Amazon trying to cover their ass?

Updated Wednesday, September 4, 2024 5:10 p.m. EST - Amazon reached out to deny the reports of a crack down on singing along with the radio in trucks and provided this PR video clip as evidence. A PR spokesperson told Jalopnik: “This post is completely inaccurate. Amazon has never issued guidance or communications to Delivery Service Partners that prohibits singing in the vehicle.”

  • @Retro_unlimited
    826 months ago

    Maybe this is why I have been seeing more drivers wearing masks.

      • @[email protected]
        796 months ago

        The real question is… why the fuck should anyone be micromanaged to this fucking extent. It’s probably hurting actual productivity… even if their broken ass metrics are showing an improvement.

        It fucking sucks to be deprived of the joy in what you do - there isn’t much joy in delivery to begin with but vibing to the music while driving down an empty stretch of road is one of the little ones… the more you suck the joy out of a job the less shits your employees will give.

        • @eramseth
          186 months ago

          Heard about this a while back. I think the real explanation is that amazon wants cameras in their vehicles to monitor their drivers. But Amazon’s insurer says “if you have this video we want to see it, and if your drivers are distracted in general, your insurance rates are going up” and/or when there’s an incident, any evidence of distracted driving will be leveraged against amazon… so instead of getting rid of the cameras, they are micromanaging their employees not to be distracted while driving, where “distracted” includes talking on the phone and also singing or speaking.

          It’s all really shitty tbh.

          I get that with a company as big as Amazon, small margins can make a big difference, but… pretty sure that’s just an argument against giant fucking companies running everything…

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          maybe it’s because the more time wage slaves are thinking about not being allowed to sing, the less time they’re thinking about how shitty the pay is

          • @TommySoda
            266 months ago

            Even slaves were allowed to sing.

            • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
              96 months ago

              I had a job where my boss got angry at me for playing music in my office with the door closed, because I was wasting bandwidth. On my ipod. So I used headphones.

            • @shalafi
              6 months ago

              Now I want to see a black Amazon driver dressed as a slave, singing “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”, and getting chewed out over an in-van loudspeaker.

              “Yuhsir! Won’t happen again suh!”

              Can you imagine the emergency PR meetings?!

      • MentalEdge
        146 months ago

        They’re not actually monitoring that specific thing. They have a camera looking at the drivers and the recognition software happens to interpret singing as the driver being “distracted”, but they don’t actually want to modify the software so they are doubling down on what the software has decided.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Kinda the same way my car tells me I’m not looking at the road if I tilt my head 2 inches to the side or back. Its constantly giving me warning, and I’m constantly yelling that I am looking at the road! How else could I go around this turn!

          At least I have the option of covering it with black electrical tape. Jeeze.

          • @DrPop
            26 months ago

            As someone who wears glasses I have to turn my head to check my mirrors. I would get so frustrated with that.

        • @eramseth
          16 months ago

          This isn’t right. Singing also counts as distracted.

            • @[email protected]
              36 months ago

              I, for one, am in favor of volume limits. Too many times ambulances get stuck behind cars whose drivers simply cannot hear the siren.

            • @eramseth
              26 months ago

              Not necessarily, but there’s a difference between something being illegal and something being perceived by an insurance company as increasing risk. There are a lot of things that are legal and risky.

              • MentalEdge
                6 months ago

                Insurance wanting employees monitored so they can deny coverage or excuse an increase in premiums is not much of “ok yeah that makes sense”.

                With that logic our own cars are going start monitoring us and have us hand the data over to insurers so they can let you off the hook for the “privacy fee” or whatever as long as you then don’t sing in your own car.

                This isn’t about risk. Its about humans not being allowed to be humans.

                • @eramseth
                  16 months ago

                  Oh I totally agree and yes we’re already on that path.

                  The solution here is probably more like no cameras spying on your employees for every second of their shift. Give them a job and let them do it or not do it.

    • @[email protected]
      -106 months ago

      What? No, you’re seeing masks because of the surge in covid. Article was updated to say Amazon is refuting the claim. It’s bogus.

          • @TommySoda
            56 months ago

            It means you were being sarcastic. Usually people put it at the end of a comment to emphasize they weren’t being serious.That’s the only reason I can think of why you said that.

              • @EndlessApollo
                6 months ago

                You’re really so much of a, as you’d say, “fucking moron” that you just instantly believe Amazon when they pinky swear they’re not femtomanaging their drivers xD if you’re not being paid to spread this disinformation that’s just sad

      • @EndlessApollo
        6 months ago

        You forgot to put Amazon in your username, I thought they required that from paid shills?

        • @[email protected]
          -16 months ago

          Is everyone who points out misinformation a shill? Quit being a fucking moron, look at the article yourself. Stating facts does not equal endorsement.

          • @EndlessApollo
            16 months ago

            Instantly buying Amazon’s denial of shit that it was proven they were trying to do does equal endorsement XP you should stop wasting time defending corporations who literally only give a shit about you for your money and data

  • @DaddleDew
    676 months ago

    This. This is how you tell that letting the job market “self-regulate” does NOT work.

    • @[email protected]
      126 months ago

      Of course it works, what are you talking about?

      Oh, for the employees? Nooo no no. Not for those haha.

    • @exanime
      116 months ago

      what’s that URL? looks like the sites where they push the bad kind of porn


    • @andrewth09
      36 months ago

      The guy delivering Amazon packages wearing Amazon clothing and driving an Amazon van filled with boxes from Amazon has NOTHING to do with Amazon the website.

      • @ChilledPeppers
        56 months ago

        Whats the alternative? (For real, i have a ec2 instance there, and I guess I could use azure or google cloud but they are shitty companies too)

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          If you’re a cheapskate like me, oracle cloud’s free vps tier is the most generous I’ve seen of any provider. I suspect it’s because their other services are subpar so they gotta raise market share somehow.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Local vps hosting companies in your country

          If you miss the simplicity of a dashboard vs terminal I suggest

          There are options, the question eventually comes down to if you want to support Jeff’s billionaire lifestyle

          • @ChilledPeppers
            16 months ago

            Its a lot more expensive with local companies. (8x as much) Because I use a couple hours a week, with high processing power, and most (all that I could find) of them you pay for the entire month at a time.

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              Personally seen the opposite in terms of pricing. But don’t forget the added value of support; local small businesses usually offer, they often go above and beyond to help you.

    • @blazeknave
      46 months ago

      Vote for elected officials that champion regulations

  • metaStatic
    296 months ago

    Alexa, who sings this song?

    Taylor Swift, and you better fucking keep it that way or else.

  • @[email protected]
    286 months ago

    I really wanna go to an event where we’re just literally roasting selected billionaires over a fire, eating popcorn as we listen to their screams, and watch their flesh darken as it burns. So whole celebrating how much negative karma is leaving the earth all at one time.

    I’m not even kidding. I would literally enjoy physically going to such an event. Bezos and Musk would probably be the stars of the show.

    Does Bezos even “do” anything at all? Ever? Or is he just cashing checks while underlings deal with all the “work stuff”?

    I mean I would be downright ashamed if a company with my name all over it was looked on this badly.

    • @[email protected]
      216 months ago

      I get what you’re saying but I get weirded out by people who go from "violence is necessary" to glorifying it. I’ve seen people dying before and I don’t think I’d ever find it satisfying to watch any human burning to death.

      Justice is one thing but I think there’s a lot of sick fucks who practically get off to violence or at least violence like this in theory because they’ve never seen some horrific shit firsthand.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        As much as watching everything literally burn would be exceptionally cathartic, it wouldn’t be useful. If you ask me, these CEOs and rich bastards can work X hours a week scrubbing toilets or otherwise contributing to society.

        If you refuse to contribute to society cause you were rich and think you’re hot shit, then jail. Something like the minimum security prison in Norway where the point is rehabilitation. If you’ve committed war crimes or premeditated murder or otherwise genuinely can’t be offered even that much freedom, then real prison, but still a decent real prison.

        Putin and his ilk are a different matter. What was good enough for Mussolini would be just as good for them.

    • @EnderMB
      26 months ago

      Bezos hasn’t been the CEO at Amazon for over three years.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Have you considered working in an abattoir? Might be the job satisfaction you’re looking for.

      • @PriorityMotif
        16 months ago

        Good question. Amazon could require their camera system or a camera system, or it could be the owner installing the camera on their own.

        • @[email protected]
          36 months ago

          Amazon requires a camera system called a netradyne driveri in all vans - that’s what they’re referring to. It uses AI to monitor what you’re doing and automatically send reports when it thinks you’ve done something wrong.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        I would imagine the contractor company. There’s dudes in my area who deliver out of their car or a shitty white van. It’s great.

  • 2ugly2live
    176 months ago

    It’s still crazy to me the the richest man in the world has the worst working conditions. He has more money than he’ll ever need, than he can ever spend. Maybe taking a hit next quarter wouldn’t be the end of the world.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      There were probably other people like bezos who didn’t squeeze their workers as much as possible, the market would have filtered them out.

    • @TommySoda
      76 months ago

      As long as you avoid them, it’s never too late. Fuck 'em.

  • @TommySoda
    116 months ago

    I honestly can’t even think of a reason to keep giving them money. Half the time you get sold things that are faulty or a scam. They put advertisements on their paid streaming service. They fake the majority of their reviews (have you noticed that nothing on Amazon is below 4 stars these days?). Oh, and I can’t forget the most important part. They aren’t even capable of treating their employees like fucking people. Who comes up with this shit? This is like, cartoon villain kinda shit.

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    This tech isn’t new, exactly, though it’s probably significantly more sophisticated now. I used to work at a company that used similar monitoring a decade ago. Theirs was (allegedly) triggered only by the motion of the vehicle, I believe DriveCam was the brand name. It sucked back then, I’d imagine it sucks worse now.

    My guess with the reality of the situation is Amazon or their insurance company required installation of the cameras and a low-to-mid level manager somewhere noticed that singing was triggering them, so the manager told people to stop and eventually you end up with this news story. Amazon gets at worst plausible deniability and shitty things continue.

  • @drdalek
    86 months ago

    This was updated at 5pm (my time)

    Amazon is saying this is fake and untrue

  • bannanaente 🍌🦆A
    86 months ago

    That’s terrible, no one deserves that type of work environment. Hope Bezos slips on a Banana peel…