• Nougat
    2448 days ago

    “Your running mate, J.D. Vance, has said that you would veto [an abortion ban] if it did come to your desk,” said ABC News anchor Linsey Davis, referring to Vance’s statement last month that Trump “explicitly” told him that he would veto a federal abortion ban.

    “Well I didn’t discuss it with J.D., in all fairness. And I don’t mind if he has a certain view, but I don’t think he was speaking for me,” Trump said on the debate stage, before stumbling through the rest of his words. “We don’t have to discuss it.”

    When JD Vance says that Trump “‘explicitly’ told him that he [Trump] would veto a federal abortion ban”, I believe JD Vance. Whatever was happening in the room at the time, Trump thought that that statement would be most beneficial to him personally in that moment. When Trump said the opposite thing in the debate, it’s because he thought that would be most beneficial to him personally in that moment.

    The only thing that matters to Trump is what he thinks is best for him personally right now. Ethics are irrelevant. Legality is irrelevant. Continuity is irrelevant. Reality is irrelevant. He does not remember the past and he cannot conceive of the future. “Me, now” is the only thing that matters to him. There is no big picture. His entire universe is a singularity of “me, now.”

    • Coelacanth
      778 days ago

      The only thing that matters to Trump is what he thinks is best for him personally right now. Ethics are irrelevant. Legality is irrelevant. Continuity is irrelevant. Reality is irrelevant. He does not remember the past and he cannot conceive of the future. “Me, now” is the only thing that matters to him. There is no big picture. His entire universe is a singularity of “me, now.”

      Best summary of Trump I’ve read yet.

    • @Beardwin
      438 days ago

      This is how he has always operated. People tend to forget.

    • @[email protected]
      198 days ago

      I believe Trump when he said that he never discussed that with Vance.

      It was actually John Barron!

      That’s right, baby! The Barron is back and more senile than ever and he’s speaking exclusively to J.D. Vance.

      ^Good God, I fucking hate that this joke could be real^

      • @cheese_greater
        128 days ago

        They’re different people and totally don’t have two 2 other family members’ names, including his alter ego, Donnie “Johnny” Trump

        • @[email protected]
          158 days ago

          “So, Mr. Barron-”

          “No, I’ve told you so many times, Baron is my son.”

          “Wait, are you saying that you’re actually Donald Trump?”

          “No, no, of course not. I’m John Miller. Definitely not Trump. Never even met Trump.”

          “Okaaaayyyy… Mr. Miller-”

          “You don’t have to be so formal. Please, just call me President Trump.”

          • @cheese_greater
            48 days ago

            This reminds me of the Competitive Endurance Tickling episode of The Dollop, the guy financing all of it had several online personas they mocked because it was so transparently all the one guy who clearly didn’t want to have it all traced back to him

  • @[email protected]
    728 days ago

    Cause Trump is incapable of admitting fault. He wanted his supporters to kill his last VP because Pence recognized that America didn’t want Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      267 days ago

      Let’s not give Pence more credit than he deserves. Pence didn’t decline to support Trump out of a sense of duty or because he cares about Americans, but because Dan Quayle (!) told him he had no choice in the matter:

      Over and over, Pence asked if there was anything he could do.

      ‘Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away,’ Quayle told him.

      Pence pressed again.

      ‘You don’t know the position I’m in,’ he said, according to the authors.

      ‘I do know the position you’re in,’ Quayle responded. ‘I also know what the law is. You listen to the parliamentarian. That’s all you do. You have no power.’

      source: How Dan Quayle saved democracy. Yes, really.

  • @NABDad
    658 days ago

    Donald Trump’s response if asked:

    "I’ve never met J.D. Vance. I don’t know who he is. People tell me he’s a fan, but I’ve never met him.

  • @chakan2
    528 days ago

    JD knew what he signed up for. It’s being Trump’s bitch and not certifying the election results.

    He’s the cushion for pushin in this election.

    • @Ersatz86
      258 days ago

      Well, when you couch it in those terms…

    • @friend_of_satan
      87 days ago

      Seriously. How did he not understand that he’s the gimp in this relationship? Trump is going to dominate and abuse him. How does he not understand that’s what he signed up for?

      • @chakan2
        37 days ago

        He understands…he’s a power bottom…he’s ok with the role.

  • originalucifer
    278 days ago

    funny, everyone else can.

    that piece of shit will park a bus on literally anyone that isnt named donald trump

    • @AbidanYre
      208 days ago

      I’m pretty sure Jr would end up under a bus just as fast as anyone else.

  • @vegeta
    268 days ago

    J.D. is just War Boy fodder to Colonel Bone Spurs

    • @Boddhisatva
      8 days ago

      Cadet Bonespurs. He’s never held a real rank. He’s a draft dodger.

      • @[email protected]
        08 days ago

        Draft dodging in a conflict where we were the bad guys is the moral decision though.

        I don’t understand why people bring up his stopped clock moments as a gotcha.

        • @[email protected]
          118 days ago

          He has never given any indication that he did it for moral reasons. He has consistently described service members as suckers and has expressed confusion about why anyone would be willing to serve. Have you ever seen any indication that Trump was opposed to the war in general or is a pacifist or skipped out for any reason other than it is unpleasant and dangerous? Granted, I don’t know that Bill Clinton was super anti-war either, but I guess it bothers me less when the draft dodgers don’t openly mock service members and POWs.

          • @[email protected]
            7 days ago

            He has never given any indication that he did it for moral reasons

            Yes, hence why I referred to it as a stopped-clock moment, as in “a stopped clock is right twice a day”.

            I am not accusing Donald Trump of having any moral integrity.

            it bothers me less when the draft dodgers don’t openly mock service members and POWs.

            Nah, John “I hate the [slur for asians], I will hate them as long as I live.” Mccaine was a ghoul who is rotting in hell, everyone should be mocking him.

            On one hand, getting shot down stopped him from murdering more Vietnamese people, on the other hand, if Jane Fonda hadn’t shot him down, he’d have probably kept crashing planes.

        • @rockSlayer
          48 days ago

          People are hoping, almost unconsciously, that hypocrisy still matters

    • @[email protected]
      127 days ago

      They aren’t confused. They want the base to understand that Trump would definitely pass an abortion ban, but they don’t want to say that outright so that they can keep a few more votes from people who aren’t paying close attention.

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    158 days ago

    What do they say about beware meeting your hero? Vance has finally met his hero - the real Donald Trump.

    Maybe Vance should be a bit more discerning in who he idolizes. Though this is just a sample from a life of ill-advised life choices that stem from being an immoral, stupid sack of shit.

      • @chetradley
        137 days ago

        Exactly. He’s still the same person who thinks Trump is “America’s Hitler”, he just realized he has a lot to gain from being Hitler’s #2.

      • @[email protected]
        37 days ago


        Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick Ohio Sen. JD Vance was once a fervent critic of the former president. In private messages, he wondered ahead of Trump’s election whether he was “America’s Hitler” and in 2017 said the then-president was a “moral disaster.” In public, he agreed Trump was a “total fraud” who didn’t care about regular people and called him “reprehensible.”


    • @Dkarma
      68 days ago

      Vance was asking for it. U see the couch he was wearing???

  • ohellidk
    68 days ago

    Cuz that’s what narcissists do! Its about meeeeeeee!