• @givesomefucks
      10320 days ago

      It was always going to stick.

      Conservatives are all about conformity on a base level.

      Telling them that they as a group don’t conform to society and that they’re the outsiders is enough to literally break their brains.

      It’s why they’re always talking about the “silent majority” they legit believe their beliefs are the default.

      Literally why they never stop complaining about immigrants. Telling them that even the majority of white people don’t conform to their beliefs means they’re going to drop everything else to refute it.

      Their entire identity is based on conforming to social norms, telling them that even when they conform to their own norms doesn’t make them fit in to society as a whole makes them question which side they should be conforming too.

      Approach it right, and it ain’t hard to make them flip. Happens all the time when rural people go to college, or kids go on social media.

      • @frickineh
        3620 days ago

        We had a local candidate who wouldn’t shut the hell up about being part of a silent majority and then he lost the election in a landslide. Even if there hadn’t been two conservatives splitting the vote, it wouldn’t have been close, and you could tell it just broke his brain a little bit. He made a statement about how he was so shocked - he really believed there were all these voters out there supporting his bigotry quietly but never making themselves known, and he couldn’t fathom that they just didn’t exist. Meanwhile, he seemed to think that the huge amount of negative feedback he got from real live human beings couldn’t possibly be significant. Unfortunately, that lesson didn’t stick and he still shows up to meetings to publicly embarrass himself occasionally.

        • @givesomefucks
          2820 days ago


          The election fraud shit was the natural path forward for them.

          Like, the voters may be ignorant. But the people calling the shots at the Federalist society and other places aren’t stupid. They know basic psychology and how to manipulate their voters.

          • NielsBohron
            1120 days ago

            The election fraud shit was the natural path forward for them.

            It’s less threatening to their worldview to believe that the election was stolen than to question whether their core beliefs are wrong. It’s literally a Simpson’s “Am I out of touch? No, it’s the kids that are wrong” moment

            • @givesomefucks
              520 days ago

              Better example is American History X.

              That old ass racist was just brainwashing kids and using them as disposible tools.

              That’s how Republicans (especially trump) treat their voters.

  • Flying Squid
    11220 days ago

    I’ve been to grade school, so I know how to handle these situations. Saying, “I’m not Penisface! Stop calling me Penisface!” over and over is the best way to get the kids to stop calling you Penisface.

  • @[email protected]
    5320 days ago

    You have to be a massive snowflake to be triggered when people call you weird. You have to be a turbo snowflake to get triggered if someone else is called weird that you don’t even know.

  • Jesus
    3220 days ago

    Just a normal man who paints himself orange and stores state secrets in cardboard boxes the shitter, is in court fighting porn stars, and kicks it on Epstein island.

    Who doesn’t live next to someone like that?

    • @beejboytyson
      520 days ago

      Vote trump good, no vote loberal, bad. Give money trump. Bestest choice.

    • @mPony
      119 days ago

      hey now, donkeys are pretty smart

  • @Tylerdurdon
    20 days ago

    That’s just fuckng hilarious. Someone now needs to make identical signs for the other things he is.

    Donald Trump is not a moron

    Donald Trump is not a cheater

    Donald Trump is not sporting a comb-over

    Donald Trump is not a felon

    Donald Trump is not a liar

    • @[email protected]
      1520 days ago

      Donald Trump is not a fascist.

      Donald Trump didn’t fly on Epstein’s pedo express 7 times. (Was it more?)

      Donald Trump doesn’t sexually assault women.

      Donald Trump doesn’t grab them by the pussy.

      Donald Trump is not beholden to Putin.

      Donald Trump didn’t store classified nuclear secrets in a random bathroom at Mar a Lago.

      Donald Trump didn’t deregulation trains leading to a colossal spill in East Palestine, Ohio.

      Donald Trump didn’t disband the pandemic response team two years before Covid.

      Donald Trump doesn’t need two hands to hold a water glass. (He just does it that way for fun?)

      Donald Trump didn’t appoint assholes to the Supreme Court who have made it exponentially more difficult for women to get proper health care.

      Donald Trump didn’t cut taxes for the ultra wealthy while raising them for everyone else.

      Donald Trump doesn’t ramble incoherently virtually every time he opens his mouth.

      Donald Trump didn’t fuck Stormy Daniels while his wife was pregnant and then pay her hush money with campaign funds

      Donald Trump didn’t bankrupt six casinos.

      Donald Trump is a bigly stable genius. Covfefe!

  • Xanthrax
    2120 days ago

    Why do Maga couples look like pieces of bacon that were cooked for different lengths?

    • @stoly
      520 days ago

      Sun exposure is a very strange part of toxic masculinity. Some believe that being toasty and working outside all day make you manly.

    • @frickineh
      820 days ago

      They should try, “no, you’re weird!” next. I’m sure that’ll work.

  • @[email protected]
    1820 days ago

    He got a note from his doctor and it says he’s certified not weird, he’s the most normal.
