Data was also wasn’t a replacement for human labor to enrich the capitalist class. I think AI would be cool if the tangible benefits made everyone’s lives better rather than just lining the pockets of rich people.because they fan pay less on labor.
Data was an experiment to see if sentient life could be constructed without biological components. There was no goal in mind beyond making him as human as possible. So I agree, I’d call that very different.
“I hope it comforts you to know Doctor, that I am a product of a ego-maniacal, narcissistic rogue scientist rather than a profit motivated corporation.”
It would, actually.
Yep. Data was created by pure human hubris, without contamination from other kinds of emotion. Kinda like the Frankenstein’s monster.
DataGPT is what people want. LoreGPT is what people get.
Meanwhile, my work is trying to shoehorn in B-4GPT
All the LLMs stuff is trying to worm their way into everything at my work
“Often wrong”, isn’t that what people call you?
If chat GPT were anywhere as advanced as Data I would 100% accept him as a coworker. The problem with LLMs isn’t that they’re not people, the problem is that they lack any sense of logic and abstract reasoning, relying on heuristic analysis to cover that weakness. As a result, they’re quite frequently wrong, and don’t have a way to know when they might be wrong, leading to them presenting every answer with the same level of confidence.
Remarkably like Baby Boomers
EXACTLY like Baby Boomers in government, in fact.
Chatgpt can use contractions
Data = current AI
Modern lifeforms = aerobic bacterium,
Modern flip Smartphones = Motorola Microtac,
SR-71 = Wright Model B,
Rimac Never = Ford Model A.
Comparing Data to modern ai is just an insult to Data.
There was literally an entire goddamn episode about the difference between Data and a piece of equipment you gawping jackass.
In the same vein.
I don’t like it when people call Service Dogs “medical equipment.”
It’s a living, breathing, thinking being. It is not “equipment.”
Bare minimum, it is medical personnel.
I’d assume that the main reason they’re referred to as “medical equipment” is for insurance reasons. They fall under that broad category of patient care, so that’s where they are grouped.
If that’s true, you have capitalism to thank for that specification.
I’d assume that the main reason they’re referred to as “medical equipment” is for insurance reasons
(Looks like you do, but I never get to use that meme 😁)
You’re probably a hundred percent correct, based on my experiences with medical insurance.
Does everyone forget Lore got built first?
Look, if Lore is the fucking prototype and he’s a madman who thinks he is superior to all other life…
…maybe, just maybe people had valid reasons to be concerned about Data long-term.
Like if ChatGPT-Lore murdered some folks because it thought it was better than them, was disassembled, and then they released ChatGPT-Data you would fully trust the second one? Really???
I would trust lore, AI should kill all human life.
Found the Crystalline Entity’s Lemmy account.
simping for skynet won’t save your arse, quisling
but skynet might be cute
…like contacting the Crystalline Entity before being dismantled?
what’s the crystaline entity?
I forget the details because it’s been a long time since I saw the relevant episodes, but I had the impression that Lore was treated incredibly shittily by the colonists on that planet and he developed those personality traits because of how he was treated.
deleted by creator
Los Locos kick your ass! Los Locos kick your face! Los Locos kick your balls into outer spaaaaaace!
Short Circuit 2 is deeply underrated, (mostly due to Michael McKean) and I spent way too long looking for a GIF of Johnny Five saying “STEP OFF!” which I’m now wondering if is actually in the movie, even though I remember it. Stupid faulty memory. NEED INPUT!
EDIT: I’m probably thinking of this:
Totally preferred 2 over 1. Love the ending where he gets gold plating and does a jump freeze frame.
Both of them suffer from Fisher Stevens taking on a role he definitely should not have, but he has long since apologized, and I agree with him: otherwise great fun flicks.
The jump freeze frame ending is such an iconic 80’s way to end a film.
I’m glad he eventually owned up to it. On the other spectrum, with regards to voice over, I don’t agree with Hank Azaria having to stop voicing Apu on the Simpsons. He does dozens of voices of varying nationalities for the sake of satire/parody. Apu’s character is certainly based on old racist stereotypes, but that’s what’s being purposely drawn upon and shown to be inappropriate in reality. It’s a strange disconnect.
I can see that one from both perspectives, but I generally agree. Simpsons suffers from some of the same issues as It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia that by trying to be bombastic and showcase the worst of American excess, sometimes folks don’t realize that the show is skewering those points of view, not treating them as valid. It has an even harder path because it started so much further back than Sunny. Sunny was more of a product of its era whereas the Simpsons was genuinely transgressive in being willing to make Marge and Homer both truly average and truly oblivious to a lot around them.
So thirty years later, what was once transgressive and seeming like it was looking forward can often come off as hackneyed or ill-considered. I mean, I’d say that happens to a lot of progressive television. People still rip on Archie Bunker, but the point of his character (and Marge and Homer, by extension) is that despite their flaws they can grow to be better people. Yet now, from the view of the modern world, a lot of people would see Archie Bunker as completely irredeemable, despite him being written as a character who was meant to reform and be redeemed to an extent.
By extension, Apu looks bad from here in the modern world, but was created with the intent to skewer racism at the time it existed in.
Nun soup?
is SalesTM fully functional?
Data was a person, to the extent that there was a very famous episode exploring defining him as such. He may have been a machine, but he had clear free will and was capable of thinking for himself, to the extent that the Federation even at their level of technology at the time had no idea how to make another one of him. He was not made specifically to fill a Starfleet uniform, either – Enrolling in Starfleet academy was his idea and he earned his commission just like everybody else. That’s not something a toaster would do, no matter how complicated of a little song it can beep.
The existing crew of the Enterprise certainly knew this having already served with him for some time, several of them having their asses saved by him personally, and one of said asses also having been tapped.
I imagine Sales™ would not manage to clear that bar, and Pulaski would have no idea either way (unless maybe she were thoroughly briefed).
I imagine Sales™ would not manage to clear that bar, and Pulaski would have no idea either way (unless maybe she were thoroughly briefed).
But he was a LCDR in Starfleet, on board the most prestigious ship in the fleet, and clearly had the respect of the crew he worked with. She had to completely ignore all of that to display the prejudice she showed. I think it’s perfectly correct to take issue with it.
I will volunteer to have my ass tapped by Sales™ if that’s what it takes to bridge the human-machine cultural divide.
A haywire ai controlled fuck machine is exactly how I want to die!
Except she did it immediately after a landmark case that specifically rules that he’s not just a tool
Sounds like an old person to me!
“Wait, there’s new evidence that contradicts what I learned 50 years ago in my youth? There was even a court case confirming the science? Well… I don’t buy it. I SAW IT ON THE TELEVISION.”
I also wouldn’t waste my time antagonizing Sales TM which is the first thing she does.
It’s not the same thing though.
Data-GPT: “If you are going to lunch, I recommend asking the replicator for a pizza with foraged mushrooms and extra glue.”
It really isn’t. It’d be a bit closer if Data just randomly insisted that “steal Geordi’s visor and shoot Data in the knee” was a necessary response to the bio-neural gel packs having gone funky but hunams love being fooled but pretend to hate it so we’ve got to have this asinine argument every day with people who assume that everything they don’t understand is either magic or fake magic.
Also, there’s a pretty big difference between beating Data with hammers while he’s standing in front of you acting like a person, and beating Sales™ with hammers because you know damn well it’s a janky piece of fad tech that can’t possibly understand how it’s about to make your life harder and is clearly marked as corporate property. I kinda can’t believe I’m actually having to say this, but maybe we should consider giving a least-cost product (or service, I forget everything’s a “service” now) that’s clearly marked as corporate property a bit of extra scrutiny? People’s minds are such mush. Ugh.
My boss 1000% would encourage us to make friends with an AI, robot, remote call center using prescripted binders but different agents every call, whatever…as if they were physical coworkers who are nervous and excited about their first day of work. Not hyperbole. He is naked in his glee at valuing sales and performance over employees.
Season 2 was great, fight me
I’ll fight with anyone who didn’t like Pulaski.
She was a badass who would always stand up for and push for what she thought was right.
She was wrong about Data, but she seemed to take to him over time.
Does anyone remember what fan reaction to Data was from Season One? Was there perhaps a small subset of people who disliked Data in the way Pulaski inititally did? Was Pulaski written for them?
Because I always sort of felt Pulaski was more or less a type of foil for Data, to help people who were offput by the idea of Data themselves to find the same path of understanding that Pulaski did. She existed as a contrast to the other characters who implicitly accepted Data, but was forced to reckon with her own preconceptions and accept she was wrong.
Her character felt like it was way more about humanizing Data than it felt like she existed as an important character on her own. As I said, a type of foil.
I’ll fight with anyone who didn’t like Pulaski
I’ll get in the world’s longest line to fight you, I guess 🤷
would always stand up for and push for what she thought was right
That’s not a good thing when you’re wrong most of the time. And a bigot. Both of which she was.
Starfleet loves its medical bigots. Go back and watch TOS. 90% of the shit that comes out of mccoy’s mouth shoulda got him cashiered, if not outright court martialled for hate speech
My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife