• qprimed
      6 months ago


      this is a fine example of how skipping the first word of a sentence can lead to severe depression and confusion upon re-reading.

      • EleventhHour
        456 months ago

        Or how knowing Latin but not knowing the context can lead to extreme confusion.

        For context: “amicus” means “friend” in Latin, but, in context, is short for ‘amicus brief’, as in ‘friend of the court’. An amicus brief is often filed by an outside party in support of one litigant or another in high-profile (and often controversial) cases.

    • FuglyDuck
      136 months ago

      that’s a big cannon. can we instead just send her up that way on the boeing starliner?

    • @[email protected]
      106 months ago

      Firing someone into the sun would be expensive and very difficult. Firing someone at the sun would be much more economical and just as effective.

  • originalucifer
    726 months ago

    im just going to go over here and hold my breathe while we wait for the conservative-stacked court system to police itself

  • dohpaz42
    526 months ago

    This sickens me to no end. I’ve been searching for any sort of recourse for judges who do not uphold their oath or follow the rules of being a judge. There doesn’t seem to be any.

    Not only that, the so-called rules use l gauge such as “You SHOULD…”, which to me suggests there is wiggle room to not follow the rule. On top of that, there seems to be something called Absolute Immunity (look in the section titled Notable judges involved in misconduct allegations), which is a doctrine made by judges to protect judges.

    This is bullshit. How the hell could the judicial system skirt any sort of accountability, but the executive and congressional branches do not? I mean all three branches pretty much get away with everything anyway, but at least there is a slim possibility that the other two can be punished. Not judges though. They are untouchable. No wonder Alito and Thomas are so brazen in their snubbing the “rules”.

    I’m fucking disgusted and need to get off the internet for the night.

    • @blazeknave
      56 months ago

      If I hire jabronis, my boss fires me for failing at my job, right?

      Can’t the case be made that the state l Senate intentionally neglected their duties with malice by electing judges who work against the Constitution?

      Then, after convicting them of sedition, remove the illegally placed judges?

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        In theory, Judges hold individual people accountable, the representatives of the people hold the judges accountable, the people collectively hold their representatives accountable.

        However, if a significant part of the representatives refuses to do their job, and the nature of the two-party FPTP system combined with highly effective identity politics makes it hard to hold them accountable for it, the system breaks down.

  • @Sam_Bass
    356 months ago

    She should be disbarred

    • @Hugin
      216 months ago

      Disbarred is for lawyers. She would need to be impeached by congress. It’s the same process as with the president.

        • jackeryjoo
          56 months ago

          There’s roughly half of congress that is on the same side as her traitorous piece of shit ass.

    • @chiliedogg
      26 months ago

      There’s no requirement for a federal judge to be a licensed attorney. She could be disbarred and keep her position.

    • billwashere
      26 months ago

      more like dismantled… pretty sure she’s a robot.

  • RubberDuck
    346 months ago

    I’d say that a judge found to be unable to be impartial, make properly motivated, timely decissions, which hold up to scrutiny should just be removed from the bench all together.

    She is the Hallmark example of everyone rising to their own level of incompetence and then failing upwards based on who you know.

    • billwashere
      106 months ago

      The law should be like science, peer reviewed. If several judges look at the same case and come to a completely different conclusion, then there is something amiss with the judge, either intentionally through malice or through incompetence. This woman should be nowhere near the bench.

      • RubberDuck
        36 months ago

        That is what we have in the Netherlands. No jury trial but for the more serious stuff a panel of 3 judges.

        • billwashere
          26 months ago

          Of course its better in the Netherlands :)

          Seriously though its like you Dutch fuckers looked at everyone else and tried to out do them, and succeeded.

          All joking aside, I am really jealous. It does really seem like you have figured out what society should be in it’s final form. Or at least as close to what it should be as possible. I doubt it’s perfect, but it seems a lot better than us yanks in a lot of respects.

          • RubberDuck
            46 months ago

            We have our problems. Mostly stemming from the fact it’s really really crowded and everything competes over a small piece of land. Which means that a lot of issues that occur by overuse of something or another manifests decades before it happens elsewhere.

            Issues with groundwater pollution by over fertilizing by farmers. We dealt with that shit in the 80s Germany and other eu countries now seeing these issues. Plenty more of these examples.

            The right wing populists use that as an excuse… “see noone else has these issues but us” … Yeah mother F- it’s because we’re ahead of the curve. We’re the early adopters of a lot of these problems because of how intensive we use our country.

            On the other hand… this leads to some awesome developments as well.

            • billwashere
              26 months ago

              Places like here in the US do often avoid a lot of these issues because we do have a lot of space but god damn we sure try to speed run making poor decisions and wasting resources left and right. See things like fracking and giant SUVs.

              Can you imagine if you took a people and government like the Netherlands and set it up with the land and resources of the US minus all the greedy as fuck billionaires trying to destroy everything and everyone chasing the almighty dollar. A man can dream…

  • @[email protected]
    216 months ago

    It’d be nice, but the record-breaking number of federal judges appointed during his presidency is one of the primary reasons I think we fucked for a generation or two.

  • Drusas
    96 months ago

    Yeah, the rest of us knew that years ago now.

  • @raynethackery
    46 months ago

    Look, whatever retirement package she would get at the end of her working life, just give it to her now if she agrees to resign.

      • @stoly
        56 months ago

        I think their point is to get them out of office at any cost in order to protect the public.

        • @[email protected]
          86 months ago

          I get it but my point stands. What’s going to stop the next idiot president and senate putting ridiculous judges in place so they can get a pay out for being a shitty judge?

          • @stoly
            46 months ago

            Nothing. Not even impeachment. The country was built on a wink and a handshake along with the naive hope that humans would be honorable.

  • TooManyFoods
    46 months ago

    It took me 30 minutes to get what they meant when they said "reassigned ". I first thought they meant reassigned to the case that made everything else confusing. They meant reassigned to a different case.

    • Em Adespoton
      26 months ago

      And here I was thinking that they were suggesting reassignment therapy….

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Same here, it was a terrible choice of wording. Or they could have followed immediately with “and a new judge should be assigned…”

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