• @MajinBlayze
    6 months ago

    “It’s just a fact of life” he says in only country where this happens regularly

  • @Sanctus
    906 months ago

    I wonder how other countries deal with this fact of life

      • @saltesc
        6 months ago

        Well apparently I’m actually in some sort of Truman Show dome.

        Australia Doesn’t Exist

        And y’all know about the so-called “gun laws” here and how swiftly and easily everything got changed. Seems too good to be true 🤔🤔🤔🤔

        • @Sanctus
          126 months ago

          Sounds fake, I’m gonna need another mountain of needlessly dead children to find out.

          This place is fucking stupid.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          No, according to types like Vance, you live in an oppressive hellscape worse than any on the planet.

          I ended up on a YouTube video of an officer involved shooting in QLD. The amount of comments gleefully exclaiming “but I thought Aus outlawed all guns?”, “lucky guns are illegal there” and further carry on about all the laws “forcibly” being brought in doing nothing. The amount of comment saying it was retribution for covid lockdown (lmao). This country doesn’t exist except as a political talking point to some of those types.

          • @saltesc
            6 months ago

            Haha, yeah, guns are totally legal here. I have a lot of friends with guns and even two friends that make a living off shooting. The difference between here and the US is that they’re seen as tools that easily have deadly consequence if abused and therefore are regulated as such. Some gun owners in the US will be like, “Duh”, but the laws in the US do not reflect the same sentiment. Everyone has a right to firearms, but the public servants have measures in place that first say, “Okay, but why?” I mean, I’d love a to have a lot of things on my property, but obviously that’s no possible in the interests of public safety.

            That QLD shooting can happen (and will), but not with the regularity of more torn countries. Certainly not ones like the USA which are sort of in a league of their own with a handful of other countries that at least have an excuse like drug cartels and rampant crinal warfare.

            Oh, wait. There I go thinking I live in Australia and it’s real again. Gawsh, I’m so conditioned.

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      136 months ago

      19 Countries with the Most School Shootings (total incidents Jan 2009-May 2018 - CNN):

      United States — 288

      Mexico — 8

      South Africa — 6

      Nigeria & Pakistan — 4

      Afghanistan — 3

      Brazil, Canada, France — 2

      Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, Russia, & Turkey — 1


      Other countries just have less to deal with.

      • @WoahWoah
        46 months ago

        We’re #1! We’re #1! We’re #1!

        -Americans probably

      • @saltesc
        46 months ago

        Wait til you look at homicide by firearm and realise that the US is more dangerous that some countries in active war.

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      36 months ago

      Look, I know I have nice warm cushion-like fat, but I’m not a couch.

  • Jo Miran
    446 months ago

    Trump had multiple agencies on site providing security when some loon climbed up and started shooting. Said security even spotted him but jumped away rather than engage the shooter. Trump’s head almost got blown off during what is arguably one of the best case security scenarios.

    Do with that what you will, JD.

  • @TheDeadHorse
    386 months ago

    So he’s unequivocally stating that there is nothing he plans on doing to reduce the killing of children. If you support no action, this is the guy you should support.

    • @Mog_fanatic
      156 months ago

      In the article he calls for bolstering security at schools. Which I always find funny because what if… And this is a wild idea… But what if there’s a shooting at a location other than a school? Not to mention that studies have shown that the presence of armed guards in schools doesn’t actually do much to deter shootings.

      • Dharma Curious (he/him)
        86 months ago

        Why would armed guards have an impact? These kids that plan on shooting up their schools are planning it as a suicide mission. It’s a super elaborate suicide by cop, taking out as many of their classmates and tormentors, perceived or otherwise, as possible. Armed guards aren’t going to help. Stricter rules on guns and mental fucking health care might, but that would be actually doing something that the vast majority of Americans support, and we can’t do that. If we let people think overwhelming support for something gets it then they may get uppity and start demanding other things, like unions and healthcare

      • @WoodScientist
        26 months ago

        Security has a place. But even at schools, really all it can do is prevent a handful of deaths from turning into dozens or hundreds. You can have someone manning a metal detector at the front door. But a gunman can just walk in, shoot that person first, and walk right through the security checkpoint. Lockdowns and secure classrooms help, but they can still shoot plenty of people as they’re running for the exits or running to the secure classrooms. If a gunman comes to a high school during their passing period, there really just isn’t anything that can be done to prevent them from taking a handful of lives at a minimum. Even having armed swat teams available within minutes just reduces the final body count; it doesn’t eliminate it. When you can just walk into a crowded building and start spraying gunfire, security really just can’t prevent that, just ameliorate it.

    • @NightwingdragonOP
      46 months ago

      So he’s unequivocally stating that there is nothing he plans on doing to reduce the killing of children. If you support no action, this is the guy you should support.

      Remember, after one of the other school shootings (The fact that I cannot remember which one is itself a telling statement, isn’t it?), one of our wonderful elected officials literally stated that they were going to do nothing about it.

  • Hobthrob
    336 months ago

    If all children of American politicians were legally required to attend public schools and integrate into common classes I think we’d see sweeping implementation of gun laws real quick. Might also force them to improve the quality of public schools.

    • @NightwingdragonOP
      66 months ago

      They might get to that. Only after they:

      • Remove all “objectionable” books from schools so their kids don’t learn that black or gay people exist
      • Institute religion, morning prayer, the bible, etc. back in schools
      • Gerrymander the public school district to make sure the black/gay/poor kids aren’t attending the same schools as theirs. Sure, those kids can have the opportunity to attend schools not in their neighborhood under state “school choice” laws, etc. but golly gee darn the waiting lists are years long, dontchaknow.
      • Ensure that their children are attending the newer public schools that have more robust security measures while the rest of the district are still going to school in buildings that were built when things like electricity were still an optional luxury and modern security would be nigh-on impossible.
      • If all else fails, they will hire private home tutors.

      I will bet the left body part of your choice that all of those things would happen long before they actually did anything to try to improve the quality of the schools. Remember, half of these people are about to vote for a candidate who says the department of education shouldn’t exist. They’d destroy the entire system before they’d try to improve it.

      Remember the saying “If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” The same thing applies here, except it’s the public school system.

    • @WoodScientist
      36 months ago

      You know, that’s something I’m actually curious about. Is there any data on shooting rates at public vs. private schools? The private schools I’ve seen don’t seem to have any better security than public schools. Though private schools do have the benefit of being able to just easily expel the more troubled students.

  • @eran_morad
    226 months ago

    These guys would gladly have your child shot to preserve their money. How they can live peaceful lives in a country of 330 million people is beyond me.

    • @IphtashuFitz
      146 months ago

      Simple. They use that money to send their kids to private school where this sort of thing would never happen. Their kids are safe, and they get votes and money from gun owners. That’s all they care about.

      • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
        76 months ago

        Where the privatr school kids are exempt from having to fill out military aptitude tests…unlike public schools

      • @eran_morad
        46 months ago

        Yeah bruh, i think you ain’t picked up what i put down. But it’s cool, though.

  • @civilfolly
    216 months ago

    Why don’t they just arm all the kids?

    • @Alexstarfire
      96 months ago

      They’ve already got 2 arms. You wanna give them more?

      • aruraios
        36 months ago

        If 100 arms is what it takes to guard Tartarus, a couple extra pairs per student should be enough to keep the school safe

        • @JeeBaiChow
          26 months ago

          Only if your exclusive-ass school has less than 50 kids.

  • @samus12345
    206 months ago

    “No Way to Prevent This,” Says Couch Fucker From Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

    • Skeezix
      26 months ago

      In the year of the cat.

  • @Mog_fanatic
    196 months ago

    The Ohio senator was asked by a journalist what can be done to stop school shootings. He said further restricting access to guns, as many Democrats advocate, won’t end them, noting they happen in states with both lax and strict gun laws. He touted efforts in Congress to give schools more money for security.

    I always find this weird because it just completely glosses over the possibilities of A) the restrictions not really doing anything/enough, B) the incredible ease by which someone can just… Go to another state, and C) how absurdly easy it is to purchase firearms in the secondary market.

    • @rayyy
      86 months ago

      they happen in states with both lax and strict gun laws.

      Can he back that up with a reputable source?
      Seems he is full of weird shit.

    • TonyOstrich
      66 months ago

      His argument isn’t even a valid/honest one. Take Illinois and Chicago specifically. They have stricter gun laws, but when a gun store in Indiana is just a 20-30 minute drive away those restrictions don’t do much because of how close by a place with lax laws is.

    • @NightwingdragonOP
      36 months ago

      Well, he has mastered the Trumpian art of finding a way to be wrong even when he isn’t wrong.

      He’s right in that more anti-gun laws that are largely toothless and/or performative won’t do jack shit. Of course, the reason for that is that the genie was out of the bottle decades ago. There are just simply too many guns out on the streets already for any kind of anti-gun law to be even remotely effective. If the first two steps of the process aren’t “Reduce the amount of guns currently out on the streets” and “Prevent new guns from made available to the public”, then everything else you try to do will be nothing more than a complete waste of time.

      Notice how all the laws that have been passed to combat school shootings with AR-15s have done exactly nothing to stop school shooters with AR-15s. There’s a reason for that.

      • @rayyy
        26 months ago

        He’s right in that more anti-gun laws that are largely toothless and/or performative won’t do jack shit.

        Source that is reputable?

  • The Pantser
    166 months ago

    Security will be automatically better if there are less guns.

    Less guns > Security

    • @evidences
      106 months ago

      Whoa there pardner, the only thing that stops a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun.

  • @Boddhisatva
    156 months ago

    It’s only a fact of life if people like Vance let it be. There is more than can be done besides turning schools into fortresses and thoughts and prayers.

    Oh look… another school shooting today.

    • @NightwingdragonOP
      106 months ago

      There is more than can be done besides turning schools into fortresses and thoughts and prayers.

      I have almost 20 years of experience working in the public school system. You know those “fortresses”? They’re also for show. Unless you’re literally putting every child through a metal detector individually (which would take way too much time), any student can easily sneak a weapon right in their backpack. Schools simply do not have the time or resources to be checking every individual student every time the metal detector goes off, assuming they have one in the first place. Those bulletproof windows don’t do shit when the shooter is in the building already. And any adult can socially engineer their way to access by simply claiming to be a parent, vendor, substitute teacher, or whatever. I have been to dozens of districts. The number of “fortresses” that could effectively stop a school shooter is exactly zero.

      Give me a public school building anywhere in the country, and I’ll show you ten ways that all of your security measures will do exactly nothing. I will bet large sums of money on it.

      • @Boddhisatva
        66 months ago

        Oh absolutely, it is security theater. I did not mean to suggest that turning schools into fortresses was a valid solution, it’s just the only solution being offered up by people like Vance.

        • @NightwingdragonOP
          46 months ago

          Yeah, I apologize. That came off as more argumentative than I intended. I wholeheartedly agree with you and was just trying to show the absurdity of the suggestion that turning our schools into fortresses would do a damn thing. Not only is it political theater, it’s a logistical, financial, and educational impossibility and any attempt at doing so could be easily thwarted in seconds in about 10 different ways.

          I mean for the love of God, a shooter could just it in their car across the street and fire into the schoolyard during recess, or when kids are coming to/leaving school. I don’t care if the school is built like ADX-Florence. You ain’t stopping that. There will always be a bottleneck that can be exploited.

          • @WoahWoah
            16 months ago

            Turn schools into prisons. Yard time, guard towers, defensive walls, barbed wire, full-time security, all visitors logged, everyone goes through the metal detectors, no one goes to the bathroom alone, no personal belongings allowed in the cells, errrr, classrooms, no windows.

            See? Problem solved. School! Yayyy!

            • @NightwingdragonOP
              6 months ago

              Unless they’re forced to live in the Fortress of Suck for the next 13 years of their lives and never, ever leave, there’s still the bottleneck that will happen every morning and every afternoon as kids come to and from school. They’ll be in a nice little stationary, single file line waiting to get into the building, or waiting for their children so they could leave.

              I mean, the would-be murderer still needs to figure out how to kill large quantities of people standing in a nice single-file line and not moving. It’s not like he’d have some kind of semi-automatic weapons easily available to them that can turn people into various splattermarks on the ground before they even have a chance to react, ri…oh…

              • @WoahWoah
                6 months ago

                Yeah, basically you drop your kid off when they turn 6 and then they serve their twelve-year sentence…errrr, I mean education, and you pick them up again when they are released/graduate. They are allowed to have one visit a month though, but we can remove that policy, that way the only exposure will be on the days they’re being dropped off and picked up. Given the distribution of birthdays, this should keep total numbers at any one priso… school low enough to make other targets more appealing for the would-be shooter.

                I’m glad to have worked on this with you, and I’m glad that we’ve saved public education in the United States. Ohhhhhsayyyycanuuuuuseeeee

                • @NightwingdragonOP
                  6 months ago

                  Given the distribution of birthdays, this should keep total numbers at any one priso… school low enough to make other targets more appealing for the would-be shooter.

                  Actually, assuming an even distribution of birthdays, this would mean that populations at any one cam…I mean school, of course…would be roughly evenly distributed. No deterrent for a would-be shooter who can just pick any school and expect similar results. No bueno. I think a better way of doing it would be to separate them by race skin tone ethnicity common background. Yeah, that’s it. Common background. Because there’s no racism or anything. Separating them by <cough> common background will make the groups small enough where even if the shooter does attack, at least the body counts will be kept to a minimum. I mean it’s not like there’s any other reason why a shooter may want to target people with certain common backgrounds, so we’re just really protecting these kids while they’re at these cam…schools. So they can, uh, concentrate. Yeah. Concentration. That’s the word of the day. We may be on to something here godblessamericalandthatIlove…

    • @iamtrashman1312
      76 months ago

      “It’s a tragic day, four days into the school year,” Gahler said at a news conference.

      Fucking grim

      • @Boddhisatva
        26 months ago

        The sheriff said a 16-year-old boy, for whom Friday was his first day at Joppatowne High School, shot a 15-year-old classmate in a bathroom. Gahler said it’s believed the victim was struck by a single gunshot.

        A student at a high school shoots another student in the school and that’s not a school shooting to you?

  • @Myxomatosis
    96 months ago

    JD being a couch-fucking weirdo is a fact of life as well.

  • @Westdragon
    66 months ago

    Somehow I get the impression his idea of “better security” is the local team of Gravy Seals patrolling campus looking for “trouble”. Trouble being minorities, girls, kids who look at them funny. That kind of thing.