• @[email protected]
    15 days ago

    I don’t like how this article hyperbolizes the amount of booing. Compare the moments of booing to the very end with the mix of cheers/jeers where that sounds like the entire audience giving a reaction.

    Yes it’s important that jorkin depeanus vance got booed but misrepresenting the level of heckling from the crowd isn’t journalism that respects its readers.

    • @[email protected]
      6515 days ago

      Thanks for taking that hit for the team. No way I was going to watch that but I was certainly skeptical of the claim.

    • @[email protected]
      4915 days ago

      I’m very sorry about this. But every time I read “jorkin depeanus” a picture of the Swedish chef pops into my head

      Jorkin Depeanus

    • @[email protected]
      4515 days ago

      jorkin depeanus vance

      Upvoted just for this.

      Well, also for excellent critique of the journalistic integrity.

      • @ChonkyOwlbear
        1115 days ago

        My favorite so far has been Joe Dirt Vance.

        • Vanon
          315 days ago

          Please use his real name: Jeffrey Dahmer Vance.

      • @[email protected]
        1015 days ago

        wait… are we sure its not Jerkin Dick Vance? Oh shit thats what Jorkin means… jfk I am an idiot

  • @[email protected]
    16016 days ago

    Walking out on to speak to a bunch of Boston firefighters with some weird ass jingoist country bullshit playing: immediate boo

    You’re JD “Couchfucker” Vance: immediate boo

    Your boss a few days before took a shit on the national gravesite of war dead by politicizing the ultimate sacrifice they made: immediate boo.

    What a weird group of assholes.

    • JackFrostNCola
      4815 days ago

      Fuckin savage caption writing.
      [clapping] would have been sufficient but they really wanted to let the hearing impaired feel the awkwardness of the moment.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    12315 days ago

    I’m a union worker and I’m dismayed at the amount of my union brothers who vote for pieces of shit like this. Who buy into their bullshit and actually think that conservatives will help them. Talk about voting against your own interests. If you’re in a union, voting for conservatives is just stupid

    • @iamtrashman1312
      5015 days ago

      Union worker myself. I am also baffled by the strong conservative undercurrent in my fellows’ views. Don’t know how they sustain it.

      • Bakkoda
        3715 days ago

        Bigotry, selfishness, severe lack of intelligence and or basic reasoning skills. I can keep going.

        • @Revonult
          2815 days ago

          A big part of it is the view that the left “gives money away”. Union jobs are typically labor with long hous and their view is that “I work hard for the money I eared and my taxes go to the lazy”.

          I think that’s bullshit obviously, but that is a pretty common sentiment from my experience.

          • @iamtrashman1312
            1415 days ago

            Now that you say that, yeah, I do hear that kinda shit from my older and, ironically, youngest coworkers. I’ve given up arguing with them.

            • @[email protected]
              1515 days ago

              Please keep arguing with them

              If Trump wins i will need to flee the country for my family’s safety. And i would rather not.

            • @Revonult
              1115 days ago

              It’s a really hard mindset to break because at it’s surface it make sense. Especially when you focus on fringe cases.

              Like I am sure there are people who abuse the system, but it’s not a good life, they don’t make that much off of it. No one is living large off welfare. The “welfare queen” stereotype had been by and large disproven, but has left a lasting effect on people’s opinion.

              Personally I rather have a few $ slip through and make sure kids arn’t starving.

          • @[email protected]
            915 days ago

            They work long hours but also live in a society. So do they not like roads to drive on? Or having a military? Or public schools? Or libraries? You know. Stuff that benefits them?

            • @Revonult
              1115 days ago

              Not the part they are upset with. This particular example it’s with welfare. Seeing it as people getting money for not working.

              A lot of people also don’t understand the benefits taxes provide as you described but not what I am talking about.

            • @[email protected]
              14 days ago

              You give them way too much credit. They look for negativity and outrage and persecution in everything, not reason and investment and public benefit. To them the biggest danger to the American economy is liberals taking the money from the working folk and giving it to the welfare queens to cover their Lexus leases or whatever.

              What’s that you say? The government is taking the middle class’s money to subsidize wealthy people not paying taxes? Why are you so JeaLoUS? Why do you want to PuNiSh SuCcEsS rather than rewarding it, comrade? Now stop trying to give free food to growing children who didn’t earn it you monster!

          • @thevoidzero
            315 days ago

            That’s another reason US tax system baffles me. Why does it make it so that workers have to pay taxes this way. In my country, salary have very small tax and it’s cut before the money comes into your account at all. So whatever money you egt is yours, there is no feeling of paying taxes at all. While employers will pay taxes and the taxes on profit is a lot more than tax on salary.

            I personally think there’s not much point of tax on the salary, they’ll be spending it on other things, and whoever makes profit on that will pay the taxes on their profit. e.g. you get salary no tax, you buy clothes, vehicle, prepared food, etc. and those companies get your money, and they pay tax on profit, and then have expenses which is money that goes to other companies/people who again pay tax on profit, and their expenses goes somewhere else. All in the money is only taxed once, when there is profit. Unlike in every transaction.

            • @Revonult
              215 days ago

              I have been thinking about this as well. I am sure there is some probelm with a spending side tax rather than income. Probably subversion of the tax. Undertable deals, street vendors, etc. With income they make the company track and get their cut before you are able to subvert anything.

              Also our economy is very credit based with the use of credit cards. If taxes were all collected at point of sale there might be probelms with defaulting and who gets the money if people don’t pay.

              I am not an economist. I am sure someone has thought of it already.

        • @beebarfbadger
          1115 days ago

          If I may propose a counterpoint: all that, in some cases, sure, but certainly also other cases where they started out under the umbrella of the right’s airtight propaganda screen and simply never bothered to get a second opinion, reinforced by the cult-like indoctrination claiming that everybody else is lying anyway.

          Propaganda works and it takes an active effort, an effort that is severely discouraged by the existing propaganda environment, to seek out a reality check.

          However, while such cases may exist, it is getting harder and harder as time goes on to justify sticking to the FOX propaganda bubble at this point.

          • @smayonak
            515 days ago

            You are completely right. There’s an entire ecosystem of right wing propaganda channels out there but most people get their news from their friends. It’s the key phenomenon behind influencer culture. And that’s how most of the damage is done.

            If someone has one friend who is considered knowledgeable on current affairs and that one friend watches Fox, chances are that none of his associates will have an accurate understanding of any given topic. And that’s by design. The kind of tripe spread on fox news is inflammatory and salacious. The sort of noxious trash you’d share with friends in private conversation.

            I realize this is what TikTok and facebook maximize: The friend effect. People learn from their friends. The kind of lies spread by right wing networks is magnified by social media and Russian bot farms.

    • @warbond
      3215 days ago

      God, imagine if Biden had backed the railroad unions… Ahh, what might have been.

      • @jpreston2005
        3115 days ago

        The stupidity of that decision still amazes me to this day. “Railroad safety and efficacy during the shipping crisis? No! Let the monopolistic railroads regulate themselves, fuck their workers!”

        • @[email protected]
          814 days ago

          Canada’s gov’t just did the same thing last week. I swear to god if any one of them sends out Labour Day emails or tweets they’ll be roasted within an inch of their political lives.

      • @[email protected]
        814 days ago

        He did. After blocking the strikes his administration stepped in to negotiate for the unions and got them most of what they wanted.

        • @warbond
          014 days ago

          I guess I meant fully backed? I’m referring to the thing Biden didn’t do when he had the chance, to prove how pro-union he is.

            • @warbond
              014 days ago

              Thing that he didn’t do was fully back the union in the way that I meant. No schedule changes, no predictability, no sick days. No alarm at what is apparently a nationally vital resource being run poorly by people whose sole motivation is shareholder profits.

              The concessions they got were paltry in comparison and it’s honestly fucking shameful that we treat people this way.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      515 days ago

      I’m dismayed at the amount of my union brothers who vote for pieces of shit like this.

      There was a period in the 90s when Democrats took the DLC Neoliberal turn, basically abandoned the labor movement, and made it very easy for Republicans to run as White Nationalist labor-ish sounding candidates.

      But ten years ago, you’d get some Joe the Plumber asshole whining about how he can’t afford to drive to work because gasoline taxes are too expensive.

      Now you’ve got this Yaley prick telling Boston Firefighters they are the Sad Virgins rather than the Woke Chads, because they don’t hate migrants enough.

      Karl Rove is rolling in his pile of rent boys right now.

  • @I_Has_A_Hat
    15 days ago

    I think it’s important to note that if you only read headlines here, you might think there was overwhelming disapproval from the firefighters union. If you get your news from right wing rags, you don’t hear the boos, you only hear the cheers. I’d say it was pretty mixed listening to the video, in fact more cheers than jeers. Of course that’s all meaningless as we have been digitally editing crowd reactions for years now and news agencies cherry pick what they want you to hear.

    The point is, go out and vote. Don’t you dare think this race is in the bag, it is a hell of a lot closer than articles like this would make you believe and the actual hatred for the right is WAY less than you might imagine.

    • @NOT_RICK
      1415 days ago

      One of Trenton NJ’s specialty pies is a mustard pizza. You won’t believe me but they’re actually good.

      • @chiliedogg
        1715 days ago

        Because when you think Pizza, you think Trenton.

        • @[email protected]
          15 days ago

          Have you ever been to NJ? Literally the entire state is lousy with incredible local pizza joints. If you live in the state and order from a pizza chain, there is something wrong with you mentally.

          And yeah, there is a type of tomato pie that is specific to Trenton, and it is known for it around the rest of the state (and PA, and perhaps NY). Google “Trenton Tomato Pie.”

          Trenton is a shit city (NJ should do better for their capital city), but people often forget that it has an insanely rich history that goes back to the Revolutionary War. It’s more recent history (early 1900s) includes a ton of Italian immigrants.

          That said, I love mustard and I love pizza, but they don’t go together. That’s a travesty.

          • @NOT_RICK
            15 days ago

            The Golden Gate Bridge is held up by Trenton steel. The city definitely isn’t what it used to be but the food is still great

            • @[email protected]
              215 days ago

              Yeah it’s a bummer. I don’t know if it’s a corruption problem, or what, but it’s unfortunate that NJ can’t/hasn’t/won’t fix the city up. It’s still their state capital.

        • @ripcord
          515 days ago

          It doesn’t sound good at all but I would absolutely try it. It just sounds too interesting.

      • @[email protected]
        315 days ago

        Bottoms up in Richmond VA has one called the State Fair: Spicy brown mustard, sausage, caramelized onions and roasted red peppers.

        Years ago when I had it I remember it being surprisingly good.

      • @teamevil
        315 days ago

        I’m half tempted to put stone ground on some… especially crust

        • @[email protected]
          115 days ago

          I’ve tried it on pepperoni pizza as that was the only way it made any sense whatsoever in my brain.

          It wasn’t gross or anything, it tasted exactly how I expected. Not for me.

    • finley
      616 days ago

      Oh, you want FDNY on your fuckin’ ass, too?

    • @ArtVandelay
      315 days ago

      In his defense he thought it was lube

    • @dhork
      315 days ago

      I bet he eats his wings with ranch, too

    • @ulkesh
      215 days ago

      Dude! You want to start World War III??

    4515 days ago

    “Semper Fi guys,” Vance said, seeming to signpost his background as a Marine to get the hecklers to stop.

    “Isn’t this a magic incantation that I can invoke anytime to clear me of ill will?”

    • @Etterra
      1214 days ago

      Bitch you spent 6 months in as a reporter; my dad killed people in a war. You are not the same kinds of Marines.

  • @AbidanYre
    4216 days ago

    He was speaking to a union in Boston. What did he expect?

  • @Suavevillain
    4215 days ago

    J.D. Vance might be on a generational run for the worst VP pick of all time.

    • @andros_rex
      4415 days ago

      Remember when being unable to spell “potato” was enough to derail a political career?

      • Subverb
        3415 days ago

        Howard Dean says “yeeeaaaahhhhh!”

        • @[email protected]
          114 days ago

          This was the weirdest thing. That dude had energy, and it tanked his run. One time he did a weird thing and it ruined his chances, now we’re counting the weird things people do daily and it has no effect.

  • @[email protected]
    4016 days ago

    Lay off Vance, everyone! The risk of actually showing how stupid and robotic this guy is is that he might get replaced on the VP candidate slot. He’s a terrible choice that’s driving people away, but if he gets replaced literally a bowl of soup would be a better choice.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      4516 days ago

      Nah I think a replacement does worse. Not because the replacement would be worse, but it shows insane weakness/ stupidity/ inability to have a coherent strategy on the part of a Trump campaign. It shows that these guys don’t know what it takes to win an election; and giving your vote to a team that doesn’t know how to win an election is a wasted vote. Its the same as why Biden was struggling; losing charges compound interest because viability is a key component of whether or not people vote for you. If you aren’t perceived as viable because of your polling, it bites double.

      • circuitfarmer
        1215 days ago

        This is my feeling as well. For Trump to replace Vance means Trump admitting he made a bad call. He makes horrible calls constantly, but I don’t see him admitting to a single one.

        • @SacralPlexus
          1615 days ago

          He wouldn’t admit it. He would find something to blame on Vance (probably wouldn’t be a strain) and then “You’re Fired!” and the red hats would chuckle and never miss a beat.

          • @ArtVandelay
            15 days ago

            I wonder if Vance then makes the talk show circuit and turns anti-Trump while hyping his new tell-all book

            • @jaybone
              415 days ago

              That would be funny as hell, and well frankly probably exactly what would happen.

        • @chiliedogg
          915 days ago

          It also kinda nukes all their bitching about replacing Biden.

          Biden was never officially nominated. Vance was. It’s a much bigger deal that shows weakness in the party.

        • @eran_morad
          815 days ago

          Bruh, he fired like 129% of his cabinet and other higher-ups last time.

    • @Deadeyegai
      1316 days ago

      …so you’re suggesting some kind of “replacement theory”… Go on…those dumb dumbs would hate if the meaning of that phrase got flipped. lol

      • @[email protected]
        115 days ago

        I had not considered the Mooch. That’s a great point.

        How long as Vance been on the ticket in Mooches?

    • @captainlezbian
      815 days ago

      Yes, but RFK may or may not be. And at this point trump might put the wrong RFK on his ticket and get the brain worm guy instead of the dead politician.

    • @someguy3
      615 days ago

      The more I think about it, the more I expect RFK will replace him.

    • @AbouBenAdhem
      616 days ago

      Hasn’t the filing deadline in most states already passed?

      • @someguy3
        15 days ago

        You get into the role of electors, who are supposed to submit the votes for who best represents the state’s choice or something like that. This was written back when it would take weeks to get to DC, so who knows what would be there.

    • @[email protected]
      415 days ago

      What I don’t get as an outsider - this guy (like other equally weird persons as for example Mrs. Palin) is in a rather high political position.

      How in the world are these people elected? Is it only about being in the preferred party or were their opponents even more incompetent?

  • @[email protected]
    3515 days ago

    Vance’s team is already attempting to spin his dismal reception, lauding his bravery for stepping into hostile territory.

    They can spin it all they want but he wasn’t in a gd firefight ffs.

  • SolidGrue
    2716 days ago

    Do you mean JD Vance as in, “JD Vance, the fake hillbilly yokel?”

    • Billiam
      16 days ago

      Stolen Squalor.

      • @massacre
        415 days ago

        To the moon with this coment, LOL.

        • Billiam
          615 days ago

          Sadly I didn’t think of it, but I’m determined to spread it around because it’s so frigging brilliant.

      • finley
        16 days ago

        There really needs to be a chefs kiss emoji

        Let’s go Apple!

        (Edit: yes, I know Lemmy hates Apple, but they’ve been the only one of the five companies - the others are Samsung, Google, Meta, and Microsoft - on the UNICODE board overseeing emojis that have actually bothered to make any new emoji for the past 15 years.)

          • finley
            15 days ago

            Lmao, shit no. They’re not even remotely American, either. They were a big deal in Japan in, like, the 90s while we primitives were still using emoticons like simpletons ;)

            And even they, with their kanji, could write superior emoticons thusly ツ

            I’m no weeb, but give some credit to Apple for dragging us turds into the 21st century and keeping our texts fresh 😉👍

            And Apple gave us the rainbow flag emoji, my personal fav 🏳️‍🌈 to celebrate marriage quality in the United States.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      2216 days ago

      Some folk’ll never fuck a couch,

      But then again some folk’ll.

      Like JD the fake hillbilly yokel

  • @Fedizen
    2715 days ago

    I feel like I could do a better job than this guy and I am not a public speaker.

    • @BetaBlake
      1215 days ago

      It really is kind of inspirational, It makes me feel better about how normal I am in comparison

    • Karyoplasma
      315 days ago

      Step up to the mic, wave and say hello, get off the stage. There, better speech.