• @JeeBaiChow
    21 day ago

    The audacity if this guy, making demands of the sitting vpotus.

    • @paf0
      9 days ago

      Yup, Trump doesn’t even have a tax return to show from last year and somehow he wants Kamala to have a W-2 from 40 years ago? What an ass.

      • @[email protected]
        289 days ago

        Trump has his tax returns. He’s just being audited by the IRS. Can’t release your taxes when you are under audited. Trump said so himself!

        Trump would never lie to us. /s

    • @CM400
      499 days ago

      Also his claim of being one of the top students in his class. Where’s the transcript?

  • @Hikermick
    1129 days ago

    Nobody lies about having worked at McDonald’s

    • Flying SquidOP
      679 days ago

      “I have the most basic of skills needed for one of the simplest of jobs out there!”


      • @[email protected]
        419 days ago

        It’s easy to mistake the scale of skill for jobs that actually require work when you have never actually worked one.

      • @PriorityMotif
        169 days ago

        One time we were busy AF, the owner comes in and tries to jump in and do the fry station. Not cooking the fries, just scooping and filling the little containers. He was pretty useless, realized he was just in the way, and apologized.

        • @[email protected]
          129 days ago

          Honestly, I’m just impressed the owner realized he was useless, and apologized. The franchise owner I worked for was an unpleasant, angry individual who would have just yelled at his overworked and underpaid employees for not keeping up with the lunch rush.

      • @[email protected]
        9 days ago

        as a dude who has worked in restaurants and offices… working in fast food isn’t the simplest job out there, like by a significant margin. That sentiment is propaganda to keep wages low and treat low wage earners like shit.

        however, I get that Trump thinks that way so your point still is right

        • Flying SquidOP
          99 days ago

          I don’t mean anything insulting to the workers by it. I’m just saying that high schoolers can handle a job like that easily. And used to before the economy went to shit.

      • @MattTheProgrammer
        48 days ago

        Tell me you never worked in food service without telling me you never worked in food service. Only clowns think it’s simple or easy.

      • @Johnmannesca
        28 days ago

        It’s all fun and games until thousand nugget Tim enters the lobby

    • @[email protected]
      89 days ago

      The only person I would suspect would lie about working at a McDonalds is actually Donald Trump because he is a compulsive liar and avoids having a stable relationship with reality. For literally anyone else, I don’t doubt it for a second, it’s just not worth lying about.

    • Flying SquidOP
      479 days ago

      They have nothing and every time they try to play what they think is their trump card (no pun intended) of “black woman,” it doesn’t work out for them.

      • @Eldritch
        179 days ago

        Trump card was always a colloquial slang. And I think it still works on it’s own. It’s just that instead of turning the tables. Today it means to toss the table over stomp about and act ineffectually childish.

        • skulblaka
          69 days ago

          In my circles “Trump card” has evolved to mean the exact opposite of what it used to. It used to mean “the one move that guarantees your win”, now it means “the move that guarantees your loss”.

          • @Archer
            18 days ago

            Gilt by association

    • @rayyy
      49 days ago

      Weird, just like the orange felon/rapist and his VP, and his latest editions, the very weird RFK Jr, and the totally weird Elon Musk.

  • @cabron_offsets
    939 days ago

    Holy hell, this is fucking tone deaf.

    I’d like to see proof that Trump worked half a day in his entire miserable life.

    • @[email protected]
      149 days ago

      There is proof. That’s why Trump was always golfing! Trump needed to golf to relax from all the hard working he was doing. It’s hard work doing absolutely fucking nothing except grifting people.

      • @rayyy
        59 days ago

        Trump was always golfing

        To avoid being recorded as he plotted the sell-out of the U.S.

  • The Real King Gordon
    809 days ago

    Thats fucking rich from a guy who never, ever, not ever provides any backup to his frivolous statements.

  • @apfelwoiSchoppen
    529 days ago

    What a weird thing to demand. I don’t have documentation for working my jobs that early in my career. Also turnover at McDonalds is probably 300%+ year over year. Most people have worked at McDonalds, lol.

    • Flying SquidOP
      209 days ago

      I am sure there is some way or other you could get a government record of where you worked when you were 18 or whatever, but it’s not worth even bothering to indulge them. She can just do the “next question” thing like she did in the CNN interview when they asked her about the racist attacks.

