• @crimsoncobalt
    6319 days ago

    TIL there’s a term for this: Schrödinger’s joke

  • Buglefingers
    3219 days ago

    I don’t mind, rather, I enjoy dark humor, just not when it’s thinly veiled actual beliefs. It’s more supposed to be a way to show the absurdity of legitimate problems or be a easier way to broach tough topics.

    • Farid
      719 days ago

      Yeah, if it’s truly just an attempt to not admit your bigoted beliefs, then it’s a fair callout. But there are also cases where the insulting bigoted comment joke is supposed to make fun of the people who actually hold those beliefs, and those are fair game.

      • @MotoAsh
        319 days ago

        I think they fairly qualified their joke to indicate that they are explicitly excluding sarcasm from the scenario.

        Though agreed that a good sarcastic or sardonic joke can be a great callout.

    • LazaroFilm
      919 days ago

      And me acting offended was just a prank too. And no me picking your face is just a joke too.

  • @[email protected]
    2019 days ago

    It’s interesting how people try to redefine the word joke. If there’s nothing funny about it, it’s not a joke. So maybe they mean that they were trolling just for fun, which is not the same thing.

    The second point is that if they say something horrible and then you call them an asshole and then they complain that you’ve gotten too sensitive, which is a very common chain of events, it actually shows that they’ve gotten too sensitive. If you’re not supposed to care about what they said, why should they care about what you said? … But of course actually they don’t care about what you said, and they’re just grandstanding. But even if we accept their internal logic just for the sake of argument, it still makes them giant assholes.

    • @Jiggle_Physics
      819 days ago

      If there’s nothing funny about it, it’s not a joke

      This doesn’t excuse these people, but this is a bad way to define a joke. Funny is a subjective thing, a matter of taste, there is no objective “funny” to measure against to see if they qualify.

      • @[email protected]
        219 days ago

        A lot of language is subjective, and jokes are notoriously subjective. They translate horribly across cultures and languages.

        If you have a different definition in mind, I’m all ears.

        • @Jiggle_Physics
          118 days ago

          Jokes are about intent. There is no way to define what does, and does not, qualify as a joke without enough error as to make is useless. It is all about context, subject, timing, etc.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    19 days ago

    If I say some fucked up shit as a joke, it’s only because I failed to see how it was fucked up. Or I’m being sarcastic/facetious. If the former, and it’s brought to my attention, I’ll apologize and not repeat it. If the latter… 🤷🏻‍♂️

    However, I once repeated a joke told to me by my transfem sister that she learned in her trans support group and was called a transphobe on Reddit. Sometimes shit doesn’t matter, they just wanna be angry.

    • @[email protected]
      819 days ago

      Lots of jokes can be understood in different ways. On the internet nobody can tell if you are sincere, while a trans person at a trans support group definitely is. If I repeat an alt right talking point to my buddy, he knows I’m being sarcastic and I’m making fun of them. But you can’t tell if I’m alt right or not. Kinda sad you actually have to explain this.

    • @captainlezbian
      619 days ago

      Yeah the sort of jokes from trans support groups often wind into the “this is probably not the sort of joke I’m comfortable hearing a random cis person tell”. Lots of jokes about dark aspects of our lives

    • @HollowNaught
      19 days ago

      This is pretty much my take on jokes using darker material. I’m a very sarcastic and facetious guy, so I say jokes in ways that imply I don’t believe what I’m saying, which makes the joke a joke.

      Of course, for every person like me there’re ten who say them fully seriously

  • @[email protected]
    1119 days ago

    It’s just a dog whistle and you know exactly the kind of people who do this and what party they vote for

  • @[email protected]
    1019 days ago

    Oh I’m sooooo sorrry if my abject cruelty offended your sensibilities and desire to be treated as a human being.

  • @bamfic
    819 days ago

    Lol couchfuckers

  • @zik
    719 days ago

    If a comment is funny to the person giving it and offensive to the target it’s not a joke, it’s just bigotry.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    19 days ago

    The end stage of this is Groypers screaming the N-word at large public events, then filming reaction videos of the results.

  • @mdurell
    619 days ago

    So … Harley’s beliefs are a joke. Got it!