Anon needs some therapy, goddamn.
Doctor prescribed Zelda Minish Cap tho
Legitimately a valid prescription. Play on, gamers. :3
Who needs therapy when you’ve got 4chan?
Make everyone always wear their safety gear, be it in the car, on the bike, at the workplace. Make them. Always. Do not allow anyone to omit anytime, never ever.
Anon could be fucking his happy girlfriend of five years right now if he had followed this simple rule.
Also, never let your passenger put their feet up on the dashboard. Unless they want their lungs punctured by their own tibia.
That sounds fun who wouldn’t want that?
Or rest their head near the side curtain airbags. Loads of cars have them now.
I dated someone a long time ago and when they first got into my car, I waited for them to put their seatvrlt on. They refused. I told them the car isn’t moving until their seatbelt is on, and if they take it off, the car stops.
I used basically the same strategy when my dad first lit a cigarette in my car.
This thing isn’t moving an inch if you smoke and I’ll stop if you light it again.Times have changed. They thankfully don’t even smoke in their own car anymore.
I vividly remember the hell of road trips with both my parents smoking with the windows up and I’m not dealing with this in my own car or home.> on highway, another car is driving right behind
> you hear clickI stop
ATGAT except when you eanna look cool then it’s all the gear at times
Wow you’re a dick. Imagine forcing people to do something. Instead you should just boot them out of said vehicle if they don’t want to wear one.
Your way is the dictatorial cretin way.
Instead you should just boot them out of said vehicle if they don’t want to wear one.
That’s pretty much what they meant and not whatever use of force you imagined.
holy hell. when i’m behind the wheel, the vehicle does not move before everyone is strapped in.
In my country the driver is liable for passengers not wearing their seatbelt. The fine is around €60 per passenger. Most people just pay this back to the driver, but if somebody decides not to, the driver can’t do anything about that.
In my country, the driver is fined either way, and the passenger is also fined if they have a license (and thus should know better). Seems to work well enough
Oof. The double dip.
Put on your fuckin’ seat belt and you won’t get double dipped
It looks more like corruption and unnecessary punishments.
But why even draw the line there? Why not multiply the fines for each person without a seatbelt? 3 People without a seatbelt when the normal fine is €50? Sure lets triple that, and then give each of those 3 people a €150 fine. You know what? Let’s multiply it by every person that has already been fined before.
Stupid police states and their delusional “keeping you safe by taking away your money and drivers license”. What an absolute dystopian joke.
I am the last person to defend cops, and you can easily confirm that by going through my posting history. But seatbelts? Shut the fuck up and put on your fucking seatbelt.
I’m talking about fining the others as well.
Being fined for not wearing a seatbelt isn’t a police state lmfao
Gtfo with that libertarian shit
I’m talking about fining the others as well.
Other than just not drive. Which is a very valid choice.
If your country has decent public transit ofcourse.
Even then. Dude who refuses can either buckle up, or walk. You don’t buckle, we all don’t get there. See how you get treating your “friends” like that.
Yup. That’s my policy as well. If the buckle comes off, I’ll pull over immediately and they either walk or put the belt on. That’s non-negotiable in my car, and the only excuse is if I’m rushing you to the ER and can’t get an ambulance for some reason, and I’m happy to pay the ticket in that case (and would probably refuse to pull over to lights and sirens as well).
in my country the passenger is responsible for their own seatbelt if they are over 15. for passengers under 15 it’s their parent. if the parent is not present, only then it’s the driver.
I honestly don’t know who’s liable in my country because it’s a situation I will not accept to happen. If I’m driving, everyone is buckled or the car doesn’t move. I don’t do it because of the law, I do it because I refuse to have that guilt on my conscience if there is an accident.
Well I don’t understand why people don’t wear seat belts. Isn’t that even illegal? In Germany the driver can be hold accountable for people not wearing the seat belts.
Child mentality. They claim the seatbelt is annoying on the neck or big government things. Perhaps, but being an adult is also about doing what is nessesary for you and your family.
I’ve even seen people try to say it’s somehow more dangerous because of ridiculous anecdotal experience like “Well I knew this guy who got into a massive roll over accident while drunk and he couldn’t escape because of his seatbelt”. Yeah man the seatbelt was the problem here…
There are some extreme scenarios where this is true, and it gets inflated and conflated when arguing against seat belt laws.
It’s all a game of numbers at the macro level, and seat belts save far more lives than they potentially damage. The math has checked out and been backed up over and over and over again for 70+ years and the result is always the same: Seat belts overwhelmingly increase your chance of surviving a car accident.
The edge cases, while there, are not worth risking a surefire death or dismemberment under the vast majority of conditions.
Not that these extreme scenarios are always told from the perspective of the idiot that survived despite not using a seatbelt.
First responders and ER doctors disagree on these accounts. Vehicles are literally designed to collapse around the passengers. That doesn’t work if the seatbelt isn’t keeping them in the safety zone.
I’m not disagreeing with you in any way, but things like ejecting a person out of a vehicle before it bursts into flames, where they woke up and the vehicle was on fire, and they would have been unconscious and burned alive in other scenarios.
Same with the drowning argument of being unable to get out of the seat belt due to panic.
In every one of these scenarios, it’s extreme and the possibility of it happening is so remote it’s not worth considering. But it still comes up in the “argument” (speaking from experience arguing with someone who was anti-seat belts for years).
All I was highlighting is that if we’re going to be able to argue with the people who believe this stuff, we have to acknowledge the extreme edge case view they hold as theoretically possible under the most absurd conditions; and then that allows us to move forward in the conversation to convince them that the odds of something like that happening to them vs the seat belt saving them are so remote they may as well plan to win the lottery 8 times in a row.
I say this from experience, that’s what finally allowed me to break down the walls of my anti-seat belt acquaintance over months/years of arguing. He’s wearing a seat belt now, even though he still snarks about it. But it keeps him safe, and deep down, he understands that now because I took the time to acknowledge that his concerns, while theoretically possible, were not real concerns for anyone in the world to think about on a day to day basis anymore than worrying about getting struck by a meteorite would be.
If the seatbelt is bothering your neck, you’re not wearing it properly. Most seatbelts are adjustable or are designed to bit over the shoulder by even short passengers.
In the US, the specifics depend on the state. It’s often not “primary enforcement”, which means you can’t be pulled over specifically for that, but it can be added on when pulled over for something else. In some states, yes, the driver can be held responsible for passengers not having seatbelts on. It may also matter if the passenger is a minor.
Primary enforcement of seatbelt laws tends to make it more likely for black people to be pulled over. It’s amazing how many good ideas get ruined by racism once you dig into the details.
Possible case : me. I often forget my seat belt. Fortunately, most people remind me about it and then I immediately fasten it.
The reason is simple. I think I use a car, always as a passenger, like 3 times a year. When I used to drive, it was such an automatic gesture I’d never forget it. But it’s so easy to forget when it becomes very rare. Everything is hypnotizing when you enter a car. I’m glad the driver reminds me, but I could be OP’s lost one.
Yup, it’s on the driver to ensure everyone is belted. I do it every time, and the car doesn’t move unless everyone is wearing their seatbelt properly.
In the US, it’s usually a misdemeanor even for passengers (depends on state though). Considering what’s at stake above and beyond a ticket, I chalk it up to garbage risk assessment skills.
I’ve been in two crashes where nobody was hurt but probably somebody would have died if they weren’t wearing a seatbelt.
I have grown ass adult friends who legitimately think seatbelts are dangerous 😔
How? I would like to entertain myself with their reasons.
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Yeah, a good example is how the injury rate skyrocketed when seatbelts were introduced. Anti-seatbelt people (yes, they exist just like antivaxxers and anti maskers do today) used this to point out that seatbelts were harmful.
Injury rates skyrocketed because fatality rates plummeted. People who would have died were now only injured. But the anti-seatbelters conveniently ignored that second half of the statistic, and only looked at the increased injury rates.
Seatbelts do cause injury (bruising, hematoma, etc) with hard impact but it’s usually a better outcome than being ejected from the vehicle and then having brains ejected from your skull…
The usual “can’t get out if you’re trapped, the seatbelt causes more injuries in smaller crashes, I knew a guy who got whiplash cause the seatbelt threw him against his seat”
I’ve tried explaining it multiple times but I quit trying because it’s exhausting 😮💨
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It took me years of yelling at my Mother-In-Law, who I don’t even like in the slightest, to get her to wear a seatbelt, but my kids still have their grandmother and learned not to argue against wearing one themselves.
Anon just needs to get t boned and hope a girl flies into their car
Sometimes, PTSD almost diagnosis itself.
Yup. Even without a passenger fatality, or driver injury for that matter, an accident like that can still screw your brain up. Anon needs all the therapy.
I have seen multiple accidents but the ones that stick with me is the truck that hit a sign and ejected the driver and passenger onto the highway were they were run over multiple times.
And one where a convertible hit a curb for a light rail flipped and smashed into a pole ejecting the passenger who lived but decapitated the driver still in the car.Man I would agree that you should always wear your seatbelt because it’s probably safer in the heavy metal box but cars are just absolutely death traps waiting for a bad or distracted moment to kill you.
Pick a safe car. Tell people you love them and drive safe.
There’s no such thing as a safe car. Sure, you can have large crumple zones, but in a full on crash, it’s still a toss of the dice if you make it out alive. You probably didn’t mean it that way, but I despise the car industry selling ever-larger monstrosities under the pentence of safety, when all they do is put other people in danger
Oh sure. I meant like don’t buy one made of plastic or a convertible without a roll bar. But speed and luck are your defining odds for survival.
You can push the odds but using a heavier car to be more reckless elsewhere driving to keep the same odds of dying in a crash is so dumb.
Where oh where could my baby be
The lord took her away from me
No he didn’t, you irresponsible fuck. Your reckless killed her. If you had been watching the road and driving at a safe speed, she’d be alive right now. A stalled car on a straight road shouldn’t present an unavoidable obstacle for a car driving at or under the posted speed limit. Take some ownership of your own mistakes before you start trying to blame the almighty for your fuckups.
The song doesn’t mention the circumstances, but there are a lot of situations where this isn’t reckless driving, such as:
- winding roads, like in the mountains - visibility is reduced and stopping distance is lengthened
- rainy conditions - stopping and steering are significantly impacted
- distracted by your date - reduces reaction time
It’s quite understandable for a young driver to not properly compensate for the above. The fact that the girl asks the driver to hold her tells me that this likely wasn’t reckless driving. Here’s the origin of the song:
Cochran said he first had the idea for “Last Kiss” when he was living in Thomaston, Ga., near a treacherous stretch of two-lane rural highway. “There were two or three accidents a year there and people were always getting killed,” he said. "It was horrible. … So I said, ‘I’m gonna write a song about a car wreck.’ "
It could probably have been avoided, but that doesn’t mean the driver was reckless. It seems the infrastructure was likely the main culprit here.
There was a trump post above this in my feed which led to me reading this in Trump’s voice.
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Why, good morning to you too!
moral of the story: wear your seatbelt!
oof, i just read that it wrinkles your shirts. nevermind.