      • @Crazyslinkz
        129 days ago

        Probably not. Records are usually only saved for 10 years.

    • @dexa_scantron
      109 days ago

      One out of eight Americans have worked at McDonald’s.

  • @AA5B
    529 days ago

    Where’s the tax returns? Where’s the evidence you are a billionaire as you claim?

  • @UncleGrandPa
    529 days ago

    Ok… Can trump prove he ever HAD a job? Doing anything?

    • Flying SquidOP
      179 days ago

      Hey, reality TV host is a job. I’m sure he worked one, maybe two hours a week.

      • @[email protected]
        58 days ago

        If we’re going down this line of thought… he was also president for 4 years. Surely he must have worked a few of those days.

          • @[email protected]
            28 days ago

            Well just as much as he did a reality TV host. If you listen to people who worked with him, they had to hold his hand through the whole thing.

  • @RagingRobot
    489 days ago

    Why would anyone lie about working at McDonald’s? And if they did why would anyone care?

    • @auzy
      68 days ago

      Pretty much. This is like they stupid fucking brag Trump had about his golf game last debate.

      Who the fuck thinks something like this adds street cred lol

      I didn’t work Macca’s and I ain’t worth shit lol

    • JackbyDev
      58 days ago

      I can see a politician lying about working at McDonald’s to try and seem more like someone of the people so to speak.

  • @GaMEChld
    429 days ago

    Yawn, birth certificate bs again. Where’s the tax returns? Transcripts? Anything of corroboration we’ve ever demanded from Trump?

    Deflection and projection all day.

    • @[email protected]
      109 days ago

      Hey, he showed a bunch of manilla folders with stacks of papers that were totally not blank props and lied about divesting or whatever from his private companies that were a clear conflict of interest thrpighout his presidency. That totally counts!

    • @rayyy
      29 days ago

      Deflection and projection

      Well, yeah, but it is really weird deflection and projection. The best deflection and projection - everyone is saying it.

  • @[email protected]B
    329 days ago

    Look, I worked at Taco Bell in the 90s for three years. I would have one heck of a time trying to prove it without finding someone to confirm it. If I had just been there for a couple seasons, nobody would have remembered me.

    • Flying SquidOP
      209 days ago

      I have corroborating evidence that I worked in a Miami Subs and Grill in 1995 when I was 18 because the friends I worked there with (three of us) were all there the day the lady bought the $50 undersized bottle of Dom Perignon that the managers mystifyingly put in the little beer and wine case, drank it out of a paper cup with her meatball sub, and left.

      That’s the sort of shit you can’t make up. Or forget.

      • @RubberElectrons
        49 days ago

        Wow, life gets weird I’m the silliest ways sometimes lol.

    • HubertManne
      29 days ago

      I never worked fast food but thats because I had friends that did and avoided it like the plague. mowed lawns, baby sat, worked in a bookstore and a library, assisted janitors, painted, shipping and recieving. Closest I came was the dorm cafeteria but that one gave you a free meal every shift so I got on that.

        • HubertManne
          18 days ago

          80’s and 90’s and yeah. pretty much my word on it. If I was like dragged into court I could likely get some records suponed and maybe prove some of it. Heck even after that I worked for a contract engineering firm that did y2k remediation. Its on my resume way in the back (I utilized a multipage format where the first page could stand on its own) and on linkedin. It got bought out after I worked there and I think then eventually was closed up. My guess is they may have been bought for the software. I could drive to the buisiness park and maybe even identify the building where I used to go work but its not that place anymore and I don’t think I could get any evidence at all that I worked there and im like pretty sure I can not even prove it ever existed but maybe. Its like the first job in my tech career.

  • @bitjunkie
    9 days ago

    This from the third-generation real estate tycoon fraudster who is worth significantly less than if he’d just stuck his inheritance in an index fund. And then if she does play his game and actually provides proof, either it’s fake or she’s “just a waitress” like AOC. Pass.

  • The Pantser
    289 days ago

    The golden arches is like holy ground to the ole hamberderer. Her working there is really messing with his beliefs.

    • @[email protected]
      119 days ago

      “Who knows, maybe you’ve had some of my cooking, donald”

      I’m not sure exactly why, but I think that could break him.

    • @rayyy
      19 days ago

      The golden arches

      … and golden showers.