your instance or client?
Stock lemmy censors some words. Most instances patch this behavior out.
I see it censored too. I didn’t think Lemmy.world did that. Kind of disappointed.
Which removed thing?
I think that might be because of your client, what are you using?
Boost. I don’t think it is, I know some instances replace certain words by ‘removed’. What did you type? Can use letters to replace some letters so it doesn’t get censored again
Voyager here (and on desktop, still seeing “removed”). I wonder if it’s an instance thing on our end
It’s the word in the title that has asterisks in it in the title.
Out of curiosity, in your original comment, was it the uncensored word?
That spoiler syntax doesn’t work on most lemmy clients, unfortunately
Is there a more universal syntax?
There’s a “proper” syntax for it, but iirc some apps only respect their own syntax and will ignore the official one or ones from other apps.
The official syntax creates a section with a little arrow to fold/unfold, rather than the traditional clickable black bar. It’s this:
::: spoiler description Text goes here :::
and it shows up like this (assuming your app supports it):
Text goes here