• @EndOfLine
    1 month ago

    Listen up everybody! We got white people talking about race and what it means to be black. This ought to be good.

    • @Tylerdurdon
      621 month ago

      I just can’t understand the complete arrogance. Why do people suddenly think it’s okay to get in front of a mic and say things that are very bigoted, and do it with confidence?

      Granted, it’s Coulter and she’s got a gold medal for some Olympian level dumb shit. But man, when are some of these folks going to go away?

      • @NocturnalEngineer
        1 month ago

        Because since 2016 they’ve learnt there is zero consequences for such actions. In fact, even when there is bad publicity, their fan base is more like a cult following and supports them more.

        All the social media engineering they did REALLY dug deep with the impressionables.

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    1 month ago

    Just because Anne Coulter rejects her own equine heritage doesn’t mean Kamala Harris should have to reject her legitimate black heritage.

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      361 month ago

      Horses are useful, graceful, majestic and very attractive.

      Anne Coulter is none of those things.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        81 month ago

        Nah, horses are assholes. Not enough to deserve being compared to Coulter of all people, though, I’ll give you that…

      • Pelicanen
        81 month ago

        very attractive

        Uh… Do you have something you need to tell us?

    • @just_another_person
      141 month ago

      And as such, your heritage doesn’t make you an expert on jack shit, or give you the ability to suddenly get to say what others of said heritage should get a say in. Anne Coulter doesn’t get to tell Sarah Jessica Parker WHAT TO DO.

    • mathemachristian[he]
      -11 month ago

      Why you gotta drag horses into this? Im not saying this as a bit, but genuinely why do you think its ok to denigrate an entire species of animals just to insult someone?

  • aramis87
    741 month ago

    Pretty sure Anne Coulters isn’t a foundational blonde.

  • @seaQueue
    591 month ago

    Hey look everybody, Anne fucking Coulter of all people is gatekeeping melanin.

  • Zier
    421 month ago

    Pasty white woman with fake blond hair pretends to be expert on race and human identities. Fuck off anne.

  • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
    421 month ago

    The authority on blackness is… checks notes… Anne Coulter… Hmm. Hey conservative media, could you not even find a token black conservative to make this stupid argument? Or did you fire them all as DEI hires?

    Well, while we are at it, Annie. Pray tell. Are you under the impression that Black folks are native to Jamaica and that they aren’t the descendents of Africans brought to the America’s in the slave trade, just like those in the US? Are you not also aware that Jim Crow laws and other forms of racial discrimination do NOT discriminate on whether your ancestors were slaves, but only on your skin color and other racial features? Did you know that both black and non-black immigrants and children of immigrants face prejudice and discrimination? Did you know that Affirmative Action wasn’t about apologizing for slavery but a means to correct ongoing discrimination in education and hiring over a century after emancipation in the US, and that it wasnt limited to just black people or non-white people as a single unit? Did you know that you are a moronic hateful emaciated scarecrow woman who shouldn’t have a so much as a letter to the editor published, let alone a constant national platform? Did you know that Anne?

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      Hmm. Hey conservative media, could you not even find a token black conservative to make this stupid argument?

      If you google “token female black conservative”, you get the perfect match: Candace Owens.

  • @[email protected]
    381 month ago

    Wtf is her heritage? If she’s not British she’s not foundational white either.

    We were all “something else” if you’re in America. My ancestors were “swarthy” treated as subhuman. Now I can say I’m white and no one blinks an eye.

    • @Madison420
      41 month ago

      It’s more complicated than that. They’re looking for countries that didn’t ever have a Hapsburg in control those that did not will always be less white than the ones with Medicis in power. It’s all very weird and stupid.

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    301 month ago

    We used to have the “race card” played but now we see the “purity card”. Again.

  • MudMan
    281 month ago

    Come on, guys, I’m sure those comments make more sense in context.

    Checking the context for a second here…

    …aaaand never mind, carry on.

    • @[email protected]
      151 month ago

      Man, c’mon, that’s not nice. The white Monsters taste pretty good, and don’t spread racist misinformation. They’re substantially better than Anne Coulter.

  • @paf0
    161 month ago

    This is ‘foundational white supremacy’

  • @[email protected]
    151 month ago

    Yes Anne, tell us what you know about black people. I assume most of what you know comes from rooting for Samuel L Jackson’ character in Django Unchained.

  • @Bonesince1997
    1 month ago

    This is the part of Anne Coulter that Bill Maher has been friends with. He loves her for her racism!