My money is on Janeway.
Now let’s pit the Deadlock Janeways, Mimetic Janeway, and future Janeway in a cage match.
Mimetic Janeway has zero fucks to give and a short fuse. Best if she acts first.
Tell her Ensign McEnsignface will ultimately have command of her ship, and that might put her on the off-foot.
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Plot twist: both fleets consist exclusively of time travel clones of Voyager
The Zerg lady looks like someone who was fused with a spider in a transporter accident. She’d be split into her base creatures before Janeway’s coffee got cold
Janeway’s pretty good at throwing shoes.
You’re not far off. She was formerly human with psionic abilities. But she was captured, and because of those psionic abilities the Zerg decided to transform her into a new queen to make themselves more powerful.
It was basically the Borg assimilating a powerful entity, because they believe it will make them stronger.
With, or without coffee?
Please clarify: is there coffee inside the Zerg?
Oh hell, we all know the outcome of this match: if there’s no coffee then Janeway just slaughters them all out of spite. Either way, this Zerg rush is over before it began (presumably with her endless supply of, what was it, something like negative 100 proton torpedos?:-P).
Edit: plot armor, the most destructive thing in the universe bar none:-D.
With coffee: Janeway wins from pure efficiency
Without coffee: Janeway wins from pure spiteUnless she’s one of those… other Janeways, but we don’t talk about them, no we don’t Bruno…
We don’t talk about “Other Janeway”
Jane the other way, even.
It’s like those choose-your-own adventure stories. Except in this one the only choice was to have glanced at it or not, cause after that it’s out of your control. And the title is:
Okay, so I’ll preface this by saying I don’t know enough about StarTrek Voyager to give an educated opinion and I do know where I’m posting, but I am an avid Zerg fan so I’ll throw in my 2 cents.
Now Starcraft obviously does not include the USS Voyager in its list of units, but it does have a large deep space exploration unit called the Battle cruiser. Battle cruisers are massive ships housing between 4000 and 7000 crew, dwarfing the 150 that the USS Voyager is reported to have on the wiki.
Kerrigan of course has access to all kinds of psyonic powers herself, but most importantly she controls the zerg as (mostly) mindless drones. Her most valuable unit in this exchange would likely be a Corrupter as they are powerful air to air combat units. Corrupters are relatively cheap and fast to produce meaning she can create dozens of them in just a small time, and it takes about 5 to destroy one battle cruiser.
The USS Voyager being smaller than a battle cruiser could be seen as a strength instead of a weakness when it comes to out maneuvering the relatively slow corrupters, but they have an ability (aptly named Corruption) that allows them to lock a unit in place, unable to move, completely nullifying any benefit it would recieve from maneuverability.
One thing I would say in favor of the USS Voyager in this fight is range. Corrupters attack by spitting some kind of acidic goo at the target which in space wouldn’t necessarily effect the range, but it would have a travel time. Because of this, a kiting patten of dodging shots and staying far away, while returning accurate at distance laser fire would likely be a winning strategy as long as they could keep it up.
All in all I guess what I’m trying to say is I think this fight would be a lot closer than some commenter are saying, and this was very fun to think about :)
TLDR : If Janeway stays far away, she could win, if the zerg catch up to her, she will lose (imo)
Pattern buffer go BRRRRRRRR
Janeway, no contest.
First beat then negotiated peace with Species 8472.
Bested multiple enemies who used time travel.
Made the Borg look like chumps several times.
Survived years of Neelix’s cooking.
What is Kerrigan going to do that Janeway hasn’t already dealt with?
Well, one would have to first think of an elaborate Voyagery backstory on how they get to be adversaries.
Prob like a mind-erasing holo-deck mishap where they think one is the daughter and the other one the mom, they live on a farming planet where a war breaks out & the daughters boytoy is on the opposing side so now they will inevitably face each other in battle.
Then the Borg queen boards Voyager, doesn’t find the simulation as amusing as the crew (which watch it as a reality show non-stop & perform none of their regular duties), assimilates the ship entirely but gets poisoned by all the residual coffee particles on board and dies.
The sim on holodeck continues uninterrupted.
Seven of Nine starts drinking coffee.
I dont know why, but I think the doctor would somehow make this a win for the voyager, since he is a hologram